60: The End

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I had asked Blinky what the ingredients was and he wrote me the list, having lost the last one.
It took a while for me to gather the ingredients, but I have finally done it.
I asked for everyone to leave me alone while I did this.
I had moved Draal into the sewers and had brought up walls incase he was disoriented like Arrrgh was when we brought him back.
I sighed as I put in the final ingredient.
Blue smoke covered Draal and once it went away I sighed, walking up to him.
I put my hand to his chest as I looked up at his face.
Tears fell from my cheeks as I let them do so.
Slowly he turned to normal, dropping to his knees as the scar from Gunmar was still there.
I put my hand against it, my eyes glowing orange as I healed it.
It closed quickly as I focused on it.
Once it was closed I met his eyes, seeing him staring down at me with confusion.
He brought his metal hand to my cheek and I smiled softly as I cried tears of joy.
"I love you too, you jerk." I whispered, hugging him.
I could feel his smile as he hugged me back.
When we pulled away he lifted up the obsidian piece of the choker.
"You're still wearing it." He stated.
"Always." I replied with a smile.
He pulled me in for another hug.
"How much have I missed?" he asked, making me smile.
"You've missed a lot these past months." I stated.
When we pulled away again, I lowered the walls and we started making our way home.
I told him about everything that happened from when he turned to stone to now.
"Jim was a troll?" He asked, making me nod as I continued.
I even told him what I found out about myself.
That I was from the past initially, but thanks to a wizard that had died to protect me, I was sent to this time, born as Jim's twin sister.
The amulet was just there to inhance my powers and would disappear from me once I had complete control, I just had to build it to help myself.
These abilities and the wings were just a part of me that was hidden from the world so I would be safe.
I was born the Nightwatcher and the amulet didn't make me what I was.
And the stones?
They added to my raw power.
He was surprisingly very accepting of this new information.
"I can't imagine that all happened in the time I was gone." He stated.
"The world tried to end three times without you, Draal." I joked,
He hummed as he pulled me closer to his side.
"Then I should do better at keeping my promise to you." He stated.
"Hmm, you really should." I replied with a smile.
We then walked into the garage and walked up the stairs, the curtains having been closed before hand.
Everyone was there, smiling when they saw Draal.
"They wanted to see you as soon as possible." I explained when he looked at me.
They then gathered around, glad to see Draal was back.
I smiled at the scene before me.
Draal gently grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him, but didn't do anything else.
I was glad because I would never publicly show anymore affection then holding hands.
I guess the same was for him...
Other then saying he loved me in front of everyone when he had sacrificed himself.
But that was different and besides the point!

Later that night, I was leading Draal through the trees.
I had a cluster of shadows covering his eyes as a substitute for a bandana.
"I still do not understand the need for this." He stated, making me laugh.
"Just shut up and follow my lead." I said, moving him before he could walk into a tree.
When we broke through the trees, I opened my wings and started manipulating the air around him.
"Don't freak out." I said as he slowly started lifting into the sky.
I kept hold of his hand, hovering with him as we rose into the air.
He was looking around and moving his feet as if he was trying to find the ground.
I landed first and slowly lowered him.
"Alright, now just a bit further." I said.
"I'm starting to not like being led without sight." He stated, making me smile.
"You're gonna like it. I promise." I stated.
I stopped when we made it to the point.
He took another step, but I pulled him back so he wouldn't step off the cliff.
"Ready?" I asked.
He nodded with a snort and I snapped my fingers.
The shadows flew into the air before diving into the woods, taking their place among the others.
He looked around, a smile on his face.
A rare thing to see.
"I know you were the one that brought me here... but, I wanted to go somewhere where the two of us feel... free." I explained.
He pulled me into a hug and I sighed happily.
We both looked out to the world below us, the stars shining brightly and the moon giving it's soft glow.
This was good.
This felt... Good.
I sighed happily again, closing my eyes as I committed this moment to memory.

A few weeks later, I was in my home.
No one else was here, so I turned on the tv to Gun robot 3.
The door then opened and Jim walked up the stairs.
"Hey Skylar. I'll be out of your hair in a minute." He stated, making me nod.
I then heard someone come up from the basement, making me look over.
Draal looked around before moving over to me.
He sat down next and started to trace my neck with his fingers.
"Draal, not now." I whispered to him, keeping my eyes on the tv.
Draal studied my reaction as my cheeks turned a slight pink.
"You didn't mind when-"
"Skylar Do yo-"
My cheeks burned a deep red as I felt Jim's eyes on us after he interrupted Draal.
I kept my hands in my lap as I stared at the tv, Draal not daring to look at Jim as his fingers stayed at my neck.
"This is a great show." I found myself saying awkwardly.
Jim walked down the rest of the stairs and walked to the door.
"I've fought trolls, goblins, witches, and fought a war with King Arthur while being a troll. But this I can not do." He stated before leaving.
Draal then resumed what he was doing, making my blush darken even more so.
"I didn't know humans could change color." He teased, making me huff.
"Oh shush." I muttered.

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