2: Becoming {part 2}

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The next day we were all at school.
"So? What did you decide?" Toby asked.
"That if anyone finds out what happened in our kitchen last night, all three of us will be committed." Jim stated, making me chuckle.
"I meant about kicking Steve's butt!" Toby exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm still mad at you about that bit." I stated.
"Give up the dream Tobes." Jim stated in turn.
The amulet started glowing.
"Does this thing run on batteries? What's it doing?" Toby asked.
"How should I know? It didn't come with a manual." Jim replied.
"Does it feel like you're gonna, y'know, change?" Toby asked, making me sigh.
"I'm gonna walk around, you two figure this out." I stated.
Jim nodded before the two of them ran off into the changing rooms.
I saw Steve and I frowned.
I walked up to him.
"Hey, Steve." I called, catching his attention.
"Skylar Lake. What do you want?" He asked.
"Stay away from my brother, or you're gonna have to deal with me." I growled.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He asked.
I grabbed his collar, pushing him against one of the beams harshly.
I leaned in close to his ear.
"I'll start by breaking all ten of your fingers, then your legs, then your wrists and your arms, maybe even a few ribs. You hurt him, I'll hurt you ten times over." I whispered.
I then let him go, seeing a few teachers in the corner of my eye.
"The fights already scheduled, nothing I can do about it now." He stated, walking away.
"A real man doesn't schedule a fight." I stated in turn, making him stop in his tracks.
I then turned on my heel and started walking.
I dodged behind the school, deciding to skip a few classes, just in case there's any surprises.
Looks like I made a good choice.
I studied my wings, stretching them out and flapping some.
I was lifted into the air and I sighed.
"I should get some practice in." I muttered to myself.
I landed ontop the roof, keeping out of sight.
I started messing around, getting the hang of it.

