44: For the Glory of Merlin

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Draal's statue followed behind me as I walked in the back, hugging myself for comfort.
It soon got harder to maneuver Draal through as it got more tight.
"Skylar, are you sure you don't want to leave him here?" Blinky asked.
I only nodded, making due.
I growled, lowering some of the crystals, one eye glowing green and the other a slivery-white color. More sliver than white.
Draal floated through with ease as I focused harder, moving more crystals so it'd be easier for everyone.
"We need to find a way to go up." Jim stated.
"Hmm. Right. Yeah, look for some stairs. Or better yet, an elevator." Toby stated.
Arrrgh then walked into a crystal before I could move it.
Once he ducked under it, I moved it up.
We then walked into a dead end and I gently placed Draal down, sighing as my eyes stopped glowing and my wings went away.
I sat down against the wall, catching my breath as I gatherered my strength.
I then saw the guy laying on the table, not really hearing what anyone was saying as spots scattered around my vision.
Jim then walked up the the center, holding the blue gem as tears made it to my eyes again.
I blinked them away, sighing as I watched Jim.
Jim jumped back, falling with a scream as Merlin sat up on the table, eyes wide as he breathed in a deep breath of air.
He then started coughing, Jim panting as he got up.
Merlin then sighed, looking over at Jim.
"Are you the Trollhunter?" He asked after a moment.
"Um, uh..."
"I thought you'd be taller." Merlin stated.
"Yes,I expected much taller. And older." Merlin said, getting up as Jim still trued to find the words.
Merlin then looked over to me.
"And you must be the Nightwatcher." He stated.
I gave no answer as his eyes travled to the statue next to me before looking back at Jim.
"How old are you? Ten?" He asked, raisning a brow.
"Uh, sixteen." Jim replied properly.
"I guess I was only off by, mm... Six plus four, carry the one... Fourteen years." He stated.
"Holy Merlin. It's really you!" Toby exclaimed, making Merlin sit back up.
"And just what kind of troll are you?" Merlin asked.
"I'm not a troll. I'm a Toby." Toby replied.
"And who is this lovely creature?" Merlin asked, looking at Claire, making her laugh, although Blinky stepped forward.
"Blinkous Galadrigal, at you ser-"
"Not you. You." Merlin said, cutting him off as he pointed to Claire.
"Uh, Claire Nunez, sir." She replied.
"A pleasure, my dear." He stated, making me roll my eyes.
I zoned out, closing my eyes softly.
"-ylar!" I heard someone shout.
I slowly opened my eyes, willing the tears to stay back.
I blinked as I looked to Merlin.
"Is she alright?" He asked as I slowly stood up.
"She can talk for herself." I growled, my eyes flashing different colors before stopping as I shook my head, leaning against the wall.
"I'm fine." I stated after a moment.
I glanced at Draal before looking away.
"Are you ready then?" Merlin asked.
"Uh... for what?" I asked as green started circling around his hands as he moved them.
I snapped a picture, remembering what Mom wanted.

