JIN: Crushing on You

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crushing on you

Jin had a huge crush on you ever since he first laid eyes on you. You were both working part-time at a café since a few months now and had grown pretty close to each other. While you saw Jin only as a colleague and at most as a friend, he was daydreaming about taking you on dates.

You were oblivious to the fact that Jin liked you even though he wasn't doing a good job of hiding his crush on you.

He stood in front of the café shop, patiently waiting for you to turn up so that you could prepare everything for the day. It was early in the morning and the air was crisp. Though Jin originally wasn't a morning person, he had grown to very much like mornings ever since he started working with you. You both always opened the café together at 8am. He loved how you drank a cup of hot coffee together before the busy day full on started. The peaceful atmosphere in the coffee shop in the mornings was very cozy and Jin loved nothing more than spending time with you alone.

When you finally arrived on your bicycle, Jin smiled sheepishly at you. Your cheeks were tinted with a soft blush due to the cold morning air and he couldn't help but fall more for your adorable face.

"Good morning" you greeted him with a warm smile. Jin's heart fluttered.

"Good morning" he responded, taking the keys from you to unlock the doors.

You immediately went to the staff room to change into your working clothes, whilst Jin already prepared your usual coffee order. Once your apron was on and your hair tugged away underneath a cap, you quickly mopped the floors until your coffee was ready. In the meanwhile, Jin got dressed in his working clothes too.

Soon enough the both of you were seated at the table at the window, enjoying your coffee as per usual. It was your daily routine.

Whilst you stared out the window, letting your mind go blank, Jin watched you with awestruck eyes.

He had completely zoned out, absorbed by your effortless beauty, when you turned to him. Noticing his eyes on you, you chuckled.

"Zoning out again? Haven't you gotten enough sleep? You look dazed" you commented. It's because of you, Jin thought. I look like a lovesick puppy.

"I guess, I am still tired" he lied. "Do you like your coffee?" he asked.

Nodding eagerly, you took another sip.

"It's delicious" you smiled, "I like the coffee you make me the best."

He smiled, suddenly bashful.

"Of course, I am the best barista around" he praised himself to play it cool.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say" you teased, getting up from your seat. "Let's get started. We will be probably very busy today, considering it's Friday."


Jin always watched out for you. He never let you carry heavy things. When he had time, he always did the dishes before you could get to it since he knew how clumsy you were. He always carried around band-aids because you always somehow managed to hurt yourself. Sometimes his heart broke seeing your bruised arms even though you weren't a sensitive one when it came to pain. Usually you didn't even notice the bruises until Jin asked you about them.

"Remember how you ran into the glass door on Wednesday and fell backwards? Your elbows are bruised" he commented, sighing.

"What? Really?" you said, taking a look at your elbows in a weird angle. "Whoops"

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