Chapter 52~

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Cory's POV:

"Shawn I need to talk to you."

I was sick of him keeping his feelings for Cristina a secret. All week Topanga and I have caught them staring at each other and acting super weird. I think Cristina has finally started liking him back and he needs to tell her how he feels now.

"Sure Cor, what do ya need?" He crossed his arms and leaned up against his locker.

"I'm sick of you keeping you're feelings about Cristina from her."

"Oh here we go."

"No, let me talk. You guys have been super weird all week and I think it's about time you come clean."

"I don't know what you're talking about. We have been acting perfectly normal Cory."

"No you haven't." Just then I saw Topanga walking by and I ran over and dragged her to Shawn.

"Oh great. What did I get dragged into now?"

"Ms. Wife?"

"Yes? That would be me."

"You are here in court today to testify against the defendant Shawn Hunter. Do you, Topanga Lawrence, solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do."

"Okay good. Have Cristina and Shawn been acting very weird this week?"

"Oh yeah you both are borderline flirting." She said flatly.

I wave my hands frantically in her direction to show I have proved my point.

"See? Even the wife thinks so."

"Yeah Shawn, I don't understand why you haven't told her how you felt yet. She's over Derek, she's single, and I think she's dropping hints."

"I think i'd know if Cristina is dropping hints."

"Oh please Shawn, at this point the only hint you'd be able to take is if she dropped 30 cinder blocks on you."

"Topanga's right Shawn. You have to tell her how you feel now before it's too late."

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." He said waking over to the bench with his hands up in defense.

"Well too bad. Because we are gonna keep telling you until you decide to do something about it! Shawn, you both would be great together. And nothing good is ever gonna happen to you if you don't take that chance." I look at him waiting for a response and out of the corner of my eye I see Cristina walking over here.

"You want me to do something? Fine." He whisper yells at me before Cristina was close enough to hear.

"Hi babe." He says.


"Hi babe." She responds. "Wanna make out?"


As they practically eat each other's faces off, Topanga and I stand there with our jaws dropped.


They separate and look at us as I turn to Topanga.

"WHY DIDN'T WE DO THAT?!" I shout.

She turns to me. "I DON'T KNOW!"

Cristina sits on Shawn's lap and Topanga and I are rendered speechless.

"Oh we got em good." Cristina says while smiling at Shawn. "They've been quiet for at least 3 minutes."

"W-when? H-How? WHAT?!" Was all I managed to spit out.

"Well we were planning on telling you guys the old fashioned way..." Shawn said.

"...but this idea just popped into my head and it just seemed so much more fun." Cristina smiled. "But to answer the when and how part, last week, and we had a talk/screaming match/make out session in his trailer."

"It was very romantic."

Topanga finally started to speak. "So you guys know that you both like each other?"

"We're in love actually." They both answered.

"And you guys are like officially boyfriend and girlfriend?"


"So this entire conversation that Cory and I just had with you Shawn was just for kicks."


"I heard the whole thing." Cristina said. "I really don't know how you guys kept his secret that long. You all are so loud."

I looked over at Topanga. "Well wife, we did it. Our work here is done." I held my arm out and she interlocked her with mine as we walked away.

"You know we didn't do anything right?"

"Yes, but I want the credit."

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