Chapter 11~

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~2 Months Later~

Cristina's POV:

Summer started two months ago and I left for the summer to go to a music camp with my sister. I was sad to leave Cory and Shawn behind but I had a lot of fun over here learning about what I can really do with my voice. I am a little nervous to get back though. Let's just say while I was away the rest my telegram arrived and hit me over the head with a brick. My chest grew 4 sizes, my hips grew 3 sizes, and I have a period. Yippee. I just hope this doesn't change anything.

Tomorrow was the first day of school and I just got home with my sister so I ran to the boys house because we had A LOT of catching up to do. They thought I was coming home tomorrow but I figured i'm come down a little early and surprise them.

When I got the the Matthew's house I rang the door bell and I saw Eric answer the door.

"Hey babe, did ya miss me?" He looked wide eyes at me.

"Wow, Cristina you've....changed." He looked me up and down. "A lot."

"Hey! Eyes are over here." I said grabbing his face to look me right in the eyes.

I saw Cory walk through the living room door. "Hey Eric who's at the do—?" Cory saw me and smiled real wide. "CARRILLO!" He ran to me and pushed his brother out of the doorway.

"MATTHEWS!" I put my arms out and Cory came in for a hug.

"Shawn and I really missed you."

We let go of each other and I pat him on the shoulder. "Yeah I missed you guys too." I looked around and didn't see Shawn. "Speaking of which where's Hunter?" I walked down the step in the doorway and looked at Cory.

Just then Shawn came in through the living room door and his face lit up when he saw me. "CRISTINA YOU'RE BACK!" He ran to me and now pushed Cory out of the way to hug me. He caught me off guard when he put his arms around me and lifted me off the floor. I screamed in shock and then started laughing.

"Okay Hunter you can put me down now." He chuckled and put me down.  Once he put me down I noticed he was significantly taller than me. "Hey who told you you were allowed to make me feel this short? When did this happen?"

He looked down at my chest. "When did those happen?" I punched him on the arm and he winced. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Oh you know what that was for." He rubbed his arm and we all sat down on the couch. "Okay now that i'm here you guys gotta fill me in on what I missed."

Cory turned to me all excited. "Who cares what we did? How was the camp?"

"Yeah tell us all about it." Shawn smiles at me.

"Well they taught me how to do better warm ups so I don't damage my voice, I got better with piano, and apparently I have this thing called perfect pitch. So basically, I can hear a song and know exactly what note to play on the piano."

"Not surprised I always knew you were really talented. Even if we haven't heard you sing in like 6 years." Shawn said.

"Hey! You know i'm super self conscious about my voice. That's why my dad sent me to that camp. It was to help me break out of my shell more."

"Well, are you out?" Cory asked me.

"Not yet. But i'm getting closer."

"Come on. We wanna hear you sing again. We miss it." Shawn stuck out his bottom lip and pouted at me.

"Not today boys, but maybe someday." I saw Cory's basketball in the corner of the room. I went over and picked it up. "Now I have to go home before it gets dark, but what do you say we play a couple games before I have to go home."

"Sure let's go." They both got up. But Cory was getting something out of his pocket.

"Cor, you coming?" I asked.

"Yeah but before we do that you should have a copy of the plan for tomorrow." He handed over a piece of folded up paper.

"The plan? What plan?" I set the ball back down and took the paper from Cory.

"Tomorrow is our first day of high school. We're gonna be 7th graders. We are starting out as nothings, zeros, phlegmballs."


"And...don't you wanna avoid all of the abuse and torment we're gonna get? This plan is full proof. In a year we will be part of the top of the food chain as Harley Kiner's most trusted advisers." He smiled as I read his notes. Apparently Harley was the most feared senior at the high school. He's been a senior for ages.

"Yeah no, Matthews i'm not trying to spend my entire high school career being someone else's foot stool." I tossed the paper on the table.

"Cris, I really think you should read the plan over again." Shawn told me.

"Oh not you too Shawn."

"What? I don't wanna spend my entire high school career being somebody else's spit bucket."

"Oh i'm not planning on that either." I said lightly chuckling.

"Well then what's your plan?" Cory crosses his arms.

"Look guys, I don't have a plan. I'm just gonna coast through high school with my two best friends at my side and if anybody gives us shit then they gotta answer to me. Now are we gonna play some ball or what?" I picked up the ball again and went to the door. The boys shrugged and followed me. We played basketball for about an hour before I got really tired and realized the time.

"Damn it's already 4? Sorry guys gotta go but see tomorrow."

"Bye Crissy." They said in unison. I threw the ball to Shawn and walked back home.

Please don't let let tomorrow be shit.

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