02. how'd you know , j. richards

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y/n's pov

"my parents are actually planning to murder me." i sighed, i was on call with my boyfriend of a year. we were planning to move to L.A in two days, and my parents were going real hard on me.

"baby girl, they're gonna be fine. they are letting you go."

"but it's either, you're moving across the country leaving us behind, or i don't understand why you're just leaving, you have a life." my parents didn't understand why i was leaving, but it wasn't their choice. i was almost eighteen, an adult.

"well i got to go baby, but it's gonna work out." he said, "i love you."

"i love you too."

the phone call ended, and i dropped my head into my pillow. i was so ready to leave, get away. five minutes later, there was a tap on my window. i jumped up, only to see josh.

"what the hell are you doing here?" i asked, opening my window up for him to come in.

"figured you needed a hug" he wrapped his arms around me. i was very tense, he could tell.

"relax, you're okay." he told me, putting his hand under my shirt and rubbing my bare back. i loosened up under is touch, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"see, it's fine."

"how'd you know i needed this?" i asked.

"because i love you and i know when you aren't okay." he went on, "don't worry. we'll be in a house with our internet friends, our own room, a new start."

"i love you so much." i sighed, digging my head into his neck.

"i love you so much more."

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