57: Wizard Underground

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"Welcome back to the twenty first century!" Douxie stated.
"Ah! Sweet, sweet pollution. How I missed you!" Steve exclaimed.
He then inhaled deeply before coughing.
His phone then started to chime.
"Heh! Reception! Hot dang!" He took in a breath of air as it kept dinging.
"So many messages." He stated.
Jim started yelling in pain, the onyx shard going deeper as it glowed red.
"Jim!" Claire said worriedly as I walked over, frowning.
"Hold on, please." She begged.
"Man, oh, man! Can this get any worse?" Steve asked.
We were then in a lightning storm.
"Yes. Yes it can." I muttered.
We then hovered in front of Merlin and the others.
"Need a lift?" He asked.
"Douxie! But you're trapped in the past!" Archie exclaimed.
"Not anymore." Douxie replied.
"Took you long enough. We have much to talk about." Merlin stated, climbing in.
Arrrgh then jumped in with Blinky and Toby.
"Oh, no, Jimbo! What's happening to him?" Toby asked immediately.
"The shard, it's moving to his heart." Claire explained.
"I'm getting everyone home safe, as promised." Douxie stated.
"Not yet! We're missing one!" Merlin stated.
Just then a green humanoid thing jumped in, yelling Merlin's name and making Steve scream.
We then took off, Douxie barely freezing the tower on time as it came crashing down.
I sighed at the same time as Douxie, sitting on the edge of the cliff.
We landed, Steve chuckling.
"I guess school's out for the ever." He stated.
"I'm glad I graduated early." I stated, sighing.
He slid down as I flew off the ship.
"Aw, man, I never cleaned out my locker!" He exclaimed, making me roll my eyes.
"Your beautiful school home was crushed." The little green humanoid stated.
"So..." Toby started before chuckling.
"Now that we've cheated death, quick Q. Who's the little magic plant lady?" Toby asked.
"Nari. She renounced the Arcane Order and sought asylum in Camelot." Merlin replied.
Jim suddenly roared and I backed up, feeling the black magic pour from him.
"There has to be something we can do." Douxie stated, bringing me back.
"I told you nine centuries ago, there isn't." Merlin stated in turn.
"You remember what happened?" Douxie asked.
"Like it was yesterday, which, for you, it was." Merlin stated, making me take in a breath of air.
"I know it was a hard choice, but you did the right thing for the sake of the world." Merlin added.
We then heard the Arcane Orders ship as Jim groaned.
"We gotta get him outta here." Claire said, moving to pick Jim up.
"Stop! The shard's creeping towards his heart again!" Merlin stated.
"Nari, come back to us and finnish the work you have begun!" We heard a voice from above order.
"You misunderstand our grand vision." The other one stated.
"They are under our protection." Douxie stated, running forward.
"If you want them, you've gotta get through us!" Claire exclaimed as we both moved forward.
Merlin then formed a shield around him, Blinky, Jim, and Nari.
"So be it!" The one in red stated with their disorted voice.
The mouth of their ship opened, revealing the Green Knight, ready to jump out and attack.
He landed and walked towards us.
I summoned my swords, opening my wings.
Steve, Toby, and Arrrgh were the first to charge.
The Green Knight took them out quickly.
"His movements feel familiar somehow." I stated, frowning.
"Nari, Trollhunter, You are mine." The Green Knight stated.
Douxie turned his staff into a guitar and shot a blast of magic at the Green Knight and I joined him, shooting a bolt of lightning.
It didn't seem to have an effect so Claire through out her arms, opening a portal and moving it towards him, but he dodged it, moving towards us with quick movements.
He went for Douxie first and just in that split second, Douxie blocked his attack and I shot another bolt of lightning, no effect.
Douxie's shield went down and Claire opened up a portal beneath him just as the Green Knight brought down his sword.
Douxie appeared behind us.
"We're outmatched! Everyone fall back!" Merlin ordered.
"He's unstoppable." Douxie stated.
"We need an edge. I'm sorry Claire, Skylar." I heard Jim say as I turned to him.
He then started screaming, pushing the onyx shard in.
"Jim!" I shouted.
"No! You can't! Jim!" Claire shouted.
"It's the only way!" He shouted.
"No! No, Jim!" Claire shouted.
