
"Thanks, I guess not all assassins are like Professor Bitch" he tried to glimpse a peek down her shirt discreetly, but she accidentally moved out of the way, oblivious to his endeavour,

She smiled, "yeah, the only other assassin like her I know is the seductor of my union, Jack, the guy always walks around with his boobs out, and he can really rock a cocktail dress." He wanted to laugh, but somehing told her that she wasn't kidding,

"Hold on, what's a union?" Okajima asked her,

"Well, I guess its like your assassination classroom," she replied, leaning back in her seat with a nostalgic smile, "you know, we help out other assassins in our union, give each other advice, the only difference is that we don't share a target, unless we're working together, we all get jobs from the head of the union, and then 10% of the profit goes to the union, for new weapons, and stuff like that."

He smiled at that, it looked like Y/N didn't need to be friends with them that much at all, "So, you keep 90% of the money?"

"Yep! Honestly, after Corey got into an accident, I dont know what the union would do without me, half the time our clients only want the well known assassins, and then we have to tell them that the Big Bad Wolf got kicked out for being a necrophile, and Hephaestus has been in a wheelchair for years." Okajima knew what necrophilia was, it was like paedophiles but for corpses, he had run into that kind of porn mags once or twice, and even he wasnt horny enough to touch the stuff, he did have some standards. Y/N leaned back in her chair and murmured slightly,

"Thats why I need to pull this off, one billion yen could fund Sam's surgery, and help expand the house, and do so much more." He felt slightly bad then, the rest of E class was in it for the money, for never having to work ever again, but Y/N was doing it to help other kids, and was clearly not planning on retiring and leaving them to fend for themselves anytime soon, even if she became a Billionaire.

"Hey, Y/N?" She opened one eye, "can- can you not tell anyone about me hurting my ankle.... please?"

She stood up and dusted off her uniform, "Alright, well, I'd better get back to the race, otherwise Akabane will probably get suspicious." She flashed him a grin, and then she was gone. Minutes later, Okajima realised he had spent over fifteen minutes alone with a girl, and had not managed to get a single peek at any exposed skin.


Karma knew that Y/N had gone to help the perv, but he didn't think it would take this long, 'calm down, she can take care of herself, its not like Okajima can do anything' but despite his thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder if something had happened, until he saw Y/N come running up to him, she saw him standing there and shrugged,

"Well, I lost, that's what I get for being cocky." She handed him the money but he refused to take it.

"I don't want it, I didn't win fair and square." She stared at him,

"This whole race was your idea, and now you don't want the prize?"

"I know you helped Okajima, you didn't even try to win." She was still staring at him,

"Is this some new way of gloating? I got lost by some stream and literally only just found my way back" She was lying, why? What was she doing with Okajima that she didn't want anyone to know about?

"If you really got lost, what did the stream look like?"

"I don't know! It was a dip in the ground with water running through, I was kinda more focused on getting away from it than taking a mental image." He rolled his eyes, but still didn't take the money,

"Whatever, I'll walk you to the station,"

"I don't use the station to get home."

"Then you're walking me to the station, consider it a penalty for losing." He grabbed her wrist and started walking, forcing her to walk alongside him,

"I- wait! Wasn't the penalty for losing being proved wrong?" He suddenly shoved her wrist downwards, forcing her to stumble forward and meet his gaze, and smirked "No, that was just to make sure you took the bait,"

He started walking again, with Y/N stumbling slightly behind him, she had a few choice words to say about his mother and his face, but he didn't find himself with a knife against his throat, so she was clearly arguing just for the sake it, after a while she just huffed and kept quiet until they got to a secluded spot in town and she tugged on his hold,

"The stations that way, Karma- hey, Karma, you missed the station!" He pulled her into an alley, it wasn't really an alley, there was good lighting and it was clean, it just wasn't convenient for anyone, so noone used it. He used his hold on her wrist to back her against a wall, before slackening his grip,

"Why did you lie about helping Okajima? What's going on between you two? Do you like him or something?" He couldn't stop the questions, they all came pouring out of him, it was like for the weeks he had known her, be had bottled up his feelings and now they came pouring  out in the form of anger

"Huh? Me? Like Okajima?" She laughed slightly, "As if! Isn't here something going on between him and Isogai? Or at least between him and Okano? I dont know, maybe they like his stupid floppy blond hair." He blinked, floppy blond hair? She continued, "Honestly! It's like there's a spider trying to crawl it's way out of his scalp legs first and- wait no, I'm thinking of Maehara aren't I? Which one's Okajima again?"

He couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, resting his forehead against her shoulder, she giggled a little too, after that she walked him to the station, for real this time.

I was worrying for nothing, besides, who cares if she likes Okajima, if pervy guys are her type, I won't judge her, just mercilessly make fun of her, that's what best friends do, right?

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