29: Grand Theft Otto

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We were on a stake out, looking for a certain changeling.
We then spotted a suspicious looking man.
He had glasses, a trenchcoat, and a hat to match.
"Slip out quietly, we don't want to spook him." Blinky stated.
I slipped out easily, closing the door silently as I stayed in the shadows.
Toby then slipped twice, causing him to leave.
"Honestly." I muttered, opening my wings.
I flew to a roof, watching him as they other caught up.
I followed after him as Toby and Claire chased him around.
"New plan, captued him and we'll make him talk." Claire stated over the talkie.
I sighed and dove down, stopping when he turned into an alley, the others catching up.
I hid my wings as I walked forward.
"He's close." I stated, letting Claire know.
I didn't bother asking where Toby was.
I felt his presence.
Claire then jumped in front of a boy.
I frowned, feeling his presence radiate off him.
Before he ran off, I stepped in front of him.
He stopped for a second before moving around me.
I watched him.
"I thought you said he was down here." Claire stated.
"He was, I watched him turn." I stated in turn.
I crossed my arms as they talked, not feeling too great.

I decided to skip school the next day.
I walked into the basement, headphones on.
Draal hasn't been around too much lately...
We've only exchanged a few words since the bridge was destroyed.
My hand went to the scar on my forehead.
I had to get stitches for it.
I sighed, looking through the boxes.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn quickly, summoning one of the swords.
I put my headphones around my neck, letting the metal disappear once again.
"Sorry." I whispered, turning back to the boxes.
"It's alright." He stated, kneeling beside me.
Due to his size, we ended up closer than intended, his arm on the other side of me to support him.
I pulled out a picture of Jim when we were both young.
I sighed, setting it aside as I dug around for something else.
Draal stayed silent next to me, as if he knew I wanted the silence, but needed company.
"Remember when you wanted to tell me something... Before the fight with Angor Rot? I know it's been a few weeks, and I'm sorry for not asking sooner... but what did you want to tell me?" I suddenly asked.
He tensed up as I shifted through the photos.
My phone then started ringing, making me pick it up.
"One second Draal, it's Claire." I stated, answering it.
"We found something on the Janus order." She stated.
I nodded.
"Alright, text me the detes later, along with where we meet up. I'll meet you there, but I have something to do first."
"Okay, I'll send you everything we know so far. Meet us in three hours." She stated
"I'll be there." I stated.
We then hung up and I glanced back at Draal.
"Alright, I have to go in three hours. What did you want to tell me?" I asked, putting the phone back in my pocket.
He glanced down at me.
"I... I don't remember." He replied, I frowned.
"It sounded serious before the fight. Are you sure you don't remember, or do you not want to tell me?" I asked, looking back to the photos in hand.
"It's complicated." He stated.
I stopped, putting the photos down as I turned to face him fully, placing a hand on his metal one.
He flinched at the contact.
Barely, hardly visible, but it was there.
I saw it.
"Draal, you can tell me anything, good, bad, or if you just feel like talking. I trust you with everything, and only you, so if you can't trust me with what you have to say... then I give up." I said, never looking away from his eyes.
He sighed, looking away from my eyes.
"There's nothing bad about what I have to say... I'm just not sure how you will react." Draal stated.
I frowned.
"If it's not bad then why are you worried?" I asked.
"It could be the wrong thing to say, especially now of all times." He replied with.
I sighed, looking out the window.
It was dark.
"Come on, I want to show you something." I stated, standing up.
He followed suit and we walked up the stairs, walking out the back door.
I jumped over the fence, walking into the woods as I revealed my wings, letting them glow to light up the path.
"Where are you taking me?" He asked as he walked next to me.
"You'll see. It's not too far, but far enough from prying eyes." I replied, smiling softly.
"And how did you find the place exactly?" He asked.
"I flew there. It became my spot, especially for testing my abilities. There were times I wanted to be alone, before I started talking to you, and I found it, made it my own. It always made me feel better, more confident when I stayed there for an hour or two." I explained, moving a branch out of my way.
We then walked in silence as we continued on.
I then moved a rock out of the way.
"I made this in case I felt like walking instead of flying." I explained, entering the tunnel.
Once Draal walked in, I moved the rock back and lifted a hand, letting a ball of light form.
It then broke off, smaller balls of light moving across the tunnel, lighting the way.
