YOONGI: when you accidentally reveal your relationship

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when you accidentally reveal your relationship

You and Yoongi had been a couple for a whole year now but it had taken lots of efforts and tears until you got here. His company hadn't been very supportive of the idea of him dating, knowing how Korean media often reacted to such things. Though they weren't too happy about the possible consequences, they didn't want to intervene in his personal life. So after many, many gatherings and discussions the both of you managed to ensure the company you would take extra caution to keep your relationship a secret. The conditions were tough. At times, you wondered how you endured all of it. Seeing your boyfriend was one of the hardest things in the world. You always had to leave in separate cars and you always had to stay back with the staff to not cause suspicions.

Sharing a hotel room was impossible so that you always had to stay in different ones. You often facetimed in such nights, even though you were only a couple rooms apart it felt like you were one hundred miles away from each other. Being so close yet so far apart was probably worse than a long distance relationship because he was always in reach but you still couldn't be with him whenever you felt like it or you needed him. You tried not to show and always kept a pretty smile on your face to make sure he didn't worry about you. He was very sensitive anyways and always stressed out. To add onto his stress was the last thing you wanted to do. So you always kept it all inside and tried to stay strong for him. But it was exhausting.

You had pretty much giving up your own life for the sake of your relationship, following your boyfriend around anywhere. Though he always told you, you didn't have to come and could take a rest, you could tell by the fear in his eyes that he desperately needed you there with him. You cared too much about him to ignore the signs. So you always shook your head no and told him that you didn't need rest, that you would come with him wherever. Despite all of your hardships, it was all worth it in the end of the day because of the little moments you would share. When he collapsed into your arms after every concert, when he stole quick kisses when people weren't looking or when he snuck into your hotel room at 3am for cuddles.

To see him genuinely smile and his eyes sparkle when he saw you, was what kept you going. That was all you needed.

It was another long day. Yoongi was at a rehearsal for the concert in the evening and you were backstage as always helping out the staff where you could. At least this way you didn't feel as useless. You hated sitting around not doing anything, so you always asked where you could help. Today a few reporters were backstage, filming stuff for a short documentary about the boys. This meant that you had to be extra cautious. Today you would be a regular staff member and not Yoongi's girlfriend. When the boys came back from the rehearsal, the reporters interviewed them all separately.

It was Yoongi's turn as you returned backstage after helping the staff on the stage with some stuff. Yoongi's eyes met yours for a split second before he quickly adverted his gaze from you, acting all unfazed and uninterested. It always stung a little when he looked away like that. Gulping, you turned to the rack of clothes and began to sort through them. When the reporter suddenly asked Yoongi whether he wasn't getting lonely during tour and whether there was someone special to keep him company, you accidentally hit your head on the rack. Everyone in the room turned to you, including Yoongi.

"So-sorry" you nervously chuckled, "I am very clumsy haha..."

"Yeah, I see" the reporter said rather rudely. Yoongi clenched his fist at that, biting his lip to prevent himself from saying something. "Well anyways, where were we? Ah right, so is there someone you are spending your lonely nights in hotels with?" the interviewer asked in a smug tone. You rolled your eyes. What a rude question, you thought.

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