We were then in a different place, or so it seemed.
"Whoa cool." Toby stated.
"Where are we?" He then asked.
"Still in the Geode Caverns. This is all an illusion." Merlin replied.
"I've been here." Blinky stated.
"Great Gorka, this is the forest of Killahead." He said.
"As well as I remember it, at least." Merlin stated.
A brightlight blinded us before we saw the war.
"There's Deya." Jim stated.
"At the very moment she dealt the blow that decided the battle!" Blinky exclaimed.
"Deya the Deliverer was the mightiest Trollhunter that ever lived." He added.
"Awesome-sauce." Toby stated as I snapped a picture, making sure it showed up on my phone.
We the walked through recognizing some of the trolls.
I walked away from the group, heading the same direction they were, just a bit off course.
I stopped, seeing Draal.
I walked in front of him, Jim joining me.
I fell to my knees, a hand over my mouth as I choked on my sobs, trying not to break down.
Tears fell, dropping onto my hand that supported me as I clenched it into a fist.
"I'm so sorry." I heard Jim say as everyone gathered around.
A sob escaped as I tried to blink the tears away, but it wouldn't work.
Jim then placed a hand on my shoulder and I immediately stood up, hugging him as I hid my head in his chest, sobbing quietly.
He hugged me back and we stayed like that until I was done.
I pulled away, wiping my eyes as I cleared my throat, seeing Merling waiting for us.
"Come now. There is more to see. The real battle is over this way." Merlin stated, guiding us.
I wiped my eyes once more before following after them, glancing once more at Draal.
"While you were focused on the battle, there were events unfolding that you were unaware of." Merlin stated.
"I suppose fighting for our lives would be a little distracting." Blinky stated.
I only nodded in agreement, feeling a bit light-headed.
We then saw Merlin and Morgana in the air, fighting.
"What? That's her! That's--"
"Morgana. Yes, the Pale Lady. The Mother of Monsters." Merlin said.
"Ugh! I could add a few more names to that list." Claire stated.
"None of the history books even speak of this." Blinky stated.
"Well, books don't talk, for one thing. This was the real battle of Killahead." Merlin stated.
"Are you always a jerk?" I asked in a mumble, my eyes flashing colors again.
I closed them, shaking my head before opening them.
"You and Morgana?" Jim asked.
"She is as ancient as I am, perhaps more so." He stated, making me raise a brow in question, but I didn't say anything.
"Craving chaos, she sowed the seeds of dissension between humans and trollkind." Merlin added.
"I know her well. She's a real headcase." Claire stated.
"Hence the Eternal Night." Merlin stated.
"She realized if trolls could not survive in daylight, what if the night were everlasting?" He explained.
"That would through off the whole balance of the earth." I said, frowning.
"Gunmar and his forces could do whatever they wanted." Jim stated.
"Morgana had to be stopped at any cost. It turns out..." Merlin said trailing off.
"That cost was your magic." Jim finished.
"Aye. The only way to stop her was to expend almost all my power and confine her for as long as possible." Merlin stated.
"I'm guessing 'as possible' ends right about now." Claire stated.
"We're doomed to wage battle once more thanks to the work of Gunmar." Merlin stated.
We then appeared back in the cave, me standing next to Draal.
I sighed, staring for a moment before looking away.
"Well, all fun things must end." Merlin stated, making me scoff.
"Well if we're going to do anything about it, we still have to get out of here." Jim stated right before there was a large rumbling sound.
I shot into the air, my wings open as I lifted Draal's statue.
"What's this now?" Merlin asked.
"How's it raining underground?" Toby asked.
"It's not, the staff was keeping this place together, now that it's gone, water is rushing down thanks to that waterfall." I stated, manuevering Draal so this would be easier.
Merlin sighed.
"Centuries later, it never gets any easier." He stated.
I zoned out, thinking.
I've never used water and air at the same time, and my ice ability was a little unpredictable.
When I came too, Merlin was rebuilding the amulet.
I set Draal down gently.
"I'll buy you some time, just make sure Draal doesn't fall apart." I odered, walking up to the entrance of the area.
I sighed, closing my eyes as I opened my wings.
"What is she doing?" I heard Merlin ask.
"Buying us time, now get to work." Jim stated.
I heard the water rushing.
I threw my hands out, my eyes glowing a light icy-blue.
A wall of ice formed, growing thicker.
I then shot my fire at it, making it mealt like I did at my clearing, my eyes turning red.
"Skylar, that is the opposite of buying us time!" Blinky stated.
When I stopped, the ice had formed into crystals making me sigh.
I then forced my eyes to glow green and I lowered the cieling, stopping it when it was a foot off the ground, my breathing heavy.
I leaned against the wall.
"That'll buy us some time." I stated.
Blinky nodded, grabbing some rubble.
"We'll start using the rubble to buy us some more." He stated, water already getting through.
I nodded, closing my eyes, exaustion taking over.
I could feel my temperature rise as I heard the water breaking through our barricades.
I forced my eyes to glow that silvery-white as I lifted Draal into the air, keeping him out of the water as my breathing grew heavy.
I needed rest.
I stood on shaky legs as I blinked away the blook spots, moving to the back.
Jim summoned his armor, the water rushing towards us.
His sword parted it as I leaned against the table... or whatever, forcing my eyes to glow brighter in order to keep Draal in a safe area.
Jim then redirected the water, making us a way to escape, all the water leaving out the new hole.
I gently set Draal back down, the glow disappearing as I panted.
"-lar, Skylar!" I heard my name being shouted.
I glanced over, trying to stand up fully only to fall forward, darkness covering my vision.

Moonlight (Draal x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant