JIMIN - When you distract him while he is on Vlive

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when you distract him while he is on vlive

You woke up to an empty space beside you. Rubbing your eyes, you turned to grab your phone from your nightstand. Your eyes widened in shock when you saw the digits on your screen. It was currently 11:40 am. Usually you never slept in this late but you had been really exhausted yesterday from the flight still.

Jimin and the boys had a concert in Saudi Arabia, and they had made you tag along with them because of the small birthday celebration the boys had planned for Jimin after the concert. Jimin as per usual had totally forgotten about his birthday, since he always claimed it wasn't that special of an occasion. You and the boys therefore had made it a mission to remind him just how special his birthday actual was every year.

Everything had thankfully gone according to plan and you had a fun and chill night together. When Jimin and you finally had gotten back to the hotel, it was nearly 2 am. The both of you had passed out immediately.

Wondering where Jimin was now, you crawled out of bed and lazily strolled to the door, your hotel room was quite big and the bedroom and living area were separated. Once you opened the door, your eyes immediately landed on Jimin, who was sitting on a chair by the table with his laptop, talking to himself. He grew a little uneasy, as he turned the laptop away. You furrowed your eyebrows as confusion took over you but then it clicked. He had told you last night that he would go on Vlive in the morning to thank the fans for congratulating him on his birthday.

Jimin was smiling widely as he looked at you. His eyes then traveled down your body to your bare legs. Growing shy and flustered, you pulled down his shirt that you were wearing, which made him chuckle. Shaking your head at him as you smiled, you sneaked into the bathroom. You heard Jimin talk some more before you heard the chair being moved and then you could already see the bathroom door opening as Jimin came in.

"Good morning baby" he whispered, moving to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. Placing a sweet peck on your lips, he nuzzled his nose against yours.

"Good morning" you said, smiling ear to ear.

"Have you slept well ?" he asked and you nodded your head.

"Birthday boy, I should be asking you that" you told him, and he laughed.

"I slept like a baby" he said, and he looked so cute that you couldn't help but kiss him again.

"You should go back before the fans get suspicious though" you reminded him, and he nodded in agreement. You guys were still hiding your relationship from the public. Jimin once again leaned in to give you one last kiss, before he left the bathroom.

"My manager" you heard him explain to the fans and couldn't help but chuckle at his lie.

Taking your time, you washed your hair, brushed your teeth and applied some beauty products you usually used in the morning. Then you quietly opened the door and walked back to the bedroom. Jimin glanced at you, a small smile playing on his lips. You grinned, motioning for him to focus back on his live stream.
You left the door open so you could see him, as you laid on the bed and watched him. You could tell that he was getting distracted by you. He would forget what he was saying and begin his sentence again, trying to discreetly steal glances at you and blush whenever he began to ramble nonsense. It was way too amusing to watch him. You laid there doing nothing apart from watching him and that was apparently enough. You hadn't known your power over him was this strong.

He was so cute in his white pullover and sweatpants. Even though he hated his morning face because it was puffy, you loved it. Waking up to see his face was your absolute favorite thing to do in this life. The imperfections that he saw in himself were all perfect in your eyes. You loved him so dearly, you couldn't see anything but good in him. Watching him tell a funny story and cutely laugh, you couldn't help but laugh along. Apparently you had laughed a little too loud, because Jimin froze and you slapped a hand on your mouth realizing what you had done.

"That was nothing, probably people passing by in the corridor" Jimin told the fans asking whose laughter that was. "I am all alone in this giant hotel room" Jimin said for further credibility.

He even moved to the bedroom to prove that no one was there, which meant that you had to sneak out before he came inside, which you of course managed to do like a pro without making any noise. He made himself comfortable on your side of the bed, nuzzling his face into your pillow and breathing in your sweet scent. He was smiling to himself. No one knew that it was because of you.
You were very hungry and wondered whether Jimin had already had breakfast. Opening his live stream on your phone, you actually commented, asking him whether he had had breakfast. It took a while until Jimin saw your question since many people were commenting. Jimin obviously knew your username so it immediately drew his attention. You heard him chuckle as he buried his face back in your pillow.

"Did you have breakfast yet ?" he read out the question, smiling ear to ear. "No, I didn't" he replied.

Smiling, you once again commented, asking what he wanted to eat, so that you could order breakfast to your room.

"Hmm, what should I get for breakfast" you heard him wonder out loud. You got up from your seat and stood in the doorway, looking at him. He was trying hard not to keep on glancing at you.

"I think I want a hamburger" he finally decided and you gave him a thumbs up. You made a call in the bathroom and then laid on the couch, watching Jimin's live stream. When he was done, you immediately went to join him in bed.

He was laying on his back when you crawled on top of him, sitting on his torso. He put his hands on your hips, smiling cutely at you.

"(Y/N) that was the most stressful live stream I have ever done" he said and you laughed.

"Well sorry, you were the one who couldn't take his eyes off me" you grinned, and he pulled you down, smothering your face with kisses.

"I can't help myself around you, is that a flaw ?" he whined and you giggled. When you heard a firm knock on your door and then a male voice saying: "Room service !", you quickly got off Jimin, heading to the door as Jimin suddenly grabbed your wrist, stopping you.

"Hey" he scolded playfully, "You ain't opening that door in this attire, you stay here, I will get it."

Rolling your eyes at him, you plopped back down on the bed as he went to open the door.

*A/N follow my imagine page on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight :)

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