8: Adventures in Troll sitting

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I shot up, breathing heavily.
It was around morning judging by my clock.
I got out of bed, looking for my wings.
Surprisingly, they weren't there.
Jim walked in after knocking.
"You're awake." He stated, making me nod.
"C'mon, let's get to trollmarket." He stated.
"You go ahead, I'll meet you there." I stated, walking over to my closet.
He nodded and closed the door as he walked out.
I got changed quickly, letting my wings appear.
I shot out the window, flying towards the canal.
I landed, sighing softly as I walked through.
Making my way to the heroes forge, there was a lot of trolls staring at me.
I flew across the bridge and landed, seeing Jim getting ready to climb.
I hummed, walking up beside him as he tied the rope tightly to himself.
I gripped onto the wall, starting my climb.
"Skylar, what are you doing? You're not tied to a rope." Jim stated.
"I have my wings." I stated, dodging some flames as he started up.
I studied the wall, making calculated movements.
I flipped myself up onto the ledge the other three were on.
Their conversation, went in one ear and out the other, as I wasn't paying much attention.
"What about you Lady Skylar. Did you see a bird or a goblin?" Blinky suddenly asked, catching my attention.
"Uh... I wasn't there." I stated, unsure.
"She's right, she was sleeping." Jim stated as he started reaching the top.
"Why were you sleeping so late?" Blinky asked.
"I had the weirdest dream." I replied, furrowing my brows as I sat down, my feet hanging over the edge
"What about?" Blinky asked, seeming interested.
"There was this weird voice. She said I was hard to get a hold off. She told me off my powers, what they were. She said I had added one when she left nine to me. She told me why she chose me. But I might have been exposed to too much of this in just a few days." I stated, shrugging at the end.
"No, Lady Skylar. For that was your predecessor speaking to you. She must have known you had unanswered questions." Blinky stated.
"But it was just one, I thought there was more." I stated.
"There was only ever one other NightWatcher. Her name was never given and the amulet had disappeared long ago. I am still baffled that it had returned. It was made at the same time as Merlins Amulet. No one knows who by. For it is a mystery that only a NightWatcher can solve." He explained.
I sighed softly.
Blinky then turned back to Jim as I lost myself in my thoughts.
The sound of my name brought me back.
"Jim and Skylar have Draal to protect there home. Tobias, you will now have Arrrgh to protect yours." Blinky stated as Arrgh held Jim by the rope.
"Really? For real? We're gonna be roomies? Yeah! Highfive big guy!" Tobias exclaimed, holding his hand up.
Arrrgh let go of Jims rope, highfiving Toby as I dove after my brother.
I caught the rope, flying up with a struggle from the sudden tug of new weight.
I decided to lower the both of us, Jim looking up at me.
We then both had out feet on the ground.

We went to school and I looked around as I adjusted my bag, waiting for Toby and Jim to be finished.
I had finished all of my homework just an hour ago.
Suddenly Claire walked up, talking about the stuffed bunny.
I was uncomfortable with the new person being around as I was always only surrounded by Jim and Toby before classes start.
"I'm heading to class." I stated, making a quick escape.
I turned in all my work and waited for classes to finish.
When they did, I had tried to rush out of school, but Strickler had stopped me.
"Skylar, how have you been? I noticed you weren't here yesterday." He stated, looking at the attendance sheet.
"My mom called me in sick." I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Yes. I hope you're feeling better." He stated.
"I'm fine." I stated.
"What does she know?" I heard his echo-y voice.
It was his mind.
"Have you been stressed as of late?" He asked.
"What are you? A guidance councler?" I asked, narrowing my eyes in further suspicion.
"Does she know what I am?" I heard his inner voice ask.
He then laughed.
"I suppose I am asking too many questions for your liking. But you seem to be on edge as of late." He stated.
"Listen, Strickler. I never liked you and I'm pretty sure you never liked me. Stay out of my business." I growled.
"I can see that the title of protector is stressing you. You're seeing that you can't protect those you love as much as you would like." He stated.
He's just trying to manipulate me.
I thought to myself.
"I can do anything I put my mind too. Strickler." I growled, turning on my heel and walking out.

"Okay so Jim is babysitting tonight and I'm stuck watching you. Again." I stated, sitting on the steps of the basement.
Draal stared at me as I explained.
"Does he need our help?" He asked.
"He said he'd call if he does." I stated, waving my hand around in a bored manner.
This caused the newspapers to flying around the room, making me furrow my brows.
I dropped my hand, making the newspapers drop.
"Are you having trouble with your new abilities?" He asked, seeing my irritation.
"I just need to learn to control them. Ever since that dream, they've been more active." I explained, meeting his eyes.
It was just us staring at eachother for a moment.
I cleared my throat, looking away.
"Anyway, how have you been doing?" I asked, brushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
"I've been well. I have accustomed myself to being down here." He replied, looking around as I nodded.
"That's good. Do you need anything? I could get something from troll market if needed." I stated, stretching slightly.
"No. Thank you." He stated, making me nod.
My phone started rining, making me grab it from my pocket.
"This is Skylar, what's up?" I asked.
"Skylar, I need your help. Claires house." Jims voice stated before hanging up.
I stood up and sighed.
"I'll be back." I said, meeting his eyes before going up the stairs and rushing outside.
I ran into Claire's house.
I sighed, raising my hand, causing everyone to freeze.
"Alright. Jim and Toby start cleaning up. Arrrgh and Blinky, get back to Trollmarket. I'll take care of the changeling." I stated, walking towards it.
It was obvious he tried struggling to get away, but I focused my power on him, using the Air element to pull him towards me.
They others unfroze and got to work.
"Alright you little changeling. You answer a few questions and I wont make you pop. Deal?" I asked, carrying him with me to his room.
"Fine, but you can't tell anyone I told you. If the bossman catches wind of this then I'll be fed to Bular." He stated.
"Who is Bular working with?" I asked.
He cleared his throat.
"Forget I said anything." He stated.
The sound of a car approaching caught my attention.
I put him in the crib and ran down the stairs, waving my hand.
Everything was put back into place and I grabbed Jim's arm as he was the only one there.
The door then opened, making Jim and I freeze.
"Claire, we're home!" I heard a male's voice state.
They both gasped when they saw us.
"Hi. Mr. and Mrs. Nunez. Heh." Jim stated awkwardly.
"I'm Jim, the babysitter. And this is my sister, Skylar." Jim added.
"I'm helping him out." I stated just as Claire walked in.
"We just put him to bed, he's fast asleep." I added when they glared heavily at us.

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