Chapter 1~

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Cristina's POV:

"How you feeling honey?" my dad asked me right as we pulled up to my new school.

"I don't wanna go, we just moved here and I don't know anybody. What if they all hate me?"

"Honey it's the first day of kindergarten barely anybody knows each other. And who could hate a little girl with that smile." He put his hands under my chin when he said that and I laughed.

"Okay fine i'll go now but i'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too! Have a great day today."


I put my backpack on, grabbed my lunchbox, and got out of the car. I got kinda sad when I watched him drive off but school was gonna start soon so I went inside. I saw a tall blonde lady standing by the door and so I went up to her and tugged on her sleeve to get her attention.

"Excuse me miss lady, where is Miss Smith's classroom?" She giggled and pointed to a brown door across the hall.

"Ms. Smith is right over there sweetie."

"Thank you Miss Lady." She giggled again and wanted in the other direction.

I walked in and sat down in a blue chair in the middle row. The bell rang and a bunch of kids went to their seats.

~Skip to lunch time~

My teacher was nice and all but i'm glad it was finally lunch. I was grabbed by lunchbox and ran out the door as soon as the bell rang. I didn't feel like playing yet, so I went straight to a table to go eat. When I sat down, I started to take out all my food that my dad packed for me while singing quietly along to a song that has been stuck in my head since class started. Right as I was about to take a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, two boys walked up to my table and sat down across from me. One of them had long dark brown hair and blue eyes while the other had short brown curly hair and brown eyes.

"Hi!" the curly haired boy said.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Cory Matthews, and this is my best friend Shawn Hunter."

"How ya doin'." said Shawn.

"I'm doing okay. I'm Cristina Carrillo by the way." I held out my hand for Shawn to shake.

He scrunched you his face. "Ew no don't touch me you have cooties."

"If you're so worried about getting cooties then why did you sit with me." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Because I liked how you sang. It reminds me of my mom when she sings to me."

"Thank you Shawn, you know, my daddy says he likes my voice too."

"Well your daddy is right." His eyes scanned my lunch and went wide. "YOU HAVE GUSHERS FOR LUNCH?!?!"

"You like gushers? Here you can have them i'm not that hungry." I handed my gushers to shawn and he smiled real big.

"CRISTINA MARRY ME!" he shouted and now me and Cory's eyes went wide.

"SHAWN!!! What am I gonna do once you're married! SHAWNIE YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THIS!!!" Cory said waving one of his hands at shawn.

"Yeah Shawn you thought I was icky two seconds ago because of my cooties."

"That was before you gave me your gushers, now i'm in love. Cory I have to sit with the wife now but don't worry we are still best friends." Shawn says as he switched over to my side of the table.

"Great! Just what I needed on the first day. Being told I have cooties and a husband. My daddy's gonna be so confused." I said as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"You think you're confused? My best friend just left me for a girl he met 2 minutes ago because of a pack of gushers. My life will never be the same again." Cory said while fake sobbing and making me laugh.

"Don't worry Cory I could never leave you over one pack of gushers." He turned to me. "But if you keep me' coming i'll kick curly to the curb."

"HEY!" Cory shouted.

"I'm kidding Cor." Shawn said as he sat back down right next to Cory.

"Sorry wife but my friend over here needs my support right now so i'm gonna need a divorce."

"Go ahead. I didn't even like our wedding anyways." The boys giggled.

"You're funny." They said.

"Yeah, you guys are alright. I think i'll let you stick with me for a while." She smiled and took another bite of her sandwich.

And that's how it started.

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