3: Wherefore art though, Trollhunter?

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"This is..."Toby started.
"Yeah..." Jim agreed.
"Woah!" Toby exclaimed as we started walking.
"Pretty much. This is your home?" Jim asked, looking to Blinki and Arrrgh.
"Trollmarket is home, and heart, and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends, there's much to see." Blinki replied with.
"Dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirty plumbing." Toby stated.
"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before." Blinki stated.
As we walked deeper into Trollmarket, trolls of all sizes started muttering to eachother.
Gnomes scuttled around our feet and the feeling of eyes watching us filled me.
I looked around, but there was too many trolls in the way to see anything unusual... Well, more so than what was happening now.
"Oh, hey little guy! That's a cute pointu hat." Jim stated, catching my attention as a gnome hissed at him.
"And pointy teeth!" He exclaimed.
I laughed softly.
Blinki started to try and stomp on them.
"Go away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Begone!" He shouted, chasing them away.
"What was that?" Jim asked.
"Jim, it was obviously a gnome." I replied with.
"Gnomes are vermin, pick-pocket, scum of the Earth! We only tolerate them for their grooming services." Blinki explained.
"Grooming?" Jim asked.
"They eat parasites on the larger trolls." Blinki stated, gesturing to Arrrgh.
"Jim! Jim! Check it out!" Toby exclaimed, pointing to a giant glowing crystal.
"Maximun velocity there!" Toby added.
I was in awe of it.
"Look at that, it's amazing!" Jim stated.
"Heartstone." Arrrgh stated.
"It's breath-taking." I stated in turn.
"The lifeforce of trollkind! The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone, and the source of light and sustenance." Blinki explained.
"Okay, that's totally the bomb!" Toby stated.
Suddenly trolls started crowding around us, making me feel self-conscious.
"What are humans doing here?"
I stood behind Jim, not liking crowds.
"Skylar, it's okay. Just stay near me." He whispered.
I nodded, trying to suppress my wings.
I did not need them to pop out right now.
"I think we've attracted the paparazzi." Toby stated.
"Friends there's no need to be afraid, he is the Trollhunte-"
"What is this?" A big blue troll asked loudly, interrupting Blinki, as he walked up to us.
"I was just getting to that, Draal." Blinki stated, seeming slightly irritated.
"Human feet have not sullied the ground of trollmarket before. Who are these fleshbags?" Draal asked.
"Believe it or not, he is um... How do I put this? Our new trollhunter! And she is our new Night Watcher!" Everyone gasped in horror, taking a step back.
I stepped out from behind Jim, watching this Draal character.
"He can't be a troll hunter and she can't be the night watcher! They're not trolls!" Draal shouted, pounding the ground with his fist.
The force knocked Jim back, into Arrgh.
"Jim, are you alright?" I asked, helping him back up.
"Amulet chose." Arrrgh stated.
"Try to remain calm! Destiny is just-"
"Show him Jimbo!" Toby stated, interrupting Blinki.
"For the power of Merli-"
"Glory." Blinki and I corrected.
"Right, sorry. For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!" Jim chanted.
The amulet glowed and suddenly he was in his armour.
I sighed, letting my wings go, making sure they didn't hit anyone.
I folded them, staying closer to Blinki.
"Pretty cool, right?" Jim asked, making me face-palm.
"Humans protecting us?" A troll asked.
Someone fainted, making me feel like it was my fault.
"Are they okay?" I asked, looking to Blinki.
"They'll be fine." He replied.
"Bushagal! I am Draal, son of Kanjigar, and the amulets rightful heir!" Draal stated.
I frowned.
"Uh- You're his son? He's his son?" Jim asked, looking to Blinki at the end.
"Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem." Toby stated.
"When my Father felled, the honour should've passsed to me." Draal stated, reaching for Jim's amulet.
I stepped forward, grabbing his wrist.
His eyes met mine as I glared at him.
"Yet it isn't yours to claim. So back off." I ordered, my wings stretching out slightly.
The air was tense as we stared at eachother, challenging eachother.
He tore his arm away from me.
"We'll see what Vendel has to say about this." Draal stated.
"Feel free to vigil. IN the meanwhile, lots of business to be done! Draal, wonderful seeing you as always." Blinki stated.
The group walked off as I kept my eyes on Draal.
He was the first to break eye contact, turning to leave as the Trolls dispersed.
I opened my wings fully and shot towards the group, landing next to Jim.
I folded my wings as I started walking.
Jim's armour deactivated as Toby studied all the stone.
"Um, what just happened?" He asked.
"The amulet responded to your unconscious command, Master Jim. You are at ease, are you not?" Blinki asked in turn.
"I am, actually. But if that's the case, why haven't Skylar's wings gone away?" Jim asked, looking over to me.
"Her wings stay out as long as she wants them too, when she feels she doesn't need them at any moment, they will disappear." Blinki explained.
"Skylar, you know you don't need them now, right?" Jim asked, focusing on me.
"I still need to get used to them, besides we're heading to where we train, right? What better place to get used to them then there?" I asked.
"Good point." Jim replied, a smile gracing his features.
"Holy trolls! Is this a palace?" Jim asked.
"This is the heroes forge!" Blinki replied.
They walked along the bridge as I flew, not feeling like walking acrossed it.
Toby took a picture after peering over the edge.
Jim snickered evilly, pretending to push Toby off.
