Chapter 67~

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Shawn's POV:

One day.

One stupid day.

That's all it took for her to worm her way back into our lives.

This isn't fair. I was the one who actually went to their wedding. But now I had Cory and Topanga in my ear telling me that she has a reason and that the situation wasn't what I thought it was.

Well I call bullshit.

"Shawn. You were wrong about this one. Just admit it." Cory said.

"No. I'm not wrong. You wanna know how I know? Because even after you guys sat down and reminisced about the old days, she still hasn't told you why she left."

"That's the thing." Cory began. "I don't think she left."

"What do you mean you don't think she left? What do you think happened? Did the boogie man took her?"

"Shawn i'm serious. Whenever we ask her about it she gets super choked up and emotional. And whenever she talks about stuff from the last 5 years she always uses words like 'wasn't able' or 'couldn't.'"

"She's just trying to manipulate you guys, and you both are falling for it."

"I don't understand." Cory said. "The first two years she was gone, all you wanted was to see her again and ask what happened so she could give you an explanation that would fix everything. Now she's here and only 20 feet away and you want to argue with us about whether or not we should even be talking to her?"

"Yeah, I wanted to hear her out. But then I came to my senses Cory. She didn't come back because she didn't want to. Simple as that. She left all of us in the dust and didn't bother to even write a post card."



"No that's not why your mad."

"What do you know about why i'm mad?"

"I've known you even longer than Cristina. And that's not why your mad."

I froze for a second. "Whatever Cory. I still don't wanna talk to her."

"Why are you mad?" He asked as he was stepping closer to me.

"You know why i'm mad."

"Oh please you don't even know why you're mad yet." He crossed his arms. "Spit it out Shawn. Why are you mad?"

"Because she left us." I said annoyed.

"Wrong. Try again."

"Because she left us." I said louder.

He made a buzzer noise in response and I was starting to get angry.

"Because she left us!"

"Wrong again!"





"BECAUSE IF I DON'T THEN I HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT I MISSED SPENDING 6 YEARS WITH THE WOMAN I LOVE BECAUSE OF A STUPID COINCIDENCE!" As soon as I blurted that out I surprised myself. Is that really why I was angry? As a million thoughts raced through my head. Cory patted me on the back. He didn't say anything. He just stood there and let me know he was there.

"I don't need this." I said.

I walked out.

The problem was that he was still next door and she was still across the hall.

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