13: The Battle of Two Bridges

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When I woke, Toby was here, talking with Jim, who was next to me.
I sat up, catching their attention.
"Skylar. Are you alright?" Jim asked.
I nodded, noticing I was still in my clothes.
I threw the blanket off me, a bit dizzy.
I swung my legs over the side and stood up, catching myself on the side table.
I put a hand to my aching head, dulling the pain with my healing ability.
I shook my head of any dizziness and I walked up to Jim.
"How are you doing? You took a good hit to the head." I asked.
"I'm fine, but we have a problem." Jim stated.
"They have Blinky." I stated.
Jim frowned.
"Twin telepathy, and also the mind ability. Your mind is loud." I replied, interripting him.
I then dug the amulet out of my pocket, handing it to him.
He took it and smiled.
"Hello Toby." I heard mom say.
"Hey, Dr. Lake. I was just leaving. They're all yours." Toby stated.
"Can you believe it? Coyotes." Toby asked, leaving.
Mom closed the curtain.
"Skylar, you should be resting." She stated.
"I'm fine mom. I'm a fast healer." I replied.
She sighed before turning to Jim.
"You have good friends. One even stayed by your side all night." Mom stated.
I sighed, moving over to grab my bag.
"Yeah, there's really no one like Toby." Jim stated.
"Actually it was a girl. She said her name was Claire." Mom corrected.
Jim's eyes widened as I put my bag over my shoulder.
"Skylar, your friend wasn't here. Do you know where he is? Does he know what happened?" Mom asked, causing Jim to raise a brow in my direction.
"He doesn't know what happened Mom. He's not in town for a while." I replied.
"Hey, where are you going?" She asked.
"Out. I have stuff to do." I replied.
"No, you still have to heal." She stated.
"I'm fine, Mom. Nothing hurts." I stated.
"Just becau-"
"I said I'm fine!" I exclaimed.
She pulled away from me and I sighed, feeling guilty.
"Stop worrying about me." I said in a softer tone.
I then left the room, leaving the two to themselves.
I made my way into the our house and I threw my bag to the floor.
I groaned as tears sprung to my eyes.
I then grabbed a cup and threw it against the wall, replacing my tears with anger.
But it only made me cry more.
I slid down the wall, tucking my head into my knees as I folded my arms.
My body shook as I took in shaky breaths, trying to stop my tears.
I heard footsteps coming up from the basement, but for some reason my tears wouldn't stop.
"Skylar?" I heard Draal call.
I sucked in a breath and wiped my tears.
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, lifting my head.
I could feel some tears falling, but I ignored them, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Are you alright?" He asked, making me nod.
"Yeah. Just fine." I replied, standing up.
I walked over to the shattered glass and started picking it up, being careful.
"You're lying." He stated, watching me from behind.
"I'm fine. I promise." I replied, ignoring his statement.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch involuntarily.
I glanced over my shoulder, looking up at him.
We stared at eachother for a moment before we heard the door open.
Draal stepped away from me as I stood up and threw away the glass.
Jim then explained to Draal what had happened and that he had to go alone.
"I don't understand. Why do you need to go it alone?" Draal asked as Jim looked around in the cupboards, me sitting on the counter.
"Because this is the only way it will work. You have to trust me on this, Draal." Jim replied.
"I trust you, but I also fear for you. Just as I do your sister, just as she does for you." Draal stated.
"You are walking into a den of death, for what? Blinky?" Draal asked.
"I'd do the same for you." Jim stated, as I stared out the window.
"Now, do you remember what you're gonna tell Toby and Arrrgh when they start to wonder where I am?" Jim asked.
"Aha here it is." Jim then said, finding what he was looking for.
We then went into the garage, following Jim.
"If anything goes wrong, if it means anything, I hope you're the next Trollhunter." Jim stated, opening the garage door.
"And I hope it won't come to that." Draal stated.
Jim then turned to leave.
"Jim?" I asked, watching him.
He looked over at me.
"Be safe." I said, he nodded before riding off.
I then closed the garage door and walked back inside, Draal following behind me.
"Skylar, why don't you tell him?" Draal asked.
"He has enough to worry about. And I told you... I'm fine." I replied, standing in the hallway, not knowing what to do with myself.
I checked my watch, smirking.
"We better get going." I stated.
Draal nodded and we started our trek, meeting up with Toby and Arrrgh.
I revealed my wings as Arrrgh pulled down the curtain.
"I am Toby! Grandson of Nana! Fan of hard Rock." Toby stated, making me facepalm as he turned on the wrong playlist.
When the right music was playing the three of them took their positions as I forced fire to my palms.
"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" Jim chanted, blinding Bular with the glow.
"Kill them all!" Bular shouted.
Draal roared as I rolled my eyes.
I shot forward, taking out the goblins.
"Skylar, cover Toby. Toby, Help Blinky!" Jim ordered.
I nodded, taking care of the goblins as Arrrgh threw Toby into the air.
When the goblins were taken care of I saw Arrrgh dodging Nomura's sword.
I knew he had it handled so I charged Strickler.
He grabbed a sword and I formed one in my hand, blocking his attack.
His eyes widened when he saw my smirk.
I pushed him back, swinging the sword towards his neck.
But instead, he made his way to Jim, deciding against fighting me for some reason.