His eyes turned red, emitting a dark glow.
He became a giant troll and he roared loudly.
"Run!" He ordered before tackling the Green Knight.
"No... Jim..." Claire said weakly.
I grabbed her, pulling her away as we started running.
"We have to go. He's buying us time!" Douxie stated, helping me with Claire.
We hid in an alley way as they started searching for us.
Once they passed by us we ran out.
"There was nothing we could do! We'll go back for him, I promise." Douxie stated, looking to Claire.
"We can't. We must hide Nari. There's more at stake then you know. The Trollhunter-"
"Don't you talk to me about Jim!" Claire growled, cutting him off.
"Oh, Master Jim! We are lost without him." Blinky stated.
"We must seek refuge to regroup, form a plan to save him." He added.
"Get me out of here! It's in my mouth!" We heard Steve say from inside the fallen porta-potty.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust as Merlin lifted it up with his magic.
"The Order has roamed this planet for centuries. They know all my places of power." Merlin stated as Steve screamed and grunted when Arrrgh knocked over the porta-potty he was in.
"I know a place with plenty of power where the Order's magic won't find us." Douxie said, looking over at a building.
I smirked.
"Plenty of power alright." I stated.
Steve then started calling for Eli again, making me sigh.
We walked in and Douxie greeted the girl, Zoe, with enthusiasm before chuckling.
"We need a place to lay low." He added.
"Hisirdoux Casperan! You have a lot of nerve." She stated, making me sigh.
"Please don't tell me..." I mumbled, holding the bridge of my nose.
"Yes, like cutting in line." Krel stated.
"We were supposed to hunt niffins and get burgers, remember?" She asked.
I sighed, putting my hand out to the sighed slightly.
"Of course." I mumbled.
"And you are supposed to help me with my problem, remember?" Krel asked.
He then turned to see Toby running up to him, his eyes meeting mine as well.
"Toby, Skylar! What are you doing here?" He asked.
Toby ignored him, looking straight at Zoe.
"Evil wizards shot down our time-traveling castle and stole Monster Jimbo!" He explained quickly, taking in a breath of air when he was finished.
Zoe sighed.
"Come on, let's head to the back." She stated, leading us to a 'magic' door.
"Whoa! Magic Door!" Steve exclaimed, making me and Zoe sigh.
"What are we doing here? We're not safe in this toy store." Merlin stated, steve walking in.
"Yeesh! You brought your boss here?" Zoe asked, hitting Douxie.
She then called in after him after he walked through.
"We're closed to privileged Arthurian toolbags." She said.
I breathed a laugh as Merlin chuckled before saying 'no'.
"Come on, Krel. We're on a mission." Toby invited as he and Arrrgh headed towards the door.
I waited for everyone to go through.
"Wait! Seems I missed a lot." He stated, following after Toby.
I then walked in, Mr. Uhl wanting to follow in with his 'techie problem' as he put it.
The door closed behind me, in his face as I continued walking, resituating my wings once again.
Months with these and I still resituate them almost as much as I use them.
I let them disapear for now, finding no need for them at the moment.
"Welcome to the real Hex Tech. Back here we charm the mortals' electronics into shape and use the cashto fund our own mystical pursuits." Zoe stated, gesturing to someone making a TV.
Krel gasped, throwing himself against the glass.
"Hex teck is run entirely by underground hedge wizards." Archie added.
A girl was then talking on her phone, seeming bored with whatever the person on the other side was saying.
Or she was just bored with her job.
We then walked through another door, making Steve gasp.
"Dude, this place is sick!" He stated.
"Was that an anti-gravity ray?" I heard Krel ask as I walked in last.
"You guys should be safe here. I have to go back." She stated, looking to Douxie as I looked around.
"Do not break anything." She warned, the volume of her voice rising.
She then walked out, the door closing behind her.
"Anything in here that can stop some ancient evil wizards?" Toby asked.
"It'll be nice to have a moment to catch out breath." He added as I walked over to where Merlin was, seeing how the tree reminded me of the trees near Dwoza.
"If the order has their way, we won't be breathing at all." Merlin stated as I crossed my arms, staring at this area.
"Nari, tell them what we're up against." Merlin said.
"Since the beginning, the Order has always sought to protect the balance of magic and mortal, no matter the cost. But our actions only brought pain." Nari said.
