47: Jimhunters

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The door opened as Mom and I were in the kitchen.
Mom ran over.
"Jim! Are you okay?" She asked.
But it wasn't his presence.
It was a presence I didn't know.

I was leaning against the wall as Mom threatened to hit Merlin with a broom, Strickler holding it back so she couldn't.
"If you want to hit Merlin, I'll take care of Strickler for you." I stated, glaring at the wizard and Changeling.
Blinky then ran in after Arrrgh 'opened' the door.
"Um... Guys? He's waking up." Claire said.
I ran over checking on him.
Blinky walked over, Jim rolling over and opeing his eyes.
"Great grumbly gruesome." Blinky said in shock.
"Honey, do you feel okay?" Mom asked as he sat up.
Jim groaned, holding his head.
"He's fine." Merlin stated.
"We're not asking you." Blinky spat as I materialized a knife and threw it in his direction, barely missing him as it disappeared.
"I... I'm fine." Jim replied.
He then noticed his hand before freaking out, standing on the couch.
"What's wrong with my hand?" He asked.
"Nothing's wrong with your hand. It's just a little meatier." She said.
"In a good way." Toby jumped in, chuckling before adding, "It's like you leveled up."
Arrrgh then started sniffing him before backing up.
No like. No like troll Jim." Arrrgh stated, hiding behind the wall.
"My elixir transformed our Trollhunter into something not quite human, not quite troll." Merlin explained.
I threw another knife his way.
"Like a changeling?" Jim asked.
"No. Changelings switch from fully troll to fully human. Jim is... neither." Strickler stated, examining him.
Jim then ran over, hopping into the kitchen.
He was looking at himself in the toaster as we walked over.
"This isn't so bad. You know, after a little haircut, we'll find you some sunglasses, maybe a good dentist, huh? I know one." Toby spoke, trying to make him feel better.
"You'll be right back to normal." Toby added.
"I'm hideous." Jim stated.
"You're really not." Claire stated.
I then heard Arrrgh hum.
"Troll. Jim is troll... Like Arrrgh!" He exclaimed, now excited.
He then laughed, running around.
"Jim is troll." He said.
It was actually kinda cute, but destructive to our house.
"Forgive Arrrgh. He's emotional and I'm at a loss." Blinky said.
He then turned to Merlin.
"Why would you do this to him?" Blinky asked.
"To prepare him for the final battle. He is now capable of feats we never thought possible." Merlin stated, making me throw a knife at him again.
"I was speaking to him." Blinky said.
"I know. I threw it because he didn't answer me when I asked." I replied, looking away.
"Like what?" Jim asked.
We then went into the backyard.
"Now then, we don't know the limits of Master Jim's... Or should I say 'Troll Jim's' new form, so let's try to take this slowly." Blinky advised as Jim landed a hit on Arrrgh.
"Good one." Arrrgh said.
"Troll!" Arrrgh exclaimed, hitting Jim through the fence.
Jim then popped up from the bushes.
"I didn't feel a thing!" He exclaimed.
I sighed, walking back into the house and going into the basement.
I sat on the stairs, looking at Draal.
"So... where do I begin?" I asked with a weak laugh.
"Jim's now a troll. Mom made it out alive after being kidnapped by Gunmar... Usurna is dead, and we're building our army. Jim agreed that I can take Angor Rot because of what happened to you... I just hope we'll all make it out alive..." I said, trailing off.
I sighed, putting my hand to the necklace.
"I miss you. A lot." I said, closing my eyes.
Suddenly I was in the heroes forge, Angor Rot was going through it.
I watched him.
When he made it to the dummy he hesitated before striking.
I frowned.
"Why did you hesitate?" I asked, more to myself as I thought he couldn't hear me.
He then looked to me making me gasp, taking a step back.
When I blinked I was back in the basement, panting.
I walked up the stairs, looking for the Wizard.
"Mom, where's Merlin?" I asked, looking around.
"Right here." Merlin stated, making me look to him.
"What did you do?" I asked, walking up to him.
"I didn't do anything." He replied.
"Then why was I just in the heroes forge?" I asked.
"You were in the heroes forge?" Strickler asked, making me turn to him.
"Yeah. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was in the heroes forge. Angor Rot was there and he heard me, he looked directly at me. When I blinked I came back here." I stated.
"Oh dear. Did you happen to destroy the ring that had his soul?" Merlin asked, making me turn to him, brows furrowed.
"He destroyed it, but yeah." I replied.
"Did you absorb his soul?" He asked
"Absorbed his..." I trailed off, the memory of his soul floating into the air before rushing to me and disappearing came to mind.
"It rushed towards me." I replied.
"Your amulet has a malfunction, along with absorbing power from rocks, it absorbs souls for safe keeping. Morgana must've give Angor Rot a new soul and now you can visit him and only he can see and hear you." Merlin stated.
I frowned.
"Then I'm going back in." I stated.
He nodded and I moved to the couch, laying down and closing my eyes.
I saw Angor Rot first before seeing dead trolls all around.
I hid behind a rock.
"You killed them." I heard him say.
"By the dust of our dead, I shall deliver the Eternal Night." I heard Morgana's voice.
I looked over, seeing her in golden armor, holding the staff.
She then left, Gunmar following after her.
I frowned.
"She just killed their army." I muttered, standing slowly.
Angor Rot then turned, seeing me.
He walked over, seeming to frown.
"Why do I keep seeing you?" He asked.
I hummed, watching him.
He then reached out, causing me to go back.

