jeno x jaemin

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military & zombie apocalypse au

jeno will have his black hair, jaemin will have his blond hair with blue streaks at the bangs


"lee, na, get moving!" bringing their fists up to the middle of their chest, saluting to the commander, they nodded. both soldiers quickly ran out of the headquarters, reloading their guns and bringing weapons that matched with their own combat style. jeno went with a double-edged spear, both ends having a sharp metal edge to it. jaemin went with the kel-tec ksg 25 shotgun and the kriss vector assault rifle.

"why the hell are these dicks so damn pesky?!" jaemin screamed in anger, shoving bullets into his spare pocket while placing his two guns safely onto the cases that was behind him, clearly addressing the zombies as 'dicks'. as jeno gripped onto his spear, making sure it was steady, checking the knives, he glanced at the blond male with a deadpanned look. "come on, let's get moving."

letting out a quiet groan, jaemin quickly tagged along with jeno, gripping onto his small shotgun he had on his hand. as the two reached towards the entrance of the headquarters, they noticed the monster's hands and let out snickers of annoyance. as the two climbed up to the balcony, they started shooting immediately.

with perfect aim, jaemin and jeno pulled the trigger, the bullet entering right into the zombies' heads, killing them instantly. as jaemin noticed one trying to climb up the wall, he grabbed the dagger from his pocket. he threw it down at the creature, hitting its forehead clearly. while falling down, the zombie hit its' others kinds, knocking them down.

"why are there so many?!" jaemin screamed through the groans and mindless noises from the zombies. jeno winced, seeing as his gun ran out of bullets, already. while reloading, he took the time to shout an answer at the blond male, "how can i know!? just kill them!"

jeno quickly regained his posture, his gun taking its time. he bent down and killed the ones in front of the gate, his eyes narrowing as he focused intensely.

"my god.." jaemin panted out of exhaustion. jeno laid down next to him, his chest rising up and down. down at the entrance was a pile, a puddle, a mess full of the dead bodies. it took them 3 hours to get rid of all the zombies. it was surprising that they had enough bullets to last that long. as the dark haired male looked over to his partner, making sure he wasn't injured too much, jaemin smirked. "checking me out?"

jeno let out a small chuckle of amusement, looking back at the sky. "right. totally." as he stared at the light blue sky, clouds decorating the emptiness, his mind dazed off. he couldn't help, but think how if these damn annoying zombies didn't exist, how normal his life would be.

jaemin, seeing as jeno was clearly not in his stable mindset, he smiled slyly. crawling over to him, he confidently sat down on his lap, looking down at the dark haired male. jeno immediately sat up in confusion and also gay panic.

"jeno," his fingers gazing against jeno's pale cheeks, the blond gently caressed the lower part of jeno's eyes, smiling, "good job."

jeno smiled back, his eye smile striking right into jaemin's heart. as jeno pulled him closer by his waist, his arms wrapping around the blond, he placed a small kiss onto his lips. "you too."


their commander did not know what to say as he watched the camera. as he shut it off, he sighed.

"really making my single ass feel better."

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