51: History in the Making

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He then took off his helmet, revealing a man with blonde hair.
I sighed, immediately knowing who he was.
"Sir Lancelot, um..." Douxie started.
"He's so handsome." I heard Steve say, making me facepalm.
"I-we-" Douxie said, stumbling over his words as he tried to find an explanation.
"Wait! Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" He asked, making me look to Douxie.
"Apprentice." Douxie corrected.
"He's like an angel-man." I heard Steve stated, putting his hands on the thing keeping Jim alive.
It then cracked, shattering apart.
"The devil?" Sir Lancelot asked before Jim broke himself out.
He groaned, looking around.
"What? How did I--"
"Jim! Are you okay?" Claire asked.
"Troll!" Lancelot shouted, making me send him a glare.
"Troll! To arms!" He ordered.
I stood in front of Jim, Douxie standing in front of me.
"Wait! Chill out, lads!" Douxie exclaimed.
"Chill? Out?" Lancelot asked.
"Take a breath, all right? He's one of the good ones." Douxie stated.
"There are no good ones. Monsters are forbidden in Arthur's lands." Lancelot stated, pushing Douxie aside.
I grit my teeth.
"You'll hang before the king for your insolence." Lancelot stated.
"Whoa, he even talks like an angel... Wait, what's an 'insolence'?" Steve asked, snapping out of his stated.
We were then taken away.

We made it to Camelot, jim in a carriage with something over it to provide hade.
"Let go of me!" Steve shouted as I walked in silence, annoyed at the fact that they tied me up next to Douxie.
"I want my one phone call!" He added, making me roll my eyes with a sigh.
I decided to tune him out for a while.
"Claire, what happened? What are we doing at a Renn fair? And why is Skylar here?" He asked, reaching out to her, only to pull his hand back as the sun burned him.
"Jim!" She exclaimed.
"We're prisoners in the, uh, Dark Ages. I'd say mid 12th century? With no way home." Douxie stated.
"As for what I'm doing here, well, that's a long story. Good to see you though." I stated, rolling my eyes at the first part before smiling at him, making him nod in agreement.
"It's not an ideal situation." He added.
"Ideal? Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest!" Claire exclaimed.
"Actually, I'm still hurt, but it feels different somehow." Jim stated.
Douxie walked closer.
"Modrax's miracles, he's right! When we jumped back in time, it must have frozen the corruption in place." Douxie stated.
"Well, atleast that's some good news." I stated.
"Uh, seems I missed a lot." Jim stated before asking, "Don't you work at the cafe?"
"Part time. And thanks for always tipping, by the way." Douxie replied.
"He's Merlin's apprentice. It's a long story." Claire stated.
"Open the gate! We have foreigners awaiting judgement for King Arthur." Lancelot ordered.
"Nah, no worries." Douxie stated as we peeked around the corner.
"Camelot's my old turf." He added, making me roll my eyes.
"Just follow my lead. Be inconspicuos." He advised.
"As if." I mumbled.

