46: A House Divided

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Jim was zoning out as everyone talked.
"Let me get this straight. You want Gunmar to release Morgana?" Blinky asked.
"Merlin, I thought you were here to save the world, not try to destroy it!" Toby exclaimed.
"I'm not destroying the world, I'm risking it!" Merlin defended.
"That doesn't sound any better." I stated.
"The world harbors greater dangers, not just the ones in your little town-"
"Whoa. What dangers?"
"-you could not hope to understand." Merlin finished, ignoring Toby's interruption.
Claire sighed, turning to Jim.
"Jim? Jim?" She called.
"Jim!" She said louder, making him jump.
"Want to weigh in here?" Toby asked before adding, "Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose."
"Wait, he destroyed my vespa." Jim said.
"He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!" Blinky exclaimed.
"Gunmar has the Staff of Avalon. Soon he will figure out a way to free her, just as Skylar stated. This is when we will strike. Together, we'll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts." Merlin spoke.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry, you want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?" Toby asked.
"I'm taking out Angor Rot." I growled, reminding Toby.
"Now is the time to strike. She's been imprisoned for centuries, and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance." Merlin replied with.
"Wait. If Jim defeats Morgan, you get your magic back." Claire said.
"That would be a pleasant bonus, yes." Merlin said.
"Oh, you only want you magic back." Blinky said before turning to Arrrgh.
"Arrrgh, my friend, put your fist through this old man's face." He ordered.
"Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever." Arrrgh said.
"I'm with Blinky. It sounds like Merlin just wants his magic back." Toby said.
"What if Merlin's right? He's been right about everything else." Claire said.
"Thank you." Merlin said.
Toby chuckled sarcastically.
"Claire, Gunmar and Morgana want to destroy the world. We live in this world!" Toby said, shouting at the end as he turned to Merlin.
"Yet, this world is protected by, not only the Trollhunter, but the Nightwatcher as well. The choice is theirs to make." Merlin stated.
"Whatever Jims decide, I'll go with." I said, shrugging.
"I need to think." Jim replied.
"Then, I await your decision." Merlin replied.
"Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we'll need an army. Arrrgh and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting, I'll leave that to Master Jim." Blinky stated.

Jim tried calling mom when she never returned.
I kept having this flash of Angor Rot carving out totem.
"I told you that wouldn't work." I heard him say.
I sat on the couch, drinking my water.
"You're asking us to wage a war. It's only fair to everyone weigh in." I heard Jim say.
"I'm feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?" Merlin asked.
"What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep's stomach?" Toby asked.
"Ugh! I'll see if anyone at the school has seen her." He stated, walking towards the door.
Nomura then burst through the door, falling in to Toby.
I ran over, helping her.
"Jeez, don't you knock?" Toby asked.
"Nomura!" Jim exclaimed, coming over as I led her to the couch.
"There's blood on the rug, and it's purple!" Toby said, scrambling to get up.
"What happened?" Jim asked.
"Usurna tried to capture me at the museum. Gunmar needs a chaneling to activate the Staff of Avalon." She explained.
"Called it." I replied, sitting her down.
"If they failed to take her, they'll look for others." Merlin said.
"Strickler." Jim said.
"Do you think your mom is with him?" Claire asked.
"I wouldn't doubt it." I replied, gritting my teeth.
Jim then tried calling Strickler.
He got no answer.
"We don't know for sure if she was with him." Toby said.
"Split up and search everywhere! Find our mother!" Jim ordered.
Nomura, Toby and Claire then left, talking some as I got another vision thing of Angor Rot.
I shook my head, getting rid of it.
"We'll find her." I stated, walking out.
The door then closed behind me, making me frown.
I moved to open it, but it was locked.
I heard a ruckus on the otherside.
"Jim!" I shouted, banging on the door.
My eyes flashed as the door glowed green, keeping it locked.
I grit my teeth and banged on the door.
"Jim!" I shouted, breaking off the handle.
I moved to push the door open, but it was closed shut.
I heard Jim groan and I banged on the door.
I growled, running to the back door.
I saw Jim tied up, but merlin saw me, flicking his wrist and the same happened to this door, the blind closing.
"Open the door!" I shouted.
I opened my wings throwing my arms forward, growling as my wings appeared and my eyes glowed a deep, metalic silver.
I stopped, Angor Rot appearing in my head again.
He was getting hit by a green beam.
I shook my head, focusing back on the door.
It burst open and I ran in, looking around.
Merlin wasn't in there and Jim wasn't down here.
"Jim!" I shouted, looking in the basment and the garage.
He wasn't there so I ran upstairs, checking his room.
I then saw the bathroom.
I walked over to it, earing glass shattering.
"Jim?" I asked softly, hearing his armor equip.
I heard the door downstairs burst open and I banged on the bathroom door.
"Open the door!" I shouted.
Everyone then rushed up here as I closed my eyes, focusing on unlocking the door.
My eyes started glowing that silver color, showing I was using my metalability.
We burst through the door, but he wasn't in there.
I ran to the tub, seeing black slowly disipate.
But no Jim.
I screamed in anger, my eyes flashing brightly as I turned.
I made my way down the stairs, the colors swirling together in my eyes.
Merlin met my eyes and I summoned my swords, attacking him.
He summoned his sword and blocked me as everyone rushed down the stairs.
"Why?!" I asked, shouting as I kept attacking.
I kicked him back, holding my sword to his throat.
"WHY?!" I asked again, anger coursing through me.
He gave me no answer as the glow left my eyes.
I threw my swords down, letting my wings disappear as tears brimmed my eyes.
Mom pulled me into a hug as I started sobbing.
"I can't lose everyone anymore." I whispered, falling to my knees as Mom lowered to the ground with me.
I couldn't feel Jim, not with my ability and not with our twin telepathy...
He was gone.

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