37: In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King

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We were morning Vendel, seeing that he was found turned to a pile of stone.
"You craft old goat." I heard Blinky say.
"What?" Claire asked.
"What is it?" Toby asked almost at the same time.
"He was holding an Anamnesis stone." Blinky replied, makingme stand up as a golden sphere formed.
It showed Vendel walking up to the table.
"What did you want to show us?" Blinky asked.
It then showed Usurna.
I watched as Usurna stabbed Vendel.
"I knew she couldn't be trusted." I growled.
Jim then walked up to us, wiping his eyes.
"She took control of Trollmarket." He stated.
I ran towards him, trapping him in a hug.
"I knew you weren't dead." I whispered.
I pulled away as everyone else gathered around.
Jim walked up to Vendels remains, making me sigh sadly.
We then started a plan.
Jim stopped, turning back to us.
"This time, I'm not stupid enough to go alone." Jim stated.
"We're stronger together. Come on." He added before we all started running after him.

We were making our way into the Janus order, taking the elva-floor.
Once we made it down, everyone ran out only to stop.
I walked out, seeing all the damage.
"What is this?" Claire asked as Jim picked up a changeling skull.
"Maybe it's a Changeling Halloween party?" Toby asked.
"It's a Changeling Graveyard." I corrected, walking cautiously.
Everything was torn up.
We then stopped, hearing a voice.
"We know you will be weak, Skullcrusher."
"Strickler?" Toby asked.
"Let's split up and cover more ground." Jim suggested, making me nod.
I followed Jim and Toby as Claire, Blinky, and Arrrgh went in the other direction.
"Our time is nearly at hand." We heard Strickler's voice from the other side of a door.
Toby went into a room as I followed Jim to a door that was already open.
A projection was playing, showing Strickler.
The door closed behind us as we walked in.
We then saw a shadow on the ground, making us both turn.
I opened my wings, summoning my swords as Jim and I got ready to fight.
Gunmar knocked over some chairs and I frowned.
"Something feels off." I stated, frowning.
"What do you mean?" Jim asked before we both dodged.
Gunmar was then holding Jim up by his neck.
"You are trembling." He stated.
I charged forward.
"Master Jim!" I heard Blinky shout.
I flew up, dodging Gunmar's fist and landing a kick to his face.
He dropped Jim as I landed on a chair, making it tip over.
I jumped off it before I could fall.
Only then had I realized Blinky threw a bomb-rock.
Jim had his helmet on and I flew back in order to avoid it.
Gunmar jumped out of the way.
We stood together, ready to fight.
"Oh my gosh. This is happening." Toby stated.
"Yeah, so fight!" Claire stated.
"I will add your bones to my pile." Gunmar stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"Like I haven't heard that before." I stated.
"Pile this! Now die!" Blinky yelled, throwing more bomb-rocks.
I forget the name, okay?
Gunmar caught them and threw them back, making us dodge them.
I flung large stones at him as Toby hit chairs with his warhammer, making them hit Gunmar too.
Gunmar went after him first, giving Jim the oppurtuninty to summon his thigh blades.
He threw them at the light, blinding Gunmar. He then jumped infront of him, swinging his sword down.
Otto then stood in the place, making me sigh.
"Of course." I muttered.
He started laughing, his eyes blue.
"Where are you and why won't you fight me?" Jim asked, angry.
"I already have what I want." Was the reply.
I gasped, forming my swords into a shield just as Otto exploded.
"Trollmarket. We never should have left." Jim stated once the explosion was over.
I let the shield disappear, folding my wings.