We entered the castle and Jim was thrown to his knees.
"Gunmar's threatening our borders. Double our patrols." A man said.
King Arthur, I presume.
"Here are the tresspassers, my lord." Lancelot stated as I bowed with Claire and Douxie.
"A troll? I thought I made it clear, your kind are unwelcom when I banished you all from the realm." Arthur stated, making me grit my teeth as I stood up straight once more.
"Don't you mean betrayed?" A familiar voice asked.
"Morgana." Claire spat, Douxie having to hold her back.
"Inconspicuos, remember?" He asked before clearing his throat.
"You gave the woods to enchanted creatures like these. You'd break that vow?" She asked.
"These beasts care not, especially not this spy of Gunmar's!" Arthur stated.
"He's not a spy nor a beast." I spat, catching their attention, making me freeze as Douxie widened his eyes at me.
I looked away, letting them carry on.
Douxie then walked up.
"Your Highness, ahem, it's good to see you again." Douxie stated.
"And you are?" Arthur asked.
"Hisirdoux, Merlin's apprentice." Douxie reminded, making me scoff under my breath.
"I assure you, he's no threat." He added.
"That's my judgement to make, boy." Arthur replied with.
"Trolls are born of magic as you are of blood. How is there nature a crime?" Morgana asked, doing a little light show.
"When they ravage our lands, take our loved ones from us. I made these laws to hold this fagile land together, and they will be abided!" Arthur stated loudly.
"Leave the wood, the penalty is death." Arthur said.
"What? No! Wait, wait!" Jim said.
"I'm not a troll!" He exclaimed.
"Whoa, hold- hold on!" Douxie said, being grabbed by a guard.
I moved forward, growling.
A guard grabbed my arm and I turned around, flipping him over me as I ran to Jim, them putting him int he sun.
I threw open my wings, standing in front of him as Claire's shouted 'Stop' shadows making the sum turn away.
Everyone gasped and I looked over my shoulder at Jim.
"You alright?" I asked, folding my wings as he nodded.
I sighed.
"Morgana... is this your witchery? Cease it at once!" Arthur ordered and Claire ran over.
"Just because you're scared of him doesn't mean he shouldn't exist! It doesn't make him evil." She stated.
"But it makes him dangerous." King Arthur stated.
"I will not fail to protect my kingdom!" He stated, walking up to us.
I stood defiantly between him and Jim and Claire.
"If you give in to fear, that is failing." Claire stated.
"The girl speaks truth. Please listen to her." Morgana pleaded with her brother.
Arthur sighed.
"Fine. I will show the Troll mercy." He stated.
I sighed, letting my wings disappear as I looked to Jim.
"He will live... in the dungeons along with the winged girl." Arthur stated, making me grit my teeth.
We were then pulled away.
I didn't put up a fight.
They threw us into a cell, Jim landing on his knees once more.
I sighed, helping him into a more comfortable position, deciding to let my wings show.
"You belong in the darkness." The knight stated, laughing as he walked away.
"Atleast it's not the Darklands." Jim stated as I formed a small ball of light for us.
"So, what are you two in for?" A femine voice asked.
"What?" Jim asked.
"Ugh! Your crime?" She asked.
"Being a Troll where I'm not supposed to, I guess." Jim replied, I only shrugged.
"Same. Arthur has a sick sense of humor. Steals my homelands, then says I'm tresspassing there. Now trolls are forbidden along with anything else that's not a fleshbag." She stated, walking into the small bit of light.
"Actually, I'm half fleshbag." Jim stated, making the troll laugh.
"Yeah, and I'm half goblin. Waka Chaka." She stated.
The goblins to the side then threw something at her.
"Hey! That better be mud." She warned as they laughed, one blowing a raspberry.
She then looked to me.
"You look like a fleshbag." She stated.
I opened my wings, making her frown.
"He's at war with more than just the gumm-gumms." Jim stated.
"Ask Arthur, the only good Troll's a dead one." She stated after a moment.
"Same goes for goblins, gnomes, and any other so-called 'monster' he doesn't understand." She said.
"The name's Callista." She stated.
"I'm Jim and this is Skylar." He introduced.
"Welcome to the rest of your life." She said sitting against the bars.
Jim sighed.

I sighed as Jim kept trying to summon his sword.
"Ugh, stop saying that name. Merlin's in league with the fleshbags who put us here." Callista stated.
"I'm trying to manifest a Sword of Daylight. He made it to save the Trolls." Jim stated.
"But he didn't make it yet, obviously." I stated in a whisper, making Jim open his mouth in an 'o'.
"Pfft, those guards must've hit you harder than I thought, kid. Nobody's saving anybody here." Callista stated.
"Jim! Skylar!" I heard Claire shout, making me smirk.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure." I said as Claire ran down.
"We're breaking you out." She stated.
"Your stay in Terror Tower is over, mate." Douxie stated, going to unlock the door, I waved him off, putting my hand on the metal.
"Go unlock Callista's cell." I said, opening the door.
"Oh, you can do that too?" Douxie asked.
"Yep, now hurry up." I replied with.
We started freeing the other trolls and we started making our way out, until we heard Steve.
"Now now, everyone just stay calm." Douxie instructed.
I almost laughed when everyone ran haywire, screaming.
I flew pass everyone.
"Prison break!" I shouted as they ran after me, trampling the guards as they ran pass.
One of the bigger trolls broke through the gate as they ran ahead of us.
I stayed flying near Jim, Claire helping him as Callista ran with us.
"Is this part of your plan?" The cat asked as I still haven't gotten his name.
"I'm improvising!" Douxie stated.
"Quick, through the alleys! They can't catch all of us!" Callista stated.
"I'll take the air then." I stated, darting into the sky as they split up.
I flew over the buildings, keeping an eye on everyone.
We then flew out of the gate, but everyone stopped as the sun started rising over the bridge.
I closed my eyes, trying to force a shadow, but it wasn't cooperating.
I closed my eyes, but the dark elment was nowhere to be found.
I sighed, remembering that I had gotten rid of it with what was left of Angor Rot's soul by accident.
I had to find a stone that held that power.
Suddenly shadows covered the area, I looked up, seeing Claire.
Everyone started running as I flew after them.
We disappeared into the trees and I stopped when Jim fell, landing.
I helped him up, putting one of his arm over my shoulders.
Just then the sound of the sword entered my ears, making me glance behind me, seeing a knight on a horse.
I dropped Jim, throwing out my wings as the arm of a troll entered my vision, puching the knight of her horse.
I gasped, looking behind me, seeing Gunmar walk pass and press the she-knight into the ground.
Bular then walked up to his father and Callista helped me drag Jim into the trees as Gunmar spoke.
I stopped, spotting a black gem.
I picked it up, sensing if it had power as we continued walking.
I sighed when it was the power I was just looking for.
I'm going to strike it up to luck.
The amulet absorbed it before I dropped the rock, rolling my eyes at the 'luck'.
Where were you when I needed you a few minutes ago?
We walked deeper into the woods, not wanting to have Gunmar and Bular catch up to us.

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