Chapter 46~

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Cristina's POV~

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked over to our table where Cory and Topanga were already sitting. "Where's Shawn?"

"He's with Jenna McCormick." Cory said as he ate his nachos.

It kinda stung knowing that Shawn and I just had a moment at the ice rink a week ago and he's still been flying through girls like they're toothpicks. I know Shawn doesn't like me and I can't expect much, but lately it feels like he's been more girl crazy then ever.

"Whatever, I wanted to run an idea by you guys."

"The floor is yours." Topanga said with a smile.

"Well, right now with everything that was going on with Derek and my mom just being a hard ass, I want, no, I need a change."

"What kinda change?" Cory raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

"I was thinking of dying my hair."

Cory stood up and grabbed his food tray. "Sorry hair stuff falls under the girl talk category. And quite frankly, after the 6th grade hair straightening incident, talking about hair makes me a little anxious."

"I said I was sorry about that and I cut my hair for you!"

"Don't matter. It was still a very traumatic experience for me so i'm gonna go interrupt Shawn's make out session because I want attention. Just do whatever Topanga says." He waved his hand in the direction of his girlfriend and walked off.

"What a baby." I say as I lean back in my seat.

"Yeah, but he's my baby." We laugh a bit and get back to the conversation at hand. "So what color are you thinking of dying your hair?"

"Well I don't want to do my whole head, but I was thinking red stripes."

"That would look so good on you. And with your dark brown hair it would balance out the red perfectly."

"So....will you go with me after school to get it done? I already talked to my dad and he doesn't really care what I do with my hair as long as I don't come back with a rainbow mohawk."

"Of course I will!"

"Great! I miss hanging out with just us. We haven't done it in a while."

"Yeah you've been hanging out with Shawn a lot. What's that about?"

Shit. Does she know I have feelings for Shawn? Am I making it too obvious?

"What do you mean?" I thought playing dumb might throw her off.

"I mean, I know you guys are close but you've just been spending a lot of alone time together recently and I wanted to know if anything changed?"


"Anything being?" I continued to play dumb, hoping she would drop this eventually.

"I don't know, anything like your feelings?"


I faked a confused face and she just giggled. "Never mind, forget I said anything."

I let out a sigh of relief.

Just as Topanga was about to speak up we saw Derek sprint through the cafeteria.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

I smirked. "Last week, word got around to Harley Keiner that Derek and I broke up. And for whatever reason, Harley has been waiting to torture him since he laid eyes on him. He said something about his "extremely punchable face." But anyway, Harley asked me if he had permission to, how did he put it? "Rain down the fists of pain" on him. And since Derek had the nerve to yell at me at work about two weeks back, I figured why the hell not? I mean, I tried to be the civil ex girlfriend, but Derek just wasn't letting it slide so I let Harley at him. Now Harley is giving Derek about 2 years worth of the torture he missed out on because Derek was with me."

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