HOSEOK - Going to a funfair with him

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going to a funfair with him

The sweet smell of cotton candy was in the air, colorful lights illuminating the darkness and high-pitched screams, laughter and music rang through the night. Your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend's, you walked through the funfair hand in hand.
Whilst you were beaming with excitement as you approached the roller coaster, your boyfriend's face was growing paler and paler. Noticing his anxious expression, you couldn't help but chuckle, holding his hand tighter.

"Hoseok if you don't want to, you don't have to go on the ride with me" you reminded him.

"Huh ?" he absentmindedly asked, eyes fixated on the roller coaster still.

You reached the end of the line and began to wait for your turn. Turning to face him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, forcing him to look at you. When he finally turned his gaze to you, you nuzzled your nose against his.

"Babe, you don't have to torture yourself" you chuckled in amusement, "It's okay if you are scared."

Hoseok's eyes widened at the word 'scared' and he immediately gathered himself, trying to look as if he was totally cool with going on the roller coaster.

"Why would I be scared ? I am not scared" he claimed, though you could clearly see the panic in his eyes. He was so cute, acting all tough and manly even though he was probably shitting his pants already.

"Okay if you say so" you said, trying to hide your amusement. Leaning in you stole a quick kiss from his lips. You smiled at him, hoping it would relax him a little but when he smiled that fake smile he always smiled when he was trying not to show he was scared for his life, you knew you couldn't give him any comfort.

Hoseok was afraid of many things in life - snakes, bugs, roller coasters, heights, horror movies and the list continues - but he never backed up on anything. No matter how scared he was, he always went through with everything. It was very funny to observe him in such situations. It wasn't that you enjoyed watching your boyfriend suffer, but you couldn't deny how amusing his facial expressions and behavior in general was. You were holding his hand, but could feel his palms getting sweaty. Poor guy was literally getting the jitters. He discreetly slipped his hand out of yours and pretended to fix his hair. Biting your lip in order not to giggle, you watched him silently. He was watching the roller coaster closely with parted lips, a deep frown on his forehead.

When it was finally your turn, you once again took your boyfriend's hand in yours and looked at him.

"You sure you want to go on this ?" you asked him one last time. This time he actually hesitated a moment before he nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, let's do this" he said in a manner, which sounded more like 'let's get this over with'.

Getting into your seats, you fastened your safety belt. You watched Hoseok struggle to fasten his own belt with his shaky fingers. Leaning over, you removed his hand gently and fastened his belt for him.

"Thanks" he mumbled, not even bothering to plaster on a fake smile anymore. He was full on in panic mode now. It took all of your willpower not to burst out in laughter. Hoseok intertwined his fingers with yours, holding onto your hand tightly, as he stared into thin air with an anxious expression.

"Babe, loosen up, this is supposed to be fun" you told him, kissing his cheek.

"Hmmhm" he mumbled, not really listening to you.

When the roller coaster slowly started to move, you felt Hoseok's grip on your hand tighten in an instant.

"(Y/N)" he suddenly blurted, but never got to finish his sentence when the roller coaster suddenly picked up on speed and raced up the first slope. Hoseok's muscles painfully clenched, and he felt his whole body go stiff. He held his breath when you momentarily halted at the peak. Dizziness overcame him suddenly, and he felt sick to his stomach.

"(Y/N)" he began again and you turned to look at him. You didn't want to laugh at him, but you couldn't help a chuckle escaping your lips when you saw his face. He looked like he was about to pass out.

Before you could say anything, the roller coaster zoomed down. Hoseok let out the highest pitched scream you had yet heard and you began to laugh so hard, that you were afraid you would pee your pants. He was crushing your hand, but you couldn't care less because all you could focus on were his loud screams. Easily he would drown out a pregnant woman giving birth.

"LET ME OUT" he yelled and you felt your stomach clench because of how hard you were laughing. Literal tears were running down your face.

"Hoseok, damn calm down" you told him in between your laughter. When a looping came, you suddenly felt his grip on your hand loosen up and his cries cease. Turning to him, you saw that he had passed out, his head had fallen back and was uncontrollably falling from side to side. You panicked when you saw him in such state and began to hit his arm.

"Hoseok" you shouted at him, "Hey, Hoseok wake up."

He pried his eyes open, looking around in disorientation before he continued where he had left off, screaming his lungs out. Only a matter of seconds later he passed out again and this time you broke into hysterical laughter. This went on for the reminder of the ride, Hoseok gaining consciousness and then passing out again. At the end of the ride, your face was stained with tears and your stomach hurt from laughing so much, whereas Hoseok almost lifelessly was laid back in his seat with his eyes closed, helplessly trying to recover from the near death experience.

"Oh my fucking god, baby" you said, wiping the tears from your eyes, still chuckling, "I almost died from laughter."

Your boyfriend didn't respond nor react to you, unable to move. All the color was drained from his face and his limbs were limp. Unfastening your and his belt, you helped your boyfriend get out of his seat. His legs were wobbly, and he held onto you in order not to lose balance. Taking his arm and putting it around your neck, you wrapped an arm around his waist to support him. Walking him to a nearby wall, you leaned him against it. Then you grabbed his face and looked at his exhausted face. He looked so handsome though he had just gone to hell and back. Tousling his soft hair, you smiled cutely at him.

"Ah (Y/N), I have literally lost the feeling in my legs" he said and you laughed once again. Quickly stopping yourself, you tried to be serious.

"My poor baby" you said, kissing the tip of his nose, "You were so brave."

"I couldn't breathe" he told you, the fear still in his eyes. He truly looked traumatized.

"Same though" you said, "I have never laughed this hard in my whole entire life."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at you, looking annoyed. Kissing his soft lips sweetly, you felt him smile into the kiss.

"You know that you can't make it up to me with just one kiss, don't you ?" he mumbled against your lips, eyes still closed. Pulling away, you grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you.

"Come on then, I will win a flamingo plushie for you and buy you cotton candy" you exclaimed, determined. Hoseok couldn't help but smile ear to ear at your excitement even though he had expected a slightly different repayment.

The both of you spent the rest of the night strolling through the fair and enjoying each other's company.

*A/N follow my imagine page on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight :)

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