Draal and I looked to eachother, me offering him a smile before moving on.
Soon enough we saw light and we entered my little area.
He looked around.
"I know it's no heroes forge, but-"
"It's nice." He stated, interrupting me.
I smiled softly, walking forward.
I ran my hand over the flowers, small lights lifting into the air as I did so, like fire flies.
The place lit up slightly, not enough for trolls to turn to stone, but enough to see clearly.
I folded my wings fully, feeling a bit more comfortable.
I turned back to Draal, seeing he was watching me.
I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, leading him to my rock.
"Sit." I said, smiling.
He did so and I sat next to him.
I lifted my hand, moving the boughs of the trees so they seperated, letting us see the stars.
"When was the last time you just sat down and relaxed?" I asked, seeing that he was still tense.
"Relaxed?" He asked, making me laugh.
"So you've always been, protect, train, fight?" I asked, teasing.
"No, no. I also find time to... relax as you put it." He added.
I smiled softly.
"Oh really?" I asked, lifting a brow.
"Give me an example." I said, smirking.
His eyes widened slightly and then he frowned.
"Well I..." He trailed off.
His eyes then widened as my smile grew.
"There was this one time..." He trailed off again frowning.
I laughed, covering my smile with my hand.
"Alright, so I never relax." He stated, looking to me.
"It shows." I stated.
I then looked up to the sky.
"Just look at the stars, take a deep breathe in and then let it go. Let your guard drop." I instructed.
I felt the tension release from him, making me smile.
"Wasn't so hard, was it?" I asked softly, teasing him slightly.
"The thing I wanted to tell you..." He started, making me look to him, only to see he was staring up at the stars.
"There's this feeling inside my chest that I have felt before... but never this strong." He stated, making me frown.
He sighed, looking down at me.
"I feel the same way for you as Jim does for Claire." He stated, making me freeze.
"What?" I asked, thinking I heard him wrong.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm... yeah... Did you just say... what I think you said?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes.
"That I feel the same for you as Jim does for Claire?" He asked.
"You did say what I think you said." I stated, shock filling me.
My phone then started ringing and I grabbed it from my pocket, checking it.
I looked back to Draal.
"I'm sorry, that's my alarm, I have to get going." I said, sliding off the rock as I put the phone away.
"Skylar?" He asked, making me turn back to face him.
"Do you... feel the same way?" He asked.
"I... I don't know. There's been so much going on. I'm not rejecting you or anything, I just... I need time to sort out my feelings." I explained, making him nod.
"You remember the way back, right?" I asked, opening my wings.
He nodded and I shot into the air, flying to the location.
A travel agency.
I landed, folding my wings.
"Skylar, you're late." Claire stated.
"By fifteen minutes." Blinky stated.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm usually... early." I stated, frowning.
"Are you alright?" Toby asked.
"Uh, yeah. You know, a lot's going on. Jim in the Darklands, Janus order... Draal." I listed.
"What about Draal?" Claire asked.
My eyes widened and I walked up to the door, putting my hand on the handle and messing with the metal lock.
"Oh look, it's unlocked." I stated, opening it.
We walked in and I hid my wings.
I sighed as we started looking around.
The phone started ringing, everyone staring at it.
I walked over, picking it up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Welcome to Omni Reach Travel. Where would you like to go?" A lady asked over the phone as Claire leaned in.
"Where two faces meet." Claire answered.
It went to dial tone and I frowned.
The floor started shaking, moving down.
"What are we gonna do? We gotta get out of here." Toby stated.
"It's too late to turn back now." Blinky stated.
"We must face what's before us with courage and, beyond all else, a warriors dignity." Blinky added.
"Welcome to the Janus order." The lady's voice from before spoke.
"Focus on Jim first... deal with Draal later." I whispered too myself when I started spacing out.
"Skylar, did you hear me?" Claire asked, making me look up.
"Sorry, what?" I asked.
"Are you alright going on your own?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah, I... I can do that." I replied, nodding.
I followed Blinky and NotEnrique before branching off.
I walked around, looking for something, anything that would lead to the antidote.
Had to save Arrrgh to save Jim...
Had to save Arrrgh to save Jim...
I can't believe Draal said that.
I groaned quietly as I shook my head.
"Focus Skylar. You need to save your brother." I mumbled to myself.
Somebody then grabbed my wrist.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" They asked.
