Chapter 2~

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~7 Years Later~

Cristina's POV:

Shawn and I sit at our lunch table while Cory goes to get something from the vending machine. Mr. Feeny is standing by the machine so Cory greets him.

"Good Morning Mr. Feeny." He says as his candy bar falls.

"Good Morning Mr. Matthews. A candy bar, really? Doesn't your mother feed you a proper breakfast?"

"Oh yeah she does. Now I gotta get the taste of shredded weed out of my mouth."

"You know you're not doing your body any favors by loading up on junk like that" Feeny says pointing at the candy bar.

"Oh thanks Mr. Feeny. And please enjoy that high vitamin astronaut drink you're sucking down." He says with a stupid grin of his face.

Feeny turns to Cory as he walks away. "There is no gravity in space Mr. Matthews. Therefore astronauts suck up, learn from them."

Cory walks back to our table and Shawn and I shake our heads at the conversation they just had.

"He's a teacher man, keep ragging on him and he's gonna make your whole 6th grade year miserable." I say to Cory as I am eating some lays chips.

"I'm gonna be miserable anyhow, at least this way i'm taking him down with me." He smiles.

Shawn rolls his eyes. "Hey Crissy got anything you're not gonna eat today." He says raising his eyebrows at me.

I smile and hand him over my ham and cheese sandwich. "You know the answer to that question has been the same since the first day we met, yet you still ask me everyday."

"Hey i'm a growing boy, and it's not my fault you're practically never hungry. What's the deal with that anyway?" He says as he takes a bite of my sandwich.

"Hey! You know i'm a picky eater. Plus I just have a really small appetite. I'm a cheap date what can I say." I say as a put my hands up in defense.

"Whatever, more food for me." As he takes another huge bite out of the sandwich and smiles. We finish eating and the bell rings.

"4 more hours until lunch." Cory says as he puts his tray on top of the trash can.

~After school~

The bell rings and me and the guys all head over to Cory's house like we do almost everyday after school.

We walk in the house and I see Mrs. Matthews making dinner. "Hey Mrs. Matthews, ooh whatever you're making smells good."

"Why thank you Cristina i'm making lasagna if you wanna stay for dinner."

"Shoot I can't today Mrs. M, Mr. Feeny gave us loads of homework today and I just came to play basketball with the boys for a while before I go home."

"Oh okay sweetheart. Cory that means when she leaves you should start doing your homework too."

Cory widens his eyes at me. "CARRILLO YOU'RE KILLING ME!"

I give him a wide smile and bat my eyelashes at him. He rolls his eyes and we go upstairs to put our backpacks in his room before we go play.

Shawn grabbed Cory's ball and as we came back down stairs, Eric comes through the door and sits down at the table. I push the boys aside and rush to sit next to Eric at the table. He sees me and grins while playfully rolling his eyes. "Hey Crissy."

"Hello future husband. Now what did my hubby do today." I say as I put my elbows on the table and rest my chin in my hands. I always thought Eric was attractive and made it an ongoing thing to be as flirty as I can. It was funny and it drove Cory nuts so it's very enjoyable for me.

"Well we didn't have a wedding yet so I don't think husband is the right word you're looking for."

"YET!" I said making Eric widen his eyes at the words that just came out of my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cory face palm himself.

"Eric stop giving her HOPE!" Cory begs at Eric.

"That is not what I meant and you know it." Eric says pointing a finger at me.

"Oh come on Eric, 4 years isn't that big of a gap. You spend hours watching baywatch and drooling over the women on that show who are at least 8 years older than you but you refuse to wait 4 years for me?" I said with my bottom lip pouted.

"Hmmmm....yeah sounds about right." He says as he ruffles my hair and goes to grab a drink from the fridge.

I move my hair out of my face and stand up to face him. "Eric Randall Matthews, one day after I hit puberty, and after all the girls in your life have failed you, I will be here and I will have you." I said taking his water bottle from his hands and waking to the back door with the boys while grinning.

"Alright who told her my middle name." He glared between his mom and brother.

"It wasn't me. The last thing I would want is to give 'miss hormonal' over here incentive to encourage this fiasco of a relationship. BLEGHH!!" Cory said scrunching his face and looking disgusted.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Eric. "See ya later babe!" I winked at him and he screamed "NO!" back at me.

Cory and Shawn both glared at me as we walked to the backyard. "What?" I said crossing my arms.

"Why must you enjoy torturing me by making google eyes at my idiot of a brother." Cory said tilting his head to the side.

"Because your reaction makes things very entertaining. Besides i'm just having a little fun you guys need to lighten UP!" I said snatching the ball from Shawn.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Shawn put his hands up and looked at me.

"Nothing. Just wanted to keep you slowpokes on your toes." I started dribbling the ball and going toward the net whole both of the boys were tripping over each other behind me. I make the basket on the rim attached to Cory's garage door and I do a little victory dance.

"That's one point for me and what was that again" I say putting my hand up to my ear. "Oh yeah ZERO FOR THE TWO NOOBS!"

"Tell that to the judge Carrillo, i'm calling my lawyer!" Shawn says pointing at me.

"Okay Hunter, I don't think you'd want the jury to see that mess of a defense you and Matthews put up."

"Okay Okay enough messing around you guys actually wanna play now?" Cory said as he picked up the ball.

"Sure Matthews, but go ahead and be on Hunters team because you both could use a little help."

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