JUNGKOOK - Waking Up In Your Bed

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You were sitting on your bed, watching Jungkook's sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful and innocent with his lips slightly parted and relaxed expression. Gently stroking his hair back from his forehead, you admired him. Jungkook was a really good friend of yours. These last couple weeks you had been particularly close to each other, spending more time together and constantly texting or calling each other. You had realized that you had fallen in love with him a little while ago but you weren't quite sure how he felt about you. All of your friends told you he had a crush on you as well judging by his behavior towards you, but you yourself couldn't see that. It was too far fetched to you, you just couldn't imagine that he actually liked you back.

But now you had gotten the confirmation that you were so desperate for.

The night before you had gotten a call from Jimin, a friend of Jungkook, asking you to pick Jungkook up from a barbecue place. He had a coupe too many glasses of soju and was drunk out of his head. When you had gotten there at around midnight in your pajamas, Jungkook began giggling like a little girl, constantly hugging you.

"Yah, see this is (y/n)" he announced to his friends, who you had met for the first time apart from Jimin that night, "She is so pretty, right? Like I told you guys. Such a pretty face" Jungkook slurred, squishing your cheeks and smiling at you.

"He has been going on and on about you the whole night" Taehyung told you, chuckling. "Sorry we made you come here to get him, but he insisted that we invited you over."

"Oh, well" you stammered, feeling yourself blush slightly, "It's okay. I have never seen him this drunk before. That's probably why he is talking nonsense."

"What nonsense?" Jungkook whined, "(y/n) I am being serious, and I am not drunk."

"Right Jungkook, you are not drunk at all" you sarcastically commented, and he cupped your face, making you look at him.

"Look me in the eyes" he demanded, "I am dead serious."

"Jungkook, let's go home, hmm? You need some rest" you told him, feeling uncomfortable to be standing in the middle of the restaurant like this.

"(y/n) I really like you, why don't you believe me, huh?" he suddenly blurted, having you flush red in an instant. Glancing at the boys, you saw them smiling warmly at you.

"He really does" Jimin confirmed, "He has been too nervous to confess to you. He even refused to admit it to us. That was of course before he finished his third soju bottle. But we knew all along. He wouldn't shut up about you. Constantly showing us pictures of you and telling us about you. This isn't the most romantic way to find out, I know. But (y/n), this guy is head over heels in love with you. His feelings for you are sincere."

"Help this hopeless guy out and make the first step once he is sober. Of course only if you feel the same for him." Jimin paused, chuckling, "Judging by your red cheeks, I guess you like him back too."

Jungkook was passed out in your arms, head buried in the crook of your neck as you tried to hold up his heavy body and process the news.

"I do" you admitted in a small voice, having them all chuckle.

After saying your goodbyes, you carried Jungkook to your car with the help of Jimin. Jimin encouraged you to talk to him about it the next morning before he went back into the restaurant.

You took Jungkook to your flat, since you couldn't find his keys on him. With lots of effort you managed to bring him into your bedroom and dropped him on your bed. He pulled you down with him, tightly hugging your waist.

"Jungkook let go" you hissed, panicking at your proximity. Your heart was going to jump out of your chest.

"But you are warm" he mumbled incoherently.

"You can't sleep with your shoes and jacket on" you told him, trying to free yourself from his grip. Once you succeeded, he groaned glancing at you.

"Come back here" he slurred, pouting. Still baffled by his clingy behavior, you chuckled. This was absolutely crazy to you. You took off his shoes and coat and tugged him in.

"Are you warm now?" you asked, watching him cuddle into your pillow.

"Hmhm" he hummed. "This smells like you" he mumbled.

"That's because that is my pillow" you said, endeared by his actions.

"I like this a lot" he said, eyes still closed, "I like your scent."

Yet again blushing furiously, you watched him fall asleep, soon enough his soft snores filling the silence.

That night you slept in the living room and woke up extra early to cook Jungkook a hangover soup. Even when you were finished preparing his breakfast, he was still fast asleep. So you sat on the edge of the bed and watched him, feeling content. Playing with his hair, you patiently waited for him to wake up.

So when his eyes finally fluttered open, you smiled.

"Good morning Kookie" you said, your fingers still in his hair. He looked at you with his bunny smile, eyes all lovey-dovey and cheeks rosy. It only lasted for a second though, because then reality kicked in and he sat up straight with wide eyes.

"What the hell am I doing in your bed?" he asked in horror, covering himself with the duvet even though he was dressed and had nothing to hide. Chuckling, you shook your head at him.

"Jungkook, chill. You drank a little too much yesterday with the boys and Jimin asked me to pick you up. I couldn't find your keys to your apartment, so I brought you to mine. I slept in the living room. I was only waiting for you to wake up, I made you soup" you briefly explained, seeing him visibly relax. He looked at you in silence, feeling embarrassed.

"I am sorry. Why did they ask you to pick me up though? I could have crashed at Taehyung's or something" he mumbled, trying to understand why Jimin would have called you.

"You asked for me" you responded, making Jungkook's eyes widen.

"I did?" he stammered, blushing.

"Jungkook, I like you too" you blurted, not able to hold it back any longer. Jungkook looked like he was going to pass out any second as he stared at you in utter shock.
"Huh?" he asked, blinking.

"You know what I mean" you said softly, reaching for his warm hand, "I like you too Jungkook. I like you more than a friend."

Finally, letting the words sink in, a smile grew on his lips. He pulled you into his arms without uttering a word and tightly hugged you. Feeling warm and content in his embrace, you heaved a sigh of relief. He kissed your cheek multiple times, making you giggle.

"Getting drunk was all I had to do to finally be able to confess to you, huh?" he said, "I wish I would have gotten drunk sooner."

"We owe all of this to Soju" you laughed. Jungkook pulled away and took your hand, putting it on his head. You looked at him questioningly, trying not to laugh at this weird gesture.

"Can you continue to stroke my hair?" he asked you innocently.

Nodding your head, you let him lay in your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair.

"I have wanted you to do this for so long" he mumbled in contentment. "I like you so so much (y/n)."

*A/N follow my imagine page on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight :)

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