Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)

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 At first, Blaine seemed to be the only one into the performance but some of the New Directions like Marley seemed to slowly get into the performance. When the bell rang, everyone seemed to rush out on Tina. "What?" Tina said crushed. "Later," Ryder said to Jake. "Seriously?" Tina scoffed annoyed. "Congratulations, Tina," Marley offered supportively as Jake pulled her out. "Seriously?" Tina sighed still upset by what happened as she went to get her things hoping things would somehow work out better for her during the prom.

Cut to the Spotlight Diner where Rachel and Santana are working where Dani keeps looking over at Santana lovingly as Rachel paces around. "That's it. My dreams of playing Fanny Brice are over," Rachel whimpered. "I'm sure it isn't over," Santana said trying to be encouraging. "If I got it, I would've heard by now," Rachel huffed. "Okay?" Santana said confused. "And-and-and the thing is, is that I wasn't just auditioning for this for myself. I was auditioning for everyone at McKinley," Rachel said as Santana made a face "Okay? I wanted to show that we're talented enough to make it in this insane business." "Okay, well, one of us sort of already did," Santana said as Rachel looked surprised "I booked a commercial. It's a little embarrassing, because it was for that yeast infection medication, Yeast-I-Stat. But they sent me a rough cut. Do you want to see?" "Yeah," Rachel smiled a bit as Santana pulled out her phone to show Rachel the commercial she had shot.

Cut to Santana rolling out dough. "Let's face it. There are good kinds of yeast, and bad kinds of yeast," Santana said as she then grabbed the box "But bad yeast goes scat with Yeast-I-Stat. Burns and itch are a thing of the past. And Yeast-I-Stat's Seven Easy-Step Application makes feeling fresh a breeze," Santana said in a voice over as clips of her with a ribbon dancing as well as her leaping in the air and swinging on swing played. We then cut to her at a party with a bagels. "I like my yeast in my bagel...but not in my muffin," Santana said to the camera as we cut to different clips of Santana as a song played as she danced around, blowing bubbles as well as eating a bagel. "I'm free!" Santana's voice over played as the commercial ended once again showing the packaging.

Cut back to the spotlight diner as the video ends. "Wow. That's...that's great. Honestly, if it were anyone else, I'd be so jealous, but I'm-I'm-I'm...really proud of you," Rachel said honestly. "Thank you. Thank you," Santana smiled as she and Rachel shared a hug as Rachel continued to worry about her dream role wondering if it was just going to slip through her fingers.

Cut to McKinley High as Bree approaches Kitty with her posse on a mission. "Oh, hi, Kitty. Could I talk to you for a second?" Bree asked as Kitty turned around. "Umm sure Bree...what's going on?" Kitty asked slightly nervous about what Bree wanted to talk to her about. "I heard you were going to vote for that Asian Girl on the cheerios for Prom Queen instead of supporting our dear friend Jordan who's neck was broken after your failed leadership as head cheerio," Bree said in her usual fake nice voice as Jordan played up her injury "Why is that?" "I just felt like it was her turn....she's been through a lot. Besides, the only non cheerio nominee is Sugar, so why are you so caught up on Tina?" Kitty shot back at Bree. "Because Asian girl from Glee Club isn't one of us! Okay, yes she may be on the cheerios but her dedication is to that God awful Glee Club that you are somehow still a member of. We've had Prom Queens from Glee Club, including the a former crippled cheerio and a gay dude. And if we're not careful, I swear to God we're gonna have a black transsexual named Unique as Prom Queen before we have a full time Cheerio as Prom Queen," Bree said slightly annoyed glaring at Kitty. "You better think very carefully about your decision Kitty because ever since you started dating that wheelchair kid, you reputation is on the line. Unless you want to just be another loser in that club, you better support the cheerios before your...friend in the glee club," Bree said as she snapped her fingers signaling the other cheerios to leave as they glared at Kitty. Kitty just stood there worried about what she should do, because her choice would affect the rest of her high school career.

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