The end of school came quickly and I was skating with Jim and Toby into town.
"Dude, that was amazing! You were amazing! I'm amazed at how amazing you were!" Toby gushed.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm surprised you got the guts to do it." I added.
"I can't believe that that just happened." Jim stated.
"And did you see how that chikita was looking at you? Your armour totally did you a favor!" Toby exclaimed.
"I dunno, I'm still getting the hang of it." Jim stated.
"I'm actually getting the hang of my wings while we're on the subject." I stated.
"Nice, how high did you go?" Toby asked.
"A hundred feet above the school roof." I replied.
As we turned the corner, a large dark troll waited at the end of the street.
I flipped my board up and caught it as it roared.
"Trollhunter, Merlins Creation, Gunmars Bane!" He shouted.
"I think he's talking to you..." Toby stated.
He roared again and the two boys took off.
I waited, holding out my board.
Just when he got close enough, I broke my board over his face and took off running, my wings appearing.
They flapped some before curling around me, making me go through the air like a bullet.
I landed behind a truck, seeing Toby and Jim.
"Armour up, armour up, armour up! Pease! Now! Faster." Toby begged.
"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" Jim chanted.
The amulet glowed, but no armour.
"It's not working." Jim stated.
"I'll distract him, go through the alley." I whispered.
They nodded, Jim putting the amulet away.
Just then the truck was picked up.
"Centuries of trollhunters and I will have killed two in almost as many days!" The dark troll exclaimed.
"He's good at math!" Toby exclaimed.
"Go! GO! GO!" Jim shouted as they pedaled away.
I jumped in front of the troll.
"C'mon, I have the amulet." I stated, unfurling my wings.
I shot into the sky and he seemed tempted to chase me, but he must've realized I was lying.
He threw the truck towards them, then started chasing after them.
I dived after them, my wings tilting forward as they curled in, like a falcon.
Toby got stuck and I dove towards him.
My body collided with his, dislodging him.
I started running after them, my wings disappearing so it would be easier.
The troll roared behind us in anger.
I huffed as I continued running, until a mile or so out.
I let my wings appear and started flying next to the two on bikes.
The two stopped and I landed next to them, my wings disappearing again.
"Look at me. Look at me! We're not dead, right?" Toby asked, adrenaline running through all of us still.
"You flew! Like flew flew!" Jim shouted to me.
"A truck was thrown at you two!" I shouted back.
"Aha! Master Jim and Lady Skylar!" A familair voice greeted.
"Bular's trying to kill us! He chased us all over town!" Jim greeted the two trolls with.
"And you're still alive! I knew you had potentioal, Master Jim and Lady Skylar!" Blinki countered.
"You have a sweet voice..." Toby started.
"But you bring death with you." I finished.
"You guys can fight him, right?" Jim asked.
The two chuckled.
"I could not hope to posses the skill to defeat Bular." He replied.
"I broke my board over his face for you guys, and you can't help defeat him." I muttered.
"Oh Skylar, I know you loved that board." Jim stated.
I groaned, running a hand through my red-black hair.
I ignored them, trying to think of a plan.
My thoughts were interrupted by a snarl.
I looked up, seeing Bular.
"Follow me! We'll be safe in Heartstone Trollmarket." Blinki stated.
I groaned again, unfurling my wings.
"Your face broke my board you-" I was interrupted by Jim dragging me.
I flapped my wings and started flying with them.
Bular started knocking down the powerlines, luckily Arrgh caught Toby.
"Master Jim! Dawn your Armour!" Blinki shouted.
"I've been trying! The amulet won't listen to me!" Jim replied.
"Did you speak the incantation?" Blinki asked.
"I've been incanting the crap out of it and it's not working!" Jim shouted back.
"Just focus and incant dude!" Toby shouted.
We reached the canal, Jim stopping to try and make the amulet work.
I flew down to the bottom of the Canal then waited for Jim.
Bular reached Jim, making my stomach twist, but the amulet finally worked, protecting Jim against the blow.
I caught him, sighing heavily in relief.
Jim stood up then saw Bular.
"Nope." He stated.
I started flying and Jim tried to run, but Bular blocked him off.
"Jim!" I shouted.
"Use your sword, Master Jim!" Blinki shouted.
"I'll drink your blood out of a goblet made from my skull!" Bular shouted.
I threw a rock, hitting him in the head.
He roared turning to me.
"You even touch a hair on my brother's head and I'll kill you myself!" I shouted, my wings opening fully.
Jim then striked Bular with his sword, taking advantage of the distraction, but Bular blocked it.
"Jim!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly rocks of all shapes and sizes flew towards Bular, Jim running towards me.
He grabbed my shoulder and I grabbed him.
I shot into the air and dived toward the new entrance.
I crashed through, landing roughly on stone as it closed behind Toby.
I huffed as Jim got up.
Jim was panting and shaking with adrenaline.
"He nearly... We nearly... He... Almost." Jim tried, stuggling.
"What? Speak master Jim." Blinki ordered.
"He almost killed us!" Jim shouted.
"Almost! A very important word! A life of almost is a life of never!" Blinki exclaimed.
"I don't think that's how it works." I said, still laying on the floor.
"Skylar! Are you alright?" Jim asked, helping me up.
"Sore... Tired... Where did all those rocks come from?" I asked in turn, a bit dizzy.
"Those came from you. Well, not from you exactly, but thanks to that amulet, you have the power to do what you did." Blinki stated.
"I don't even know what I did." I said as Jim let go of me.
I stretched out my wings a bit, getting used to the new limbs.
They then started walking down the stairs, the crystals lighting up with each step.
"This is beautiful." I whispered.
"Woah! Are you sure we're safe in here?" Toby asked.
"Indeed, the incantation forbids entry to the Heartstone Trollmarket by Gumm-Gumms, such as Bular. They are the most fearsomeof Trolls." Blinki explained.
"Gumm-Gumms?" Toby asked.
"Scary ones." Arrrgh said.
"Sounds like a candy to me." I stated.
"Okay, wait, wait. So Bular can't get in here right? Into Heartstone Trollmarket?" Jim asked.
"No, Master Jim." Blinki replied.
Blinki then looked to me.
"Do you have any questions, Lady Skylar?" Blinki asked.
"Even with adrenaline coursing through me and some dizziness, I'm understanding everything. Except for the fact that Gumm-Gumms still sounds like a candy." I replied.
We then entered the centre of Heartstone Trollmarket.
"Beautiful." I whispered.
"This is the world you are bound to protect! This is Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinki stated.

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