Chapter 4~

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Shawn's POV:

The bell rang and that meant it was time for me to walk Crissy to her mom's house. We both walked out of Feeny's class and she looked like she was dreading going to her mom's. The things she will do for us.

I held my arm out hinting that she should take my arm in hers. "Shall we." I said trying to lighten her mood.

"We shall." She puts her arm in mine and we start walking to her mom's.

When we get out of the school we untangle our arms and we start to talk to pass the time.

"Hey Crissy?"


"I don't know if i'm poking a nerve here, but what exactly about your mom makes her impossible? You never really talk about her to me and Cory."

She let out a big breath. "Where do I even start with her? ummm...she says she doesn't pick favorites but she's always showing my sister special treatment because she felt my grandma didn't give her enough attention because she was the youngest so now she neglects next and pays more attention to my little sister. She constantly bashed my step mom despite her being one of the sweetest ladies on earth. And to put the cherry on top of the cake of crazy, she just expects too much of me without giving me anything."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She pushes me to get good grades yet was always 'too busy' to help me with my homework. She expects me to answer for her every need but when I needed something she would always tell my dad to take care of it, and....." she stopped walking. "I know how this sounds, but, I love my mom, I just can't live with her. It's why I asked to live with my dad last year."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to get too deep." I felt bad for asking. I don't think she wanted to talk about this.

"No it's okay, the more I talk about it the more okay I am with it. Plus you're my best friend." She nudged me on the shoulder. "I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing this with anybody else." She smiled at me and we started walking again.

Eventually we got to her mom's house and Crissy let out a breath of relief when she saw she wasn't home yet. We went inside with the key she had under the mat and we went straight to her mom's bathroom to find the straightening stuff. Once we got the stuff we locked the door on our way out and made our way over to Cory's.

When we got there Topanga had red lipstick all over her face.

"Use a mirror babe." I said sarcastically. Crissy rolled her eyes.

"Topanga what's this for?" She asked Topanga.

"It was my idea for Cory and i's project. What's the stuff you guys got?"

Cory stood up. "Topanga, let me ask you something, what do you think of my hair?"

"It's beautiful, like a desert tumble weed." God she's so weird. I looked over at Cory and he looks like he's had it with her.

"Thank you for those thoughts. Look Topanga you wanna do this performance thing you go for it! I'll see you tomorrow." He handed her her book and radio and started inching her towards the door.

"Are we all done for today?"

"Yeah Shawn, Cristina, and I have another project we are working on now."

"Really? What is it?" I saw this as an opportunity.

"Well ya know how those dolphins get caught in the tuna nets?"


"Well it's got nothing to do with that." I then slam the door in her face. I high five Cory and then Crissy comes between ya and flicks our heads.

"OW!" Cory and I said in unison.

"Idiots. Let's just go start."

We ran upstairs and started to take the stuff out of the bag and Crissy started reading the directions.

Cristina's POV~

Cory didn't trust Shawn with his hair so I was gonna be the one putting the stuff in even though I don't have a clue how this works. I skimmed through the instructions and it said to leave it in for 45 minutes. I told Shawn to set a timer once all the stuff was in his hair. I sat Cory down on a chair we brought into the bathroom and started putting the straightening stuff in his hair. It honestly smelled really bad and I was glad he didn't have that much hair so it wouldn't have taken as long. Once we were done we put a plastic over his head to help it develop.

After a while Cory starts complaining about it burning. Uh oh.

"I'm gonna call the number on the box and ask." I got one of Cory's house phones and dialed the phone number as fast as I could.

"hello how can I help you!"

"Hi I was calling because i'm currently using your product on my friend and he says it's burning, is that normal?"

"HURTING HURTING NOW!!!!" I shushed Cory and got back to the woman on the phone.

"how long has it been burning?"

"She wants to know how long it's been burning."

"40-45 minutes."

"He says 45 minutes."


"WHAT!?!?" I rushed towards the box and reread the label that low and behold said 15 MINUTES!


"WHAT!?" Cory ran time the bathroom and washed the product off as fast as he could. I sat on the bed nervous when Shawn and I heard a really loud scream.

He came out of the bathroom and his hair looked so bad I couldn't even pretend to think it looked okay.

"What have I done."

Eric and Mrs. Matthews came running up the stairs and when they opened the door and saw Cory they screamed too.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no.

"WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" Shawn yells as he takes my hand and leads me out of the room.

"I'M SORRY!" I shouted hoping Cory heard me.

What the fuck did I do to his head.

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