jaemin x jeno

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dedicated to bbyjenomnom

"now, turn to page three hundred and ninety-four.." the teacher's voice and the whispers around jeno started to go muffled as he continued to listen to his music and drew whatever his mind wanted to. jeno let out a quiet sigh as his pen ran out of ink again and opened his bag, trying to find a new one.

jeno felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, seeing a boy holding a pen towards him with a smile. "need one?" normally the people in his class didn't care or let anyone use their things so this was considered a nice thing. jeno smiled back and took the pen. "thanks uhm.."

"na jaemin." he introduced himself, his dyed hair seem to outshine the rest due to the bright lights in the class. jeno nodded. "lee jeno. thanks for the pen by the way, i'll bring it back." jaemin smiled and shook his head, his fluffly hair bouncing.

"it's fine, really. you can keep it." jaemin send a friendly wink before going back to his own things, reading a gay novel book on his ebook reader that seemed more interesting than the lesson. jeno smiled and went back to drawing, not realizing his heart started to beat at the thought of jaemin.

the silence, once you excluded the teacher's voice, between jeno and jaemin lifted up, from awkward and uncomfortableness to a friendly and kind mood. the two boys sometimes took glances of each other and smiled, slowly questioning the feelings they get.

the next day, jeno was getting ready for another lesson of him not listening to the teacher. he was about to take out his ebook reader until someone sat next to him, radiating a kind aura. jeno looked up and saw jaemin with a smile. "is it okay if i sit next to you?" jeno smiled and nodded. jaemin smiled before taking out his laptop, opening it.

jeno couldn't help it but took a glance at the screen, seeing jaemin go to netflix and scroll down the movies. jeno saw a series he was currently watching and pointed at the screen. "i'm watching that right now."

jaemin's eyes lit up. "really?" jaemin then looked around before looking at jeno, a hint of mischievousness glaring in his dark brown orbs. "wanna watch it together in the class?" jeno smiled back and chuckled. "of course, anything to not listen to this boring lecture." jaemin took out his earphones and plugged it into the laptop, handing one of the wired buds to jeno who received it. jaemin clicked on the series, surprisingly being on the episode jeno was also stuck on. the series started with the netflix classic intro as the story plot continued, the teacher's voice being non existent at that time for the two boys.

as the class went on with almost everyone not paying attention, the two korean males were in their own worlds, feeling happy with each other. once it was a short break time, the teacher having to have a short meeting with the other teachers, jaemin sighed as the episode came to and end. jeno stretched his arms a little, knocking the bud out of his ear. jeno sighed, picking up the ear bud again and placing it on the desk. "that ended post dramatically." he said, with an exhausted smile. jaemin laughed and nodded. "right? i mean, i'm still happy the male characters ended up together."

"yeah, they're really cute." jaemin hummed, running a hair through his already damaged hair. jeno, not knowingly since he was too tired to have his right mind, leaned against jaemin's shoulder for comfort. jaemin was frozen, his body was tense as he didn't expect this. jeno felt jaemin stiffen and that's when he knew, he fucked the fuck up. jeno quickly pulled away and was about to apologize when all jaemin did was smile.

"if you're going to apologize, please shut up cause i was about to hug you back." jeno's cheek turned pink, his pale skin going slightly red. jaemin chuckled and pinched his cheek before going to netflix and searching for a movie. jeno smiled and rested his head on jaemin's shoulder again, relaxed as he felt jaemin's body relax too. jaemin thought about it for a while before wrapping an arm around jeno's shoulder, comforting him in the cold room that had the AC blasted on.

the awkwardness didn't come by until the lesson was over, the two boys only taking glances of each other. jeno smiled at jaemin and was about to leave until the taller grabbed his wrist. jeno turned around with jaemin smiled at him. "can i take you on a date?"

jeno felt really happy at this point, his heart was fluttering with love blooming as cringey as it sounds. jeno grinned and nodded, leaving jaemin happy too. "tomorrow, at the cafe in the afternoon." jaemin said before leaning. "also, don't be late." he whispered before leaving a kiss on jeno's cheek and walking away with a gigantic smile plastered on his face.

jeno felt bedazzled before smiling too.

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