We snuck into Trollmarket, running around stealthly.
We nabbed Dictacious and Blinky chained him up.
"How do you like it?" He asked.
"I don't" Was the reply.
"Not so pleasant, playing the part of a pinata." Blinky stated.
I rolled my eyes at this.
"Oh, Blinkous. Gunmar has the Heartstone. Once he regains his strength, nothing will rival his power." Dictacious stated, making me growl lowly.
"You want to put that to the test?" I asked, walking up.
"No no, Skylar. You will not be doing the torturing." Blinky stated, making me roll my eyes.
I scoffed.
"You're going too easy." I growled.
"This is futile, brother." Dictacious stated.
"The only troll I would call my brother died today and his name was Vendel." Blinky stated, pulling on Dictacious's ear.
He then started spinning.
"Make it stop." He whined.
Blinky went to punch him, but Jim stopped him.
"Whatever you're planning, let the trolls go." Jim ordered.
"This is between me and Gunmar." He added.
"Don't you see, boy? Gunmar's army was lost in the-"
"Darklands and he wants a new one. How about you give us some new information?" I asked, cutting him off.
"It's time for our race to emerge from the shadows and retake the surface---"
He was cut off by Toby shoving books into his mouth.
"That's enough of that." Toby stated, dusting off his hands.
We started thinking of a plan to get everyone else out.
We decided on using the Gyre, using Claire as a very last resort.
Jim and I were sneaking around, saving as many trolls as we could.
We brought in the first couple loads.
I was standing watch as Jim gave them orders before we ran out and gathered more.
Jim answered his phone as we were bringing back two more.
We then heard footsteps walking towards us and we hid.
It was Draal.
I covered my mouth with my hand as I tucked my legs to my chest, keeping my breathing quiet.
Once he was gone we ran towards the Gyre.
Jim then answered the phone again, frowning at the knews.
"I'll send help. You just keep that Gyre moving." Jim ordered.
He then hung up before calling someone else.
"If you know what I think you know, then I need your help." Jim stated.
"You know what." Jim said after a moment.
"I know you saw us, Steve. You were in the school. I was in my armor and my sister had wings." Jim said, getting a little irritated.
"They need your help." Jim said.
"Shade. I don't know. Blankets, sheets, banners, whatever you can find." He replied after another moment.
"They'll die if they're in the sun." He added quickly.
He chuckled weakly.
"I'll text you the location." Jim said before hanging up.
We then shared a look before running out to get more trolls to safety.
As we were getting more trolls through, Toby had opened the door for us.
He sighed as we watched, making sure they made it through.
"Oh, no! It's Draal!" Toby warned.
We both looked up, seeing him.
My heart ached, but I summoned my swords and my wings opened as a warning.
He jumped down.
Jim then started running, pulling me with.
I sighed, running with him before flying us through just as it closed.
Draal started pounding on the door, breaking it.
I lifted my hands, keeping the stone in place as the swords disappeared.
Arrrgh then cealed the door.
They kept the Gyre moving as Draal kept trying to get in.
I grit my teeth, keeping the stone together the best I could.
Just then the door cealed us in, blocking us in this area.
I growled as I slowly began to struggle, sweat beading my forehead.
I closed my eyes, opeing my wings fully as I forced my eyes to glow green, enhancing my earth ability.
It slowly started cracking more as I held it.
I tuned out everything around me, putting all my energy in keeping the stone in place, preventing them from getting in.
I grit my teeth, keeping it close.
I felt dark magic surrounding us.
The last last resort.
Draal was being relentless on getting in, making it harder to keep it together.
I looked behind me growling as I waited.
I sighed when we appeared somewhere else.
I sighed, my eyes stopped glowing.
I leaned on my brother, smirking.
We then turned to see Eli and Steve.
I folded my wings in a more comfortable fashion as they made their way over to us.
"Thanks guys, I owe you." Jim stated.
"Yeah, you owe us. Big time." Steve replied.
"Maybe you can start by answering a few thousand questions." Eli suggested.
"We'll talk. Later." Jim promised.
"But first, we have to figure out where we can keep all this guys." I added, looking over at everyone.
We then walked back over to Blinky.
"Our home is gone. Vendel is dead. Who will lead us now?" Blinky asked, turning to us.
"His staff?" He asked, noticing what Jim was holding.
"Your staff." Jim corrected, holding it out to him.
"Master Jim." He said, backing up in shock.
He looked over to the other trolls, seeing them kneel or bow.
"Don't make it weird." Arrrgh said.
Blinky then hesitantly took it.
"Wha now, Blink?" Toby asked.
"We survived another day. But these forests are not secure. We will wait until midnight and seek safe haven. Gunmar will not give up. And he'll have an army." Blinky spoke.

Jim and I then made our way home, walking up the steps.
He opened the door and I closed it.
"Hey, mom. We're home!" Jim said, calling out into the house.
We put our bags in their respected area, not recieving an answer from mom.
"Hello?" We called questioningly.
We then spotted Strickler.
"Ah, Young Atlas, Young Athena." He greeted, making me grit my teeth.
"Strickler?" Jim asked.
"I hear you have quite the workload ahead of you. Perhaps Ms. Nomura and I can offer some guidance." He suggested.
"Nomura, Lovely to see you again." I greeted before glaring at Strickler.
"As for you... well, I can't say the same." I growled.
I turned on my heel and Jim caught my shoulder.
"We can use their help." Jim insisted.
"Strickler can die for all I care. I want nothing to do with him." I stated, pushing his hand off.
"Young Athena-"
I turned to Strickler, pressing him against the wall with a sword pressed to his throat.
My eyes were glowing as my wings were extended.
"You released Angor Rot, almost getting our mother killed in the process. You brought the Killahead bridge pieces together and I blame you, and only you, for Gunmar's escape. You are the reason Draal is under his control. I will never forgive you." I growled.
I then pushed away from him, letting everything disappear as tears came to my eyes.
I turned to Jim.
"You can do whatever you want Jim, but I'm not working with him." I stated before walking towards the basement door.
I opened it and slammed it closed, walking down the steps and sitting down on the last one.
I sighed, putting my head in my hands.
"You promised you wouldn't leave." I whispered.

Moonlight (Draal x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora