Chapter 37:

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Shawn's POV:

"And that son is how you properly get out of a bad bar fight with a highly intoxicated nascar driver."

"Wow Dad, I can't believe you told them you were a sponsorship representative for ferrari and they bought you 2 rounds of whiskey shots."

"Well son, it's like your second cousin Ralphy always says, 'if you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance, baffle 'em with your bullshit.'"

I hear the phone ring and as I see my dad struggling to get up out of his chair I put my hand up. "Don't worry Dad I got it." I walk over and pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Hunter." Hearing her voice made me smile.

"Hey Cristina what's up?"

"Nothing much. Wanna come over and hang for a bit. I'm really bored."

"I thought today was supposed to be you and Derek's anniversary. What happened?"

"His grandma is sick and he has to go visit her today."

"That's a bummer. But sure, i'll come over. When are Cory and Topanga gonna be there?"

"I called both their houses and they aren't answering. They're probably on a date so it's just you and me this time."

Me and Cristina. Alone. In her house. Nuh uh, bad idea. And that's coming from ME.

"Okay then how about instead of your house we go to Club Zero instead?"

"It's my day off Hunter."

"I know but you're always working when you're there. You never actually get to enjoy the place anymore. Come on it'll be fun, trust me."

"Ughhh, fine! I'll meet you there in 30 minutes."

"Sounds like a plan. See you later."


Phew. I dodged a bullet there. It's still super hard to be alone with her, but at least this way being around a bunch of people might make me less tempted to act on anything.

"Dad i'm gonna be out with Cristina. I'll be back by 10."

"Okay Shawnie. Go have fun."

"Thanks. Bye Dad."

"Bye son."

I close the door to the trailer and start walking over to Club Zero. It's not that long of a walk but I wanted to get there before she did. Once I got there, I waited outside the entrance for her.

About 10 minutes later she walked up to me and smiled. "Ready Hunter?"

"Yup let's go."

Third Person POV:

Cristina and Shawn walked into the club and headed for the booth near the stage. Right before they sat down Cristina remembered something.

"Oh! Last week I forgot to get my paycheck. Since we're here i'll just go pick it up now. Wanna come with?"


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