Chapter 16

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Okay so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I have just been FREAKING OUT!! If you didn't already know, I have recently hit 1k reads and I am so grateful, shocked and everything else I could possibly be!! Thank you again for reading this far and I hope you enjoy the rest!!

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I tried to clear my throat but all this resulted in was making things even more awkward, single tears still falling. I accidentally caught his attention and we made even more eye contact. Joe shook his head and walked back over to the cupboards, putting his hands on the kitchen counter and looking down, closing his eyes as he let out a breathe.

He turned his head to me and opened his eyes, still leaning on the counter.

'Alice, you do realise, you were the one who ended this?-' he said, his voice cracking half way through.

I knew I was the reason, it just hadn't sunk into my brain yet.

'-you were the one who put a stop to this so don't even act like you're upset...' Joe continued, his eyes glimmering in the light as they gathered tears.

'Joe, I'm sorry. I needed time to think and it was hard to do that whilst you were around!' I said, tears running down my fast faster than ever.

'Alice, don't lie to me! You ended it because you thought I was lying, you thought that the person you have known pretty much your whole life, your boyfriend, was lying about a person you have known for around a week? And you chose his side? Because that makes great sense...' He replied, almost shouting but holding back.

I couldn't even reply to this. I was in complete and utter shock, I couldn't even move or speak.

'Joe, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing! It was in the spear of the moment...'

'Oh, save it, Alice! It's over. Done. Ended. And it was your decision to do that!'


It wasn't easy. Talking to Alice like this. I hated seeing her crying. I've never seen her look this hurt.

I tried my harder not to cry but that failed as soon as my voice cracked half way through a sentence.

The truth was, I still loved her, but after what happened, I couldn't just take her back, it'd seem ridiculous.

I had to fight my battle. The hard part was, I didn't even support my own side. I wanted her back.

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