hendery x xiaojun

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dedicated to DjXiAoV
college au, sorry for the last update
also sorry it wasn't the exact thing you wanted

"my brain.." xiaojun sighed as he clutched his hair, his glasses almost falling off his nose as books scattered around him, currently at his own dorms, struggling. his final exams was in two weeks and here he was, already procrastinating even though he had two weeks to NOT do that.

"why don't you take a break, hm?" the blonde looked up and saw his brunette boyfriend, hendery who placed a frappe from starbucks in front of him, knowing well how much his boyfriend needed sugar.

xiaojun smile and took the drinks, not before pressing a kiss on hendery's lips. "thank you." hendery just smiled, sitting the opposite direction to xiaojun as he looked at the books. hendery looked at one of the textbooks and decided to look inside, only to blind his eyes with the amount of stuff on the pages. "why did you even decide to take theater class?"

xiaojun shrugged with a smile. "for my own purposes." his answer made the brunette chuckle as he closed the book before looking at xiaojun's disheveled hair, making hendery snort. xiaojun noticed where he was looking at and sighed. "i swear to god." hendery stood up and walked up to xiaojun, sitting beside him before pulling the blonde towards his chest.

xiaojun squealed softly before feeling hendery starting to braid his hair. "read your books, i can see we're gonna be here for awhile." xiaojun smiled, getting comfortable under hendery's touch as he opened his books, writng down notes he need.

and without them noticing, two weeks went by as quick as the flash and xiaojun was a nervous w r e c k. xioajun sighed as the teacher handed him his finals papers, giving him a small smile before passing the papers to the other student. xiaojun picked up his pen, took a few breathes before opening the papers.

the test was something he wasn't expecting. xiaojun frowned and looked at the paper again, seeing things he did not study in the past few weeks. xiaojun widened his eyes as he came to realization.

he studied the wrong unit.


"jun~~!" hendery's gentle but excited voice echoed through xiaojun's dorm as he opened the door and went in, only to frown when he saw xiaojun lying down with his face planted onto his bed. hendery tilted his head as he walked towards xiaojun. "xiaojun?" he asked with a gentle voice.

hendery widened his eyes when he heard a sniffle from his boyfriend. hendery sat down beside him, gently pushing xiaojun's hair and tucking it under his ear. before hendery could say anything, xiaojun turned around and hugged hendery tightly, hiding his face on to the brunette's shoulder as tears streamed down his face, wrapping his arm tightly around hendery's waist like a sign for comfort.

hendery knew something had gone wrong in the test and decided to stay quiet, gently wrapping his arm around xioajun, patting his back in a caring way. hendery placed a small kiss on xiaojun's forehead, moving his hand to gently stroke xiaojun's soft locks.

"get some sleep, jun." hendery said with a quiet voice. the male felt xiaojun nodded before leaning against hendery.

hendery wanted to talk to xiaojun but he knew this was not a good time. instead, hendery gently stroked xiaojun's hair as he sang a lullaby with an angelic-voice. his soft voice made xiaojun fall asleep more easily as xiaojun's eyelids closed slowly, slightly shivering from the wind that was produced from the air condition.

hendery grabbed the remote and lowered the fan level, making it just enough for his tired boyfriend. the brunette grabbed a blanket and draped it on xiaojun, wrapping his arms around the blonde before he went to sleep too.

the next day on, xiaojun was both surprised and delighted when he got an email from his teacher who held the exam, saying that he gave the wrong subject and that the whole class was going to do it again except him. xiaojun smiled brightly as he read the next paragraph;

i'm very surprised you managed to get a 99 out of a 100 when the exam was not the right unit nor subject. i am very proud of you.

and when hendery read it?

he bursted into tears out of pride for his boyfriend as he pulled xiaojun into a hug, sobbing onto his shoulder while xiaojun awkwardly patted his shoulder before smiling. at this moment, xiaojun forgot all the negativity in this world, enjoying the peace him and hendery had at that time, both in each other's arms.

"i'm so proud." hendery sniffled as he dramatically wiped his tears. xiaojun just chuckled awkwardly before he was pulled into a hug again. hendery smield and tightly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "god, i love you."

"i love you too, you cheesy corn dog." xiaojun teased with a grin. hendery huffed at the nickname and started to tickle xiaojun, his laugh spreading across each and every corner of their combined dorms as they had their own little moment again, happy to have them together.

nct oneshots two ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᵉᵗᵉᵈKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat