asking a stranger to be your first kiss

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asking a stranger to be your first kiss

You couldn't believe you were actually doing this, but your feet were walking on their own. Your mind was clouded, and your heart was racing in your chest at the thought of what you were about to do.

It had been over months since you had last seen him. You hadn't even seen him properly at that. But thinking back to the first and only time you had seen him, you felt your heart catch fire.

It had been a particularly nice day. The sun was shining bright high in the sky, not a single cloud tinting the endless blue up above. You were in your favorite baby pink summer dress on the way to meet your friend, when he darted out of a pizza place. You only caught a glimpse of his face for a short moment, but it was enough to make your breath hitch. He may have appeared to be ordinary to others in his gray sweatpants, white basic shirt and black slippers.

But he was attracting all of your attention. The back of his head seemed even perfect to you. Like in a trance, you quietly followed after him as he progressed in the direction you had to go anyway. He was carrying a pizza box. Probably he had quickly gone out to grab a bite to eat.

Watching him walk from behind him at a safe distance, you tried to act nonchalant and normal, but you couldn't help but smile to yourself for some reason. It was exciting.

It was too soon when he arrived at his apartment complex and halted to unlock the door. You started to walk slower in hopes he would briefly turn around and see you. When he was about to close the door after him, your eyes really met for a short moment. This short-lived moment was to become a memory you couldn't forget.

He disappeared behind the heavy door, and you continued your way like nothing happened, on your way to meet your friend.

Months passed after this incident, and you still thought about that boy every once in a while.

Every time you passed by his apartment complex on the way to the city, your heart raced in anticipation. You were hoping to see him again, even if it was for a second. But it never happened.

You were feeling lonely. You had never been in a relationship before, and you were aching to fall in love and have someone by your side. You wanted someone that you could call whenever, someone that would stroke your hair when you felt exhausted and sad, someone who would greet you with sparkling eyes and a kiss - someone who would be in love with you.

It was really starting to weigh on you. This loneliness was eating away at you like a parasite. You were sick and tired of imagining happy days, warm hugs and passionate kisses.

Whenever you were about to get your period and your hormones were going crazy, you felt especially empty and depressed. You craved for love more than anything. You were so curious about so many things. You wanted to have all of those exciting experiences.

But there was no one that piqued your interest, nor someone that was interested in you. How could there be when you never went out? You never got to meet new people because you were a helpless introvert.

It was that time of the month again, and you were feeling lonely yet again.

Lying in bed, you stared at the ceiling. You felt like a 13-year-old teenage girl again.

You knew you were being dramatic and that love would come to you eventually, but you were so impatient. You were scared that you were missing out and that love would never be as exciting as it is in your twenties. You hadn't even graduated from university yet, but yet you felt like time was running out -

- and that was when you thought of him again. The black-haired boy in his gray sweatpants, white t-shirt and black slippers.

You didn't know how or when you found yourself outdoors, your feet were leading the way ahead. You knew where you wanted to go.

So when you were standing in front of his apartment complex, your head felt dizzy. Looking at the list of names next to the bells, you tried to figure out which one could be his. You saw one foreign name and guessed it must be his. Jeon Jungkook.

Taking in a deep breath, you rang his bell. A few seconds later, the automatic door buzzed and became unlocked. Opening the heavy door, you took the stairs to the third floor. You saw a door half open, assuming it must be his apartment.

You stood in front of his door, waiting quietly. Your mind was fuzzy, and you couldn't quite fathom that you were actually here.

"Joshua, what are you doing at the door, just come on in du-" he froze when he saw you. "Oh, sorry" he quickly apologized, "I thought my friend was visiting."

You couldn't speak, your mouth was dry like sand paper.

"Umm did you get the wrong bell?" he guessed. He looked much better than in your memory. You were mesmerized.

"Or were you actually looking for me?" he wondered out loud, feeling very awkward. "Do I know you?"

"No" you finally responded.

"Oh..." he mumbled, avoiding your eyes as he felt increasingly shy in the presence of a woman. "Well, how can I help you?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" you blurted. He looked baffled and embarrassed as he blushed.

"Why? Does that even matter?"

"Please answer yes or no" you urged.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, avoiding your eyes "No..."

"Then be my first kiss" the words escaped your mouth. Your cheeks flushed red immediately as you felt extremely embarrassed. The poor boy's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.


"I know this is extremely weird and creepy, but I saw you a couple months back when you were getting pizza. It was totally random and unplanned. I have been thinking about you ever since then. I guess I have a crush on you. See, I feel very embarrassed to admit this, but I have never had a boyfriend before or actually fell in love and I didn't even have a meaningless first kiss yet, and I guess I want to change that. And I decided I want you to be my first kiss" you explained in one breath. How could all of this rambled nonsense ever make sense to him? But you couldn't explain it better.

"Are you serious? Is this a prank? I am so confused" he stammered, not knowing what to do. He looked completely helpless, his cheeks burning. Nobody had ever been this straightforward with him. He didn't know whether he should feel flattered or scared.

"Can I please kiss you?" you asked. He stared at you, not knowing how to react. But you were itching to touch him. Interpreting his silence as a green light, you grabbed him by the collar and pressed your lips on his.

His eyes fluttered shut instantly, and he felt his heart swell. It was more of an innocent peck rather than a kiss, but it was enough to make his heart do somersaults. You felt lightheaded, and your whole body was tingling.

When you pulled away, opening your eyes, you saw him standing there frozen and his eyes still shut. Even though you felt embarrassed and tense, his cute facial expression made you giggle. He opened his eyes too, blushing hard. Your eyes connected.

"It was my first kiss too" he stammered. Your eyes widened.

"Oh- I am so sorry- I should have asked-" you began, panicking.

"No-" he said, "Thank you."

Staring at him, you tried to let that sink in.

He momentarily went back into his apartment, grabbing his jacket, keys and phone before he come back outside. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed your hand softly.

"Let's take a walk and get to know each other" he shyly suggested. Nodding your head, you smiled.

*A/N finally a new imagine after what feels like years XD (instagram at moonchild_starrynight)

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