I sighed, summoning my swords and holding them to his throat.
I backed him up to the wall.
"I'm only here for one thing. Don't make me shed your blood to get it." I growled, my eyes flashing red.
"Okay. Okay. Just, take it easy, alright?" He asked, making me smirk.
"Take it easy?" I asked, looking to the side, nodding.
I pushed away, smiling.
"You're right, I should take it easy. But, there is just one problem. I'm looking for something and if I don't get it, I will kill you and I will take down as many changelings as I possibly can before I go down. So if you value your life, then you will give me what I want." I ordered, pressing one blade back to his throat, drawing some blood.
"Okay, what are you looking for?" He asked.
"The antidote to creepers sun poison." I replied, tilting my head.
I then turned quickly, seeing his eyes dart behind me.
My blade met another and suddenly I was surrounded by changelings.
I smirked.
"Let's dance." I stated.
I opened my wings, eyes glowing red as fire engulfed them.
I shot forward, clashing with the first one and blocking another.
This went on, dodging, blocking, attacking.
They kept coming, like when you cut off a head of a hydra, two more grow in it's place.
The fire died out a while ago, but my eyes stayed glowing, changing colors as I moved.
I don't know how long I was fighting, but I was growing tired, black spots filling my vision.
I then felt something stab into my neck.
I growled, turning quickly as pushing them back, pulling out a syringe.
I threw it to the ground, throwing my arms out, sending them all into walls.
My vision grew darker as I started walking, fighting off some of the changeling's that came after me.
I was breathing heavily and suddenly, I was falling.
Someone caught me in their arms and I was being dragged away.
I closed my eyes, nodding off.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room.
My hands were tied behind me, making me growl.
"You put up quite the fight." Otto stated, getting close to me.
I spat in his face, glaring at him when he moved away.
"It's called personal space." I growled.
He wiped the spit off his face as everyone watched us.
"It seems you still have some fight in you." He stated, his accent getting annoying.
"I don't take too kindly to species that support Gunmar." I replied with.
We glared at eachother for a moment.
"So while you're Trollhunter is gone, you're in charge, I presume?" He asked.
"Why do you think that?" I asked, lifting a brow.
"You're his sister, and the Nightwatcher. It seems you would be the best canidate. So I have a deal to make with you." He stated.
"What kind?" I asked.
"The antidote for Creeper's sun in exchange for Vendel's staff." He stated.
"I've already ran it by your friends, but they refused to make any decision without you." He stated, making me roll my eyes.
I stood up, having untied the rope.
He backed up, his eyes widening.
"Oh relax. I'm not going to hurt you... yet. I just want to know what you want the staff for." I stated, leaning against the wall.
"And just so you know, I really do prefer to stand." I added.
"Arrrgh's life for the staff. Consider it a one-time offer." He stated.
I nodded.
"Alright, I mean you want the staff for your own reasons. We want the antidote for our own reasons. It's a fair trade, but... well, pardon me for not trusting you." I stated, gesturing to the tools he had laid out.
"I can preomise you, any encounters before the exchange will be peaceful. I can't promise much for the after part." He stated, making me smirk.
"Let me discuss it with my friends." I said, looking at them.
I hummed, reading their expressions.
"Alright. Look's like we'll take the deal." I stated, seeing Blinky nod.
"Wonderful." He stated.
"You're all free to leave." He stated, untying everyone else.
I smirked when the door opened to reveal a squad of changelings to escort us out.
I walked infront of everyone, the changeling's giving me more space.
"You know, I'm glad I got a good fight in to distract myself." I stated when we got in the elevator.
The doors then started closing.
"Too bad they cheated." I added before the doors shut.
"You had fun?" Claire asked.
"Yeah, it's good to have a distraction every once in a while." I replied, shrugging.
"I understand why Jim thinks you're scary now." She stated, making me smirk.
I scoffed playfully.
"Please, I simply like to fight." I replied.
"And plan every move. Including the enemy's." Toby added.
"And learning everything you could possibly get your hands on." Blinky added.
"And you're freaky powers and glowing eyes." NotEnrique jumped in.
"I'm a well rounded individual that stumbled upon magic. That doesn't make me scary." I stated.
"No, you're the twenty-first century female version of Alexander the Great that stumbled upon magic." Claire stated.
"What happened to Napoleon?" I asked.
"You have surpassed Napoleon." Toby stated.

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