We ignored them and headed over to the table at the middle of the room where all our gang were seated.

Logan noticed my arrival and got up to embrace me. He's toned arms held me protectively as I breathed in his attractive cologne.

He led me to a seat beside him and we all began planning for another day out on Saturday. Lily and Sandra were so busy arguing over the last chicken wing left on the plate that they didn't take notice of Brian snatching the wing and shoving it into his mouth. He gave them a goofy grin as they glared at him and began playfully punching him. Brian was pleading for help almost dramatically.

I couldn't contain the laughter I'd been holding so I burst out laughing along with everyone else.

"Hey sugarplum?" Logan asked while I tried regaining my composure.

"Mmm, yeah?" I asked, turning my body to face him.

"I was wondering..... if we could..... um... go out tonight?" He asked hesitantly before continuing.

"It's okay if you don't want to! I mean-"

"I'd love to! It's been a while since we've hung out and I really miss that. Also, babe, I'm your girlfriend. You don't have to hesitate to take me out!" I replied gleefully while cutting him off.

He released a sigh of relief that I didn't know he was holding and gave me a peck on my lips.

"So..... I've got everything planned. All you have to do is get dressed and await your prince charming's arrival " he emphasized more on the last three words while dropping a cheesy curtsy and winking the cutest wink ever.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and snuggled closer to him. He kissed my forehead and caressed my arm causing me to look up at him.

"I look forward to our date" I whispered sassily to him, which resulted him to raise a brow and smirk cheekily.

"Better be.... oh and I'll pick you up at around 8:00pm? Ok, Sugarplum?" He replied lowly while nibbling on my ear.

Is it me or is it getting hot in here?

I bit my lip and playfully slapped his thigh as an indication to stop or you'll face the consequences.
I was feeling quite curious about what he had planned. Why 8pm though?

I asked him but he simply said it's something to do with "the activities" he planned for our date. I couldn't question him any further because the bell for the next period rang and Logan took that as an opportunity to avoid the conversation.

I scrunched my brows at him as he turned around and walked backwards, blowing me a blow kiss which I caught before he turned back around and headed off to class.

Might as well get to class then...

I walked with my girlfriends by my side when someone bumped into me causing me to fall backwards.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the painful impact but I felt... nothing.

Nothing at all.

Then, I felt something warm gripping my waist and head firmly. Arms?

I opened my eyes and it immediately locked with a familiar pair of grey eyes. I froze when I realized who those grey eyes belonged to.

They belonged to Adam....

One of his hand was under my head while the other gripped my waist, preventing me from falling backwards.

He hoisted me upwards so that I was standing on my feet, directly in front of his face. He gave a friendly smile, his hand still on my waist.

"Sorry about that..." he looked around and scratched his head in embarrassment?

"Uh... um... no pro-blem" I stuttered as he looked behind me at my girlfriends.

"See you around?" He stated but sounded more like a question.
I nodded slightly as he walked off, flashing Blake and I a toothy grin.

That feeling of paranoia came back again but this time it felt so real in a sense that I cannot even disagree or neglect that feeling. It felt so close..

I didn't want to turn around , afraid of what I'll see.. which is nothing. I continued walking to class with my friends , silently praying that nothing happens.. at least for tonight.

(To be continued)


Hello humans 😉

I humbly apologize for the late update.... again. *sighs*

I've been quite caught up with a lot of things... I know it's not an excuse but anyways....

How was this chapter? Any ideas on who this 'Unknown' is? I'd love to hear your theories 😀

Don't forget to:
#Comment 😁

If you have any suggestions then you know what to do... either PM me or comment 😃

Hope you enjoyed reading my crappy writing...😅

Take care & keep laughing 😊. God bless you all.

Good byeee & peace out ✌✌

P.S. 700 reads??!!! Thank you all so much for the support. Keep reading for more thrills ( I think😂)

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