jaehyun × taeyong

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the sound of the alarm as the birds chirping woke up the raven male as he sat up, clutching his head when he felt a headache coming.

"god.." taeyong groaned. he looked to his side and smiled when he saw jaehyun, a former classmate from his class.

no they didn't have sex. had a pillow fight, then jaehyun fell down the bed like an idiot, and they cuddled.

"good morning my dear peach.." taeyong said quietly, kissing jaehyun's lips gently before resting his head on jaehyun's shoulder.

jaehyun then slowly woke up from his sleep, mumbling some words taeyong couldn't make out of but just let him be.

"taeyong?" the said male hummed, wrapping his arms around jaehyun's torso.

jaehyun chuckled and kissed his forehead, making taeyong pout.

jaehyun frowned. "what?"

"you missed." that made jaehyun tilt his head. taeyong pouted even more and sat up slightly to peck his lips. taeyong pulled away with a soft but proud smile.

jaehyun smiled, his dimples showing and flipped them around, jaehyun hovering over the older.

"you're irresistible for me." before jaehyun smashed his lips against taeyong's, the raven male wrapping his arms around jaehyun's neck.

taeyong moaned slightly but that was enough for jaehyun to slide his tongue in.

"mmm j-jae.." taeyong mumbled into the kiss. they pulled away from the kiss, out of breathe before laughing and making their foreheads touch.

"i love you so much." taeyong said, his fingers playing with jaehyun's hair.

"i love you too. more than you could ever know." jaehyun then gently kissed taeyong's knuckle.

beautiful morning isn't it? well, for them but shush.

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