18: The Shattered King

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After school, I passed on going to Trollmarket.
I took my board, putting on my headphones as I scated through town.
I made it to the canal, a bit away from the bridge, doing some tricks as one of my favorite songs came on.
Human by Krewella.
I sang with the lyrics.
"Is anybody there, does anybody care what I'm feeling?
I wanna disappear so nobody can he me when I'm screamin'."
My voice echoed as I started skating through the sewers.
"Cause I could use a hand sometimes, yeah I could use a hand sometimes." I sang, letting it echo.
I closed my eyes, flipping up my board.
"They say pain is an illusion, this is just a bruise and you are just confused by I am only human!" I lost myself to the lyrics, to the song.
"This night is bitter cold. I wonder if you know that I'm sleepless! Waiting like a ghost when I need you the most that go unnoticed~!"
I jumped back on my skateboard, the sudden weight causing me to zoom forward.
"The weight of the world is pullin' me down. Every breathe feels like I'm gonna drown. I'm the only one left to hold on. Singing this song but I can't find the words. Cause I could use A hand sometimes. Yeah I could use a hand sometimes." I took a breath, sighing.
"They say pain is an illusion this is just a bruise and you are just confused but I am only human!" I finished.
I flipped the board as I jumped out of the sewers, landing as I skated down the sidewalk.
Ringing then sounded in my headphones and I lowered my headphones, disconnecting them as I answered.
"Hey, come down to troll market. Be ready to go." Jim said, before hanging up.

We ended up eating with the new trolls, them having bought our reincarnated shattered king story.
Wumpas, I believe they were.
I leaned against the stone, not really caring about what was going on.
Rapid drumming then filled my ears as I was brought back to reality.
"Boom Boom, shake the room. Say what?" they started singing.
What was happening?
Claire and Jim were suddenly dancing together and I found myself bobbing my head to the beat, only to immediately stop.
"Come on Skylar! Join us!" Toby yelled over the music.
I shook my head, only for Blinky to pull me into the center.
I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but a wumpa grabbed me and danced next to me before moving off.
I sighed, soon following along.
I found the beat and started dancing my way through the crowd, just so I wouldn't be pulled back.
Once I reached the outskirts, I leaned against the wall, watching them.
The music stopped as a bigger troll walked forward.
"What manner of mischief is this?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes as everything escalated once again.
Suddenly, Angor Rot was there.
I shot forward, crashing into him and pushing him into the ground as we slid.
Once we stopped, I tried pulling the sword away from him.
He threw me off him, pinning my arms, but I kicked him off me, over my head.
He landed on his feet as I got up.
"This is fun, don't you agree?" I asked, summoning my sword.
He swung Jim's sword at me and I blocked it, rolling under it as my sword was cut in half and I kicked him in the stomach.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that sword belongs to my brother." I stated, grabbing his knife from his belt moving to press it to his neck, but he grabbed my wrist, grabbing it from me.
I smirked lifting my knee and kicking him in the gronk-nuks.
"Rule number three." I stated, taking the sword and tossing it to Jim.
I dodged when Angor Rot swiped the knife towards me.
"I haven't had a good fight in a while." I stated, dodging him with every word.
I slid between his legs, kicking his back, but he opened up one of those shadow portal thingies, now fighting Jim.
I rolled my eyes as I watched them.
Every time I started a fight with a troll, they would switch me out with someone else.
I wonder why...
I then noticed what Jim was fighting with.
What were those?
I facepalmed when Toby announced he had the Killstone.
I flew forward, trying to help Claire, but I was too late.
I stopped myself, not wanting to go in there.
Once Claire returned, she had Angor Rot's stick.
After a few moments, we piled into the Gyre.
I noticed something different with Arrrgh, but I didn't say anything.
When we got back, Jim grabbed my shoulder.
"What were you thinking back there?" He asked, making me scoff.
"I was trying to save your lives." I replied.
"You could've gotten yourself killed." Jim replied.
"That's the risk we face!" I exclaimed.
"I don't want you going on any more of these. From now on just be normal." He ordered.
"Be normal?" I asked.
"How can I be normal when I have wings sprouting from my back? When I have these abilities?" I asked, stepping closer to him.
"Figure it out. I'm going to have Draal make sure you don't go on anymore of these missions." Jim stated, walking pass me.
"You can't do that." I stated.
"You can still train in the Heroes forge." Was all he said.

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