"I've spent a millenium keeping their horrors at bay. But it wasn't enough." Merlin added before Nari continued.
"Belroc and Skrael believe humanity is lost, beyone correction. Now they wish to end it all." She stated, making green butterflies fly around us.
"They search for the Genesis Seals." She added.
"What are the... seals?" Claire asked.
"Cute but deadly sea mammals, duh." Steve stated, making face palm.
"Honestly, why are we stuck with him?" I asked, not getting an answer as Douxie chuckled.
"You wish. It's the oldest tale in the wizards books." He stated, it then sparked something in my mind.
"Primal seals that contain the very essence of magic." Douxie and I said at the same time.
I clutched my head as Merlin continued, not seeming to notice.
"If the Seals are broken... then raw, uncontrolled magic shall rise upon the world, wiping it like a flood."
"Come on! Destroying the world? Again?" Krel asked as I sat on the floor, back against the wall while my head started hurting more.
"Ugh, can't these bad guys just remodel a continent or do something nice for once?" Toby asked.
"All of the Arcane Order must be present to open the Seals. That is why I fled." Nari stated as my eyes glowed orange, forcing the headache to go away.
"I've hidden the Seals away, but we must keep Bellroc and Skrael away from them and Nari, or it is the end of all things." Merlin said.
"But if they're after her, why do they need Jim?" Claire asked.
"The amulet." I muttered, frowning.
"What?" Merlin asked.
"The amulet... it was made from Morgana's hand... they need a piece of her to bring her back..." I said, clutching my head as the headache formed again, stronger this time.
"How do you know that?" Merlin asked.
"She also knew about the Seals." Douxie stated.
I winced as their voices seamed to grow in volume and I willed the headache to go away, my eyes glowing orange again.
I sighed.
"I don't know." I replied after a moment.
Blinky then started pacing back and forth, speaking to Krel.
"We must search the source of Master Jim's corruption. Try Rasputin Theurgy." He ordered.
"Nothing." Krel stated after typing.
"Let me see that." Blinky said, looking at the computer and studying it for a moment as I tried catching my breath.
"Curse you auto-correct!" He then exclaimed.
Merlin then walked over to them and Claire.
"I empathize, Miss Claire, but we cannot go back to save him." Merlin stated.
"Come on, this is our friend we're talking about! Your Trollhunter! You want us to just forget about him? No way!" She shouted as I began to close my eyes.
"Surely there's something that we can do-"
"The risk is too great for a rescue! We must keep Nari safe from the Order." Merlin stated once again.
I opened my eyes, standing up.
"The fate of existence is at stake!" He added.
"This is why nobody likes you, dude!" Toby stated, making me sigh.
"I care not for your 'likes'. James Lake is corrupted, gone! There is no bringing him back!" Merlin shouted.
"Or you're just too stubborn to try!" Claire shouted, throwing her hands onto the table.
"Please, you both have solid points." Douxie stated rather loudly to get the two to stop.
"My presence causes such discord. I have put you all in danger." Nari stated.
Steve kneeled down next to her.
"No worries, veggie lady." Steve stated before adding, "You are under the protection of the Knights of Arcadia, which is only me, currently."
"I will not jeopardize the mortal plane for one troll!" Merlin shouted, making me laugh dryly.
"Yet you were willing to sacrifice it to get your magic back." I stated, opening my wings and folding them.
"It's what he would do for us." Claire stated, no one seeming to hear what I said.
"And look where that got him!" Merlin pointed out.
"What?" Claire asked with anger, energy surging around us.
"Come on, back me up here. Anybody? Archie?" She asked.
"Don't look at me. Cats don't have the right to vote. Neither do dragons." He stated as he changed back to a dragon.
"Yet." He added.
"Skylar?" She asked.
"You both make good points. I agree we have to keep Nari safe, but we need to save Jim." I put in with a sigh.
"Wait a tick." Douxie said, making me look to him.
"I know a way we can rescue Jim without risking the world." He stated.
"I think I know what you're thinking." I stated.
We exchanged a look, knowing we were thinking the same thing.
"Is that so?" Merlin asked.
"How?" Claire asked after.
"And if it works-" I started.
"-it will be quite the little magic trick." Douxie finished.
We then explained the plan.

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