Chapter 70~

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Shawn's POV:

It was gone.

It was all gone.

Every ounce of sadness, anger, confusion, pain...

It was like it vanished as I kissed her. I forgot how good it felt to hold her, to have her lips on mine. I never wanted to let go. We made out for about two minutes, it was amazing. We were in our own little world in that moment.

However, that moment was interrupted by Violet clapping in the corner. Cristina pulled away quickly. I smiled, I remember how uncomfortable she was with PDA.

"Oh don't stop on my account." Violet said as she put some grocery bags in the kitchen. "You both probably haven't gotten any in 5 years so i'm gonna go make myself busy for the next three hours." Oh my God. "Have fun!" She waves to us as she leaves the apartment.

Cristina put her hands over her face in embarrassment and I looked back over to her and chuckled. "And I thought you were blunt."

She giggled and uncovered her face. She was blushing hard. "Yup, that's Violet for ya."

"How did you meet her anyway?"

"Her brother and I were in physical therapy together. We all became super close, but he's at a dorm in NYU right now so we don't see him much." I looked at her, I examined her face for the first tine in ages. She was still mesmerizingly beautiful. "You wanna kiss me again don't you?"

"You always did know exactly what I was thinking." I smiled as I leaned in once again. Instantly we both felt that this kiss was more heated than the last. She ran her hand through my hair as I placed my hand on her neck. I grabbed her leg and threw it over mine so she was now straddling me.

"You're a little excited." She said playfully.

"Violet wasn't exactly wrong." I said kissing her again. She pulled away from the kiss and stood up. "Noooooo...come back." I whined.

"Relax." She held her hand out for me to grab. "My room is over there."

My eyes widened in both joy and shock. I quickly got up, grabbed her hand, and let her lead me into her room.

I mean Violet gave us three hours, why let that go to waste?


Cristina's POV:

As I lay in bed with Shawn, he combs my hair with his hand like he used to do. I smiled.

"What?" He said.

"You used to pet my hair like this all the time. I loved it. I missed it."

"I missed doing it."

We laid down in a comfortable silence, just staring into each other's eyes and smiling.

The silence was broken by the apartment door opening. Cristina's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Violet?" She shouted.

"No it's Elijah!" It was a male voice. Who's he? Did she have a boyfriend I didn't know about?

"Shit!" She whisper yelled. She got up from the bed and tried to find her clothes. "Get dressed! I forgot he was coming today!"

I slowly started to get up. "Who's Elijah?" I whispered.

"Remember when I said Violet had a brother?"


"That's him. He said he was coming home for his birthday tomorrow and I totally forgot. Why did we give him a key?!"

"Cristina?!" Elijah shouted again.

"Just a minute! I'm getting out of the shower!" She shouted back as she put on her bra and panties.

"Why can't you just tell him you have somebody over?"

"Because then he'd come barging in here asking you a million questions. He's like the crazy overprotective brother I never had.  And I really don't feel like playing 60 questions with him while we're both naked."

She ran to her closet and threw on a big robe.

"Hey! Put on the rest of your clothes!" I whisper yelled.

"No time! Plus i'm covered so just stay in here and don't make a sound." I walked out of my room and walked over to Elijah. "Hey!" I said.

"Hey C." He was the only person who really called me that but I didn't mind. "Where's Vi?"

"Oh she went to the store."

"Then why are there grocery bags on the floor by your fridge?"

"Because she forgot a few things. You know your sister. Always the forgetful one."

"Both of you have the memory of a goldfish. I don't know how you've made it this long alone in the apartment without forgetting to pay rent or something."

"You forget to pay the water bill ONE TIME and you can never live it down."

Something fell over in my room. Dammit Shawn.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh something I put on my dresser probably just fell over. It happens all the time, I have a really bad habit of setting things on the edge of a surface."

"That sounded like a lot of stuff. Here let me go help you pick it up." He walked towards my room.

"Actually you can't go in there." I said standing in front of my door.

"Why not?"

"Because your birthday gift is in there and I haven't wrapped it yet." Technically true.

"Okay now I gotta go in there."

I put my hands up against the door frame so he couldn't push past me. "Not a chance."

He groaned "Fine."

Just then Violet came through the door with a smile on her face. "WOOHOO! I KNOW I'M EARLY BUT I WANT DETAILS! MY BEST FRIEND FINALLY GOT SOME—"

"VI! Look here's here." I cut her off before her sentence gets any worse.

She turns around and looks at her brother. "OH! Hi baby bro!" She hugs him and as she turns the hug so she's facing me and his face is to the wall, I signal to her that Shawn is still here. Her eyes widen.

Elijah pulls back from the hug. "Hey, C said you were getting groceries that you forgot." She didn't have anything in her hands. Crap.

"Umm." She tried quickly to come up with a lie. "I forgot what I was supposed to get so I just went window shopping at Victoria Secret." He cringed. She knew that he never asked twice about that store.

"Vi you know I get weirded out when you mention that store." He never had a problem with the store. But we brought it up a lot because we knew how uncomfortable he was thinking about his sister in a lingerie and bra store.

"Yeah, well as your big sister it's my job to make you uncomfortable."

"Well, you two can catch up but i'm gonna go hop in the shower." I said turning back towards my room.

"I thought you just got out of the shower." Fuck.

"Yeah. But I forgot to wash my hair."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay that's it, you two are the worst pair of liars on the face of the planet. Go shower and bring there boy out so I can meet him."

I froze. "What gave it away?" I asked hesitantly.

"His shirt is on the couch."

I walked over and grabbed Shawn's shirt from the couch. Once I walked back into my room I saw Shawn almost fully dressed and pacing around the room.

"Have you seen my shirt?" He whispered.

I held it up for him and his eyes went wide.

"We've been busted."

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