Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)

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"So here's what you missed on Glee. Will proposed to Emma and she said," the narrator said as a clip of Will getting down on one knee and proposing to Emma played. "Yes." Emma teared up as Will kissed her. The New Directions cheered for the happy couple, glad to have been a part of their proposal. "The New Directions made it to Regionals where they will once again be facing off the Warblers but there's this new kid Sebastian on the Warblers who's got it bad for Blaine," the narrator said as a clip of Sebastian and Blaine meeting up played. "Kurt isn't too thrilled about the whole thing," the narrator said as a clip of Kurt and Sebastian talking played. "I don't like you," Kurt told Sebastian seriously. "Fun. I don't like you either," Sebastian smirked. "Will and Shelby are co-directing the New Directions since they decided to merge Glee Clubs but they have very different ideas about how the New Directions should rehearse so there's a lot of tension there," the narrator said as a clip of Will and Shelby arguing played "You got lucky. I lead Vocal Adrenaline to 7 consecutive national championships and believe me we didn't get there just by winging it," Shelby said defensively. "And that's what you missed on," the narrator said. "GLEE!" The voices sang out.

Shelby walked into the choir room. "Alright, New Directions. Regionals is 4 weeks away and I think we need to start working on finalizing a set list," Shelby said as the New Directions nodded. "With all due respect Shelby, we have 4 weeks to practice, shouldn't we just be testing out songs to see if we can find what works best?" Will asked as Shelby gave him a look. "I think I know how to coach a Glee Club to victory Will. I've done it before," Shelby said defensively as Mercedes raised her hand. "Yes Mercedes?" Shelby called on her. "Miss C, Mr. Schue...I had an idea for what might set us apart at Regionals," Mercedes smiled. "That's fantastic Mercedes, what did you have in mind?" Will asked as Shelby also seemed intrigued. "We're up against some tough competition facing against the Warblers again, not to mention The Golden Goblets. I think we need to do what they can't and put on a performance like we did at Sectionals. I really think we should perform some Michael," Mercedes said as a lot of the New Directions seemed to murmur in agreement. "Well I for one know exactly what song we should start Michael with," Blaine grinned as he got up to perform 'Wanna Be Starting Something' with the New Directions following his lead.

Shelby and Will were watching the New Directions perform the Michael Jackson number in the auditorium. They couldn't help but applaud, for the first time both agreeing that Michael Jackson would be the way to go for them to secure a win at Regionals.

Cut to the Lima Bean where Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Brittany, and Artie are sitting together talking about Michael Jackson. "I owe the King of Pop a deep debt of gratitude. He was the first one to pull off the sequined military jacket, long before one Kurt Hummel made it iconic," Kurt grinned. "Totally. His dance moves are so iconic. It's what made me want to be a dancer," Brittany smiled a bit. "I have to be honest-- I never really got him," Rachel admitted. "And we are no longer on speaking terms," Artie said shaking his head. "No, I think he's an amazing performer, but I've never really just got what he was about," Rachel said honestly. "Rachel, he was best friends with Liza Minnelli and Liz Taylor," Kurt said in shock. "No, all I'm saying is that I-I just I haven't connected with him the way that I have with the likes of Barbra or either of the Stephens. Sondheim. Schwartz," Rachel said. "I'd throw this mocha in your face, but it's not nearly scalding enough," Santana snipped at Rachel. "Okay, but just, since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea for Regionals," Rachel said. "Well, that might not be the best idea," Sebastian said as he approached them as the New Directions looked confused. "Hey, Blaine," Sebastian smirked "Hello, everyone else." "Does he live here or something? Seriously, you are always here," Kurt said annoyed. "Why don't you think that's a good idea?" Artie asked confused. "Because we're doing MJ for Regionals," Sebastian smirked as everyone's faces fell "You see, Warblers drew first position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our set list accordingly." "I'm sorry, how how did you hear?" Rachel asked upset. "Blaine told me this morning," Sebastian smirked as everyone gave Blaine a look "I just called for a tip on how to get red wine out of my blazer piping, and he would not stop going on about it." "I may have mentioned it," Blaine said awkwardly. "How often do you talk?" Kurt asked Blaine annoyed. "Oh, my God, hey, Kurt. I didn't recognize you. You are wearing boy clothes for once," Sebastian smirked as Kurt looked at him annoyed as Santana got up. "All right, twink, I think it's time that I show you a little Lima Heights hospitality," Santana said getting up in Sebastian's face. "Unless you want to join your relatives in prison, that's probably not the best idea. You see, my dad is sort of what you'd call a state's attorney," Sebastian smirked as Santana's face fell, there wasn't much she could do "But if you had a piñata you wanted delivered, I bet he could make sure that got to them." Santana just took her seat annoyed. "All right, so here's what you guys should know. I am captain of the Warblers now, and I'm tired of playing nice," Sebastian smirked as the New Directions were frustrated. "Why don't you come by Dalton, so we can show you what you're up against hmm?" Sebastian smirked as everyone seemed to agree. They needed to scope out the competition.

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