Chapter 43~

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Third Person POV:

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

"Cristina. You've asked me that question 6 times in the past 10 minutes."

"I know, but there's a reason you and Cory haven't been around my mom's side of the family much."

"I know they can be intense. But i'm not doing this for them i'm doing this for you. So let's go already."

Cristina was nervous, but she smiled at Shawn anyway to put on a brave face. They walked up the the front of her grandma's house where the party was, and she hesitantly knocked on the door. A few seconds later an elderly woman opened the door.

"Hi Abuela." She leaned over and gave her grandmother a tight hug.

"Hello my angel." Cristina smiled as she hugged her, but then her grandmother noticed Shawn standing in the doorway and pulled back from her hug. "And who is this? Is this the infamous Derek your mother mentioned?"

"Oh God. What did she say?" Cristina became even more worried then before the door opened, if that was even possible.

"Nothing too bad. She said she didn't get to spend much time with him but that you finally got a boyfriend after all this time and she didn't like your attitude when you were with him."

She relaxed. "Okay. That's not too bad. I can handle that. But to answer your question, no this is Shawn. And if Mom asks, he's my boyfriend okay?" Cristina felt weird introducing him as her boyfriend, but not a bad weird. And Shawn didn't mind the new introduction either.

"You sure bringing a new guy as your boyfriend will set the right enough impression to appease her?"

"I'm not trying to appease her. I just don't want to hear an 'I told you so'."

"That's fair enough. You better introduce him to her first before she has the chance to complain." Cristina's grandmother opened the door a little wider for Shawn to come in. Once he walked through the door way she goes in for a hug. He reciprocated it and she whispered in his ear. "You seem sweet. Good luck in there."

"Thanks." He whispered back.

She heads off to the kitchen and Cristina begins looking around for her mom. They walk around for a bit until they spotted her at the refreshment table. Cristina took a big breath, grabbed Shawn's hand, and walked over to her. Shawn may have been slightly scared of her mom, but having her hand in his just made his nerves melt away.

He smiled as they approached her.

"Happy Birthday Mom." Her mother turns around and Cristina lets go of Shawn's hand to give her a hug. Shawn could tell the hug was forced.

"Hi dear." She pulls back and examines her daughter's face. "Your face looks a little chubby dear i'd skip the cake if I were you. Don't worry I won't be offended."

"I—" Before she has the chance to respond, her mother cut her off.

"Oh relax, i'm teasing. Don't be so sensitive. Although, you probably should skip seconds. I know you like to grab an extra piece, and waist lines only get bigger over the years dear."

After the not-so-subtle comment, Shawn thought it was about time he spoke up to lighten the mood.

"I think she looks great." Her mother snapped her head in his direction and gave him a suspicious look.

"And who might you be? Sweetie I thought you said you were bringing your boyfriend."

"I did." She puts her hand in Shawn's once again and both of them couldn't help but smile. They both felt a little happy with their hands intertwined. It gave them both a sense of warmth.

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