JUNGKOOK: When He Steals Your First Kiss

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when he steals your first kiss

Jungkook had the longest crush on you. You lived in the same neighborhood and knew each other since a long time. You also worked together in a bakery nearby on the weekends. Jungkook came to pick you up in the morning at 6 am. Your shift always started this early, because you had to prepare everything first before the bakery opened at 8.

When you came out your house, Jungkook was stood in your front yard, looking very sleepy with his eyes puffy and face swollen. You were the only one to get to see him like this every morning.

"Good morning koo" you gently said, handing him your tumbler which was filled with warm coffee. This was your usual routine, you always shared a tumbler of coffee as you walked to the bakery.

"Morning (y/n)" he yawned, gratefully taking a sip from your tumbler. If it hadn't been for you, he would have given up on working in the bakery. He hated waking up early on weekend days. But if it meant to get to see you and spent time with you, he would do it in a heartbeat. He loved seeing you so early in the morning when it was still quiet and the world was only slowly starting to wake up. Seeing your bare, makeup free face filled him with joy. It felt special to him to get to see this side of you. He wished he would one day be able to admire your bare face when you peacefully slept next to him in bed, he wished he would get to watch you wake up next to him every morning. But that would of course only happen if he grew some balls to ask you out.

He snapped out of his thoughts, as you touched his hand while taking the tumbler from him and taking a large gulp of coffee.

The air was cool but it felt refreshing. It was getting warmer these days and the sun was rising earlier. The sky looked like a beautiful painting, a perfect mixture of orange, pink and blue.

"Koo, remember when I told you about my eldest sister getting married?" you asked him

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"Koo, remember when I told you about my eldest sister getting married?" you asked him.

"Oh, yes I remember" Jungkook replied, voice still raspy. You loved his raspy morning voice.

"Well, she insists that I need a companion" you began, "She has six bridesmaids but only five groomsmen and asked me to invite a male friend of mine." You pulled out the invitation from your bag, handing it to him with a small smile. "Would you do me a huge favour and come with me?"

Jungkook's heart rate picked up as he took the invitation.

"Yes, sure" he immediately agreed, hoping he hadn't sounded too eager though the truth was that he was very eager.

"Phew, I am so relieved" you said, "I was worried you might say no."

"I won't leave you hanging" he said, looking at you. I wouldn't leave you hanging ever, he thought to himself.

"Take the keys from my pocket please, I want to finish my coffee" you said when you arrived at the bakery. Jungkook fished out the keys from your pocket and unlocked the door. Your shift began and as per usual you guys enjoyed yourselves, working together.

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