JIMIN: When you are his makeup artist

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He couldn't take his eyes off of you. Whenever you were near him, his heart rate would pick up on its pace and his palms would get sweaty. It was so hard to pretend as if he didn't have feelings for you, when you were all that he could think about. You were their new makeup artist and had been with them on tour for a month now. As soon as his eyes had landed on you, he knew he would never forget those eyes ever again. He could vividly remember the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach when your eyes had met for the first time. Never before had he felt something like this for someone else before. You were very professional and tried not to talk too much, strictly focusing on your work. It was hard at times when you could feel Jimin's eyes lingering on you.

In such moments it took all of your willpower not to connect your eyes with him. Your fingers would sometimes shake when he looked intensely at you, making it impossible for you to work with a calm hand. The other boys weren't a problem, they never paid much attention to you. It was Jimin who particularly made you so nervous. You tried hard to avoid having to do his makeup, afraid that he might notice that you liked him. This job was very important to you and you didn't want to risk losing it because you had a crush on one of the members. So you gave your all to act like a professional, keeping your distance.

The concert was going to start in two hours and it was time to do the boy's makeup again.

As you entered the room, you saw Jimin already sitting in his chair, waiting on you. When he saw you, a smile instantly grew on his lips.

"Hey" he said and you gave him a small nod, immediately getting to work. You were sorting through the makeup brushes, trying to pass some time until the other members and makeup artists came too, so that you could start with someone else and hope that one of the other makeup artists would do Jimin's makeup.

As you were rummaging through the makeup bag, Jimin watched you closely. You were wearing your hair down today for a change. Usually you had your hair up in a messy bun or tight ponytail. Your brown locks fell beautifully on your shoulders, and he struggled not to stare at you.

He had this burning desire to run his fingers through your soft hair. The longer he looked at you, the more he could feel his chest tighten painfully. Sometimes he wondered whether someone could die because of how much they loved someone. The longing he felt towards you was so intense that he felt it slowly tearing him apart sometimes. Yet he couldn't make a move. A lump would form in his throat whenever he tried to go past the usual small talk. His heart would race so violently in his chest that he worried he might suffer a heart attack any second whenever you accidentally touched his lips. Ever since your arrival, he had made it a mission to be the first backstage knowing that you always arrived extra early to prepare everything. He only wanted you to do his makeup.

Though it was childish of him, he couldn't help the pang of jealousy that shot through him whenever you did the other boy's makeup. It was unbearable for him to watch you touch their faces and hair. He hated himself for feeling this way, for being possessive over you. He knew you weren't an object that he could own, but yet he couldn't help but feel like you belonged to him and only him. There were times when he just wanted to put you in his pocket and hide you from the others. Was it because you were precious to him? Was it because he was afraid you might fall in love with someone else than him? Was it because he didn't want someone else to fall in love with you? He didn't know why. He couldn't explain these feelings to him other than that he was madly in love with you.

The clock was ticking and Jimin was growing nervous as you were taking too long with your makeup brushes. The others would be arriving one by one now, and he didn't want you to start with someone else. Patiently he waited a couple more minutes, constantly glancing over at you. When Jungkook and Jin came and took their seats, Jimin frowned feeling his mood darken.

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