I opened my eyes, sitting up, looking outside.
It was dark out once again.
I panted softly as I looked around.
Mom then walked in, talking on her phone.
I looked over seeing Jim cooking.
"Oh, hey mom. I hope you brought your appetite." Jim said.
I stood and walked over.
"Jim?" Mom asked before sighing.
"Okay, Walt, I found him. Just please tell the others." Mom said on the phone before hanging up.
"You know, we have been looking all over for you." Mom said as Jim brought out the food.
"Oh, sorry. Lost track of time. I thought I'd come home and make us a nice dinner." He replied, setting the food on the table.
"Dinner can wait." Mom said.
"Okay? You can't run off like that. You had us all worried sick." Mom said as we all sat down.
"We should talk about this." She added.
"Can it wait? I'm starving." Jim asked.
He then took a bite as I did, but he didn't seem to enjoy it.
"Just needs more salt." Jim said, pouring salt over it.
"It's delicious, honey. There's nothing wrong with it." Mom said as I nodded, mouth full.
He then took another bite, almost throwing up.
"You wanted to talk?" He asked.
"Yeah, well, you've been through a lot. More than any one kid should have to go through. And you're my kid..." I stopped listening as I watched Jim bite off a part of his fork.
An appetite of a troll.
He swallowed.
"I uh... seemed to have dropped my fork. I'll go get another." He stated.
Mom continued talking.
"I'll get some water." I whispered, grabbing my empty cup.
I walked in seeing Jim bite the wooden spoon.
I walked pass him, turning on the faucet and getting some water as if what he was doing was normal for him...
Which, now, I guess it is.
Mom then walked in as Jim was eating the belnder.
"Jim! Are you eating the blender?" Mom asked.
"Uh... not all of it." He replied, throwing it away from him.
He then stood up.
"Ugh... I just wanted a normal dinner!" He shouted with anger.
"Jim." Mom said calmly, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Mom, please! I need some time to think." Jim stated, pushing pass her.
He then ran up the stairs to his room, slamming the door.
I put my cup down, sighing.
We then heard him yelling, things crashing and falling.
Mom called Strickler.
When everything was silent, Mom ran up the stairs.
I walked up the stairs, Strickler opening the door and closing it.
I saw mom in Jims room and Strickler rushed pass me.
I flew to the school as mom and Strickler drove.
Jim was running across the roof.
I landed next to him.
"Hey." I whispered.
He turned to face me.
"You should get it." He stated.
"You'll always be my brother, no matter what. And this..." I said, gesturing to him, "Is just another part of you. Our new normal. Things might not be the same, but that's alright. We'll get through it, together. All of us." I stated as everyone came up to the roof.
He sighed, trapping me in a hug, which I returned.
We then pulled away and he turned to everyone else.
They each said their peace, Blinky and Arrrgh then appeared.
"Splendid." We heard a familiar voice stated accompanied by a clap.
Team Trollhunter is back together. I knew you would all figure it out." Merlin stated.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Ah, this has been rather heartwarming, but unless you plan to hug Gunmar to death, I advise we make ready because, as you say these says, 'the fight is on'." Merlin stated.
"Should be easier than before. Morgana lay waste to a few in Gunmars army." I stated.
"What do you mean?" Claire asked, everyone turning to me.
I sighed.
"I'll explain on the way." I replied, opening my wings and flying down to the ground, the others using one of Claire's portals.

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