08. new life pt. 3 , n. eubanks

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y/n's pov

noen and i were on the couch, he was playing minecraft on the ps4 while i was watching him. i was now thirty eight weeks, having bad braxton hicks contractions. i had been having them the past few weeks, but today they were the worst, the baby was coming soon. everything was fine until a huge contraction came, making my whole body shake.

"shit." i screeched in pain.

"woah, it's ok." noen looked over, placing his hand on my stomach.

my breathing was heavy, and then i felt a huge gush of something underneath me. i stood up, liquid running out of my shorts and down my legs. noen shot up, turning his game off.

"those are real contractions noen." i grabbed onto his hand, another contraction hitting me. he placed his hand on my lower back keeping me up. it was hard to stand.

"sit back down and i'll grab the hospital bag and everything we need to do. take deep breaths." he kissed my head then ran off, coming back about two minutes later.

"do you need me to carry you or do you want to walk?"

"just hold my hand please." he nodded, then helped me stand.

we walked as fast as we could to the car, another contraction making me almost fall.

"yep you're being carried." he said as he picked me up and set me in the car.

he held my hand the whole drive, then helped me out and into the hospital.

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