JUNGKOOK: When you seek comfort from your enemy

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when you seek for comfort from your enemy

You didn't know how you had ended up here but here you were standing in front of your arch enemy's door: Jeon Jungkook.

Your eyes were puffy from all the crying and you had deep circles underneath your eyes from exhaustion. For the past few weeks you had pushed yourself to your limits to catch up with university work and prepare for a big exam, which you had been scared of for months. With the exam date creeping closer you were losing sleep over it. From the moment you woke until the moment you passed out from tiredness, you sat at your desk studying. You couldn't remember to have left your dorm room once during the past week. Due to stress you didn't even notice when you were hungry. Though you were usually a person to rather eat more when stressed, this time around you were so stressed that you couldn't even think of food.

Of course there is only so much your body could take and you ended up having a very bad panic attack. Your chest felt tight and it was as if you were breathing in thin air, your lungs aching. Slumping down in a corner of your four walls, you hid your face between your knees and tried to regulate your breathing. You were all alone in your dorm room since you had opted for a small dorm with no roommate. For the first time ever since you started your studies you regretted this choice deeply.

There was no one to whom you were close enough on campus who you could call up in the middle of the night and ask for help. Your whole time in university was dedicated to your studies, leaving no time to meet people and make friends. Friendship meant work and effort for you, which is why you decided against it. With the workload you already had, you couldn't afford any distractions.

But right now you were wondering whether friendship was more than that.

For the first time you longed for a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug and pat on the back to give you some comfort. And all you could do in that very moment was to feel utterly alone.
Once you had calmed down enough to get back up on your feet, you grabbed your keys and threw on a jacket before you left your dorm without a single clue of where you were going. Your feet led the way. All you wanted to do was get away from this suffocating place and get some fresh air.

Without you knowing, you ended up at the doorstep of Jeon Jungkook. You both hated each other's guts and competed with one another. In contrast to you Jeon Jungkook was popular and had many friends. He lived that wild college lifestyle and still managed to be the top of all his classes, except for the ones he shared with you. He teased you constantly, making unnecessary remarks about you.

He was relentless when it came to you. He would go out of his way just to ruin your day if he had to.

You were jealous of Jeon Jungkook. He always seemed so happy and bright. He was confident in whatever he did and he didn't look like he had to suffer like you did to get good grades.

Given your complicated relationship, you didn't know what you were doing here. He was the only one you ever talked more than two or three sentences with. The both of you were often paired up in classes due to being on the same level grade wise. Though it was absolute hell to work with him, you always got good results. That's how you knew where he lived, since you had been to his flat a couple of times before.

Just as you were about to knock on his door, the door opened and Jungkook appeared.

He was on the phone with someone, dressed in his favorite black leather jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans. He looked baffled to see you at his doorstep. You immediately regretted coming here.

"Yah, hang on" he told his friend on the phone, lowering his phone from his ear.

"What are you doing here at this hour y/n? Got lost or what?" he asked in a confused tone. When you hesitated to reply, he took a closer look at you. Seeing your puffy eyes and red nose, he knew you weren't doing well. Concern rose inside him and he felt worried about you. He had never seen you like this before. Your poker face had crumbled.

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