Toby screamed before realizing he was fine.
"Don't do that again." He ordered, making me laugh softly.
"C'mon." Jim said with a smile.
I landed, looking around.
"Magnifico." I heard Jim stated, making me roll my eyes.
Statues of trolls were above us.
"Wait. are these-?" Jim started to ask.
"Troll hunters." Arrrgh stated.
"Are their no Night watchers?" I asked.
"Sadly no. But Master Jim, these are your predecessors. A line of heroism that reaches back to the ages of Merlin. This is the place of the final reposed, Kanjigar the Courageous. One day there will be a statue of you here, Master Jim. One day very far in the future of course!" He stated, quickly spitting out the last bit.
"Yeah, about that, there's just one thing I'm not getting." Toby stated, gaining our attention.
"Just one?" Jim asked.
"How can you not get anything, is my question. Everything they're saying is straight to the point." I stated, but Toby ignored that bit.
"You guys are Trolls, so 'Trollhunter' sounds a little like you hunt yourselves, y'know." Toby stated.
I sighed softly.
"Hunt bad trolls. Gumm-Gumms." Arrrgh stated.
"Still sounds like a candy." I stated.
"Not exactly the most terrifying name." Jim agreed.
"In troll-speak, Gumm-Gumm means: Bringer of horrible, slow, painful and thoroughly calculated death." Blinki explained.
"Oh." Jim stated.
"Oh, A really dark chocolate candy." I stated jokingly.
"Skylar, enough with the candy. You're making me hungry." Toby stated.
"But do not be too concerned, Master Jim and Lady Skylar. The Gumm-Gumms were exiled to the Darklands centuries ago. Only one rose free!" Blinki explained.
"Bular." I stated.
"And wants to kill you." Arrrgh stated.
"Wait, Bular is one of the unspeakably evil trolls?" Toby asked.
"Indeed. His father and dte rest of them now remain exiled to the Darklands, but they have been trying to escape for centuries! I sense ill times are upon us, hence the need for us to begin Master Jim's and Lady Skylar's training now. Step back please." Blinki explained.
I decided to be a hummingbird and fly backwards a few feet.
"You're getting pretty good at that, Skylar." Jim stated.
"A little farther Tobias." Blinki stated.
Toby took one step back.
"Oh, very well." Bliki stated.
Blinki then placed his two right hands onto a sphere in the wall and presses it. Suddenly everything seemed to go haywire.
"That's a big blade!" Toby exclaimed.
I flew between two blades just as they came towards me, Jim dodgeing a blade himself.
"Excellent reflexes!" Blinki stated.
"Great! But maybe we could start off easy? Like you know, with less... grindy things?" Jim asked as I dodged getting hit by fire.
"Blinkous Galadrigal!" A new voice shouted.
I sat ontop of an axe as it swang back and forth, seeing an elderly looking troll.
I then felt the axe stop and I jumped off as it retracted back into the wall.
I flapped my wings and landed delicately on the ground.
"Blinkious Galadrigal." He repeated.
"That's your name?" Jim asked.
"Horrible, I know." Blinki stated.
"I like it." I stated.
"I wish to meet the fleshbag supposedly chosen by the amulet." He stated, spotting Toby.
"I am Vendel, Son of Rundel, son of Kilfred." The pale troll stated.
"Uh, Toby. Son of Ralph. I live with my Nana." Toby stated in turn as we watched the interaction.
This Vendel guy then started examining him.
"Produce the amulet, Trollhunter." Vendel ordered.
Vendel found Toby's phone, seeming curious, but it broke easily between his fingers.
"My phone!" Toby exclaimed.
"I think I'm the fleshbag that you're looking for." Jim stated, stepping up as he revealed the amulet.
"Amulet chose." Arrrgh stated.
"Hmm, so Draal tells me. Ridiculous! However, the amulet had been known to make ill-fated choices." He looked over to Blinki.
"As you know better than most." Vendel stated.
Vendel then spotted me as I was folding my wings in a more comfortable position.
"And you must be the new night watcher." Vendel stated as the others talked.
"Skylar, sister of Jim and daughter of Barbara." I stated.
He then turned away from me.
"If the amulet chose true, the Soothscryer will reveal it." Vendel stated.
"Please, Master Jim hasn't had even an hours training." Blinki stated.
Vendel gestured Jim to come over to him, which Jim did.
I sighed, turning away from them.
I flew up to the cieling and sat down on a curve, deciding to distance myself so I don't ruin anything.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall.
"I'm okay!" Jim shouted.
I opened my eyes, to see him sigh in relief.
I flew down and landed next to him, checking him over.
"Skylar, I'm okay. I didn't lose my hand." He said, seeming embarrased.
"I'm checking for bruises you dummy. I can see you have both hands." I said, stepping away when I was done.
"Well? What is it?" Toby asked.
"Inconclusive." Vendel replied, turning to walk away.
"Inconclusive? Pfft, not doing that again." Toby stated.
"Wait, wait, wait. What does inconclusive mean?" Jim asked.
"It means Trollhunter, that there's never been a human to bear the mantle before. The Soothscryer needs more time to render it's Judgement. Let's hope you live long enough to see." Vendel stated.
"And what about me? I'm the first Night watcher since centuries of there not being one, and a human no less." I said, curious.
I never got an answer.
Vendel just walked away.

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