I saw NotEnrique and grabbed him by the scruff and Draal and Bular crashed into the make-shift stairs.
I flew us both to safety and landed.
I dropped him and he then got into a fight with a goblin, making me roll my eyes.
Toby was still trying to cut Blinky free.
Bular and Arrrgh were now fighting after Arrrgh jumped in to help Draal.
When Draal started charging, Nomura got in the way.
"Care to rekindle what we had, Draal?" Nomura asked.
I raised a brow, before shooting fire at a goblin that launched itself at me.
Blinky, Toby and NotEnrique were then surrounded by goblins.
I sighed, shooting towards them.
I reformed my sword and sliced the first one away, shooting fire at some.
"Untie Blinky and help." I ordered as I kicked one away, slicing at another.
They soon covered me and I flung my wings open, fire engulfing them as goblins flew away from me and some burned.
I then let the fire die, folding my wings again.
My clothes had some tears, but I could care less in that moment.
The more I fought, the more energy I seemed to have.
Soon it felt like I was dancing across the floor, cutting down the goblins that came after us.
I saw Jim and Strickler.
I opened my wings, shooting towards them.
The bridge had opened, making me fly back due to the force, hitting the wall.
I fell to the floor, stunned.
It suddenly started pulling everything towards it.
I opened my wings, forcing myself to fly away from it, struggling to do so.
I lowered myself, grabbing NotEnrique and throwing him behind a pillar.
But in doing so, it made it all the harder for me to fight the force pulling me in as I was now closer to it.
I saw NotEnrique moving towards the bridge, he was making his way towards the amulet.
He shocked himself, flying back.
I looked around and I closed my eyes, folding my wings.
I was pulled forward, hearing Jim screaming my name.
At the last second, I opened my wings, forcing myself up and grabbing hold of the amulet.
Electricity coursed through my veins, making me scream as I pulled.
I saw Draal in the corner of my eye, he was moving towards me quickly.
He put his hand over mine and we pulled together.
Nomura then jumped onto Draal and started pulling on his head.
She yelled no as she was flung back.
I felt my strength draining as the electricity coursing through me started racing across my skin.
I used my ability and flung Draal away, the electricity forming a ball around me.
I tore the amulet free, flying backwards into the wall.
I felt myself twitch a few times as the electricity shot through me.
Dust was everywhere and my vision was blurry, but I refused to let go of the amulet.
When the dust cleared, it was obvious that Killahead bridge had fallen apart.
I stood up, feeling the electricity still flowing.
I saw Jim over near Draal.
I gasped when I saw his arm was stone.
It fell, not being able to stand on it's own.
I sat next to Jim, handing him his amulet as I stared at the pile of stone with guilt.
If I had pushed him away sooner...
I heard him groan and I looked over at him.
"You're alive!" I exclaimed, relief filling me.
"Master Jim, Lady Skylar. We must leave at once!" Blinky stated.
"Help me, Arrrgh!" Jim ordered, moving to help Draal stand.
We made our way to a hole to the sewers.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Jim stated.
I rolled my eyes, jumping in before I could hear them complain any further.
Everyone then jumped in after me.
I formed a bubble around us so we could breath, but it pulled us closer together.
I then closed my eyes and focused on my wings.
A light formed from them, making my feathers glow.
It was dim enough as to not turn them into stone, but still bright enough to see.
I took in a breath of air, as Arrrgh, kept us where we were.
The others did the same as I watched our surroundings.
However, Jim wasn't with us.
"Where's Jim?" I asked, looking around.
They looked away from me.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"The water took him before you could catch him." Toby stated.
I growled, turning to face where he went.
"C'mon." I growled.
With a flick of my wrist, the bubble started darting down the sewers, going into the canal.
With another flick, I lifted us above the water, the bubble disappearing as I pulled everyone up onto the side of the canal.
I spotted Jim immediately, just as they spotted us.
Suddenly Jim took off his armor, falling out of Bular's grip.
Quickly he put the armor back on, thrusting his sword into Bular's chest.
Light erupted from Bular, turning him to stone.
Bular fell into the water, completely as stone.
I moved to fly towards Jim, but I stopped when I felt a stinging pain on my back.
I fell to my knees, the pain almost unbearable.
Black spots covered my vision.
I was in the water now.
It felt nice on my back.
The water around me had turned red.
I wonder why...
Suddenly, a shadow dived in.
I couldn't make out there face, but I could tell they were there to help me.
I felt at peace.
I felt my eyes fall shut, the force of being brought back to the surface surrounding me.
I felt myself growing more and more distant to the world around me.
I couldn't breathe, but I could feel someone laying me down on something hard and dry at an angle.
I was turned over and suddenly my eyes flew open as I coughed up water.
I sat up, fighting the hands that were on me, off.
I was breathing heavily and I looked around.
I spotted Jim, sighing with relief.
I launched myself towards him, trapping him in a hug.
"You're okay." I whispered, more to myself.
He pulled away, a concerned look on your face.
"I should be saying that to you. You almost drowned, when you fell in, blood started pooling around you and-"
"And I'm fine." I stated, focusing on the stinging, healing it.
"I am so proud of you Jim." I stated, pulling him back into a hug.
He sighed in defeat, hugging me back gently, as if I was delicate.
I let my wings disappear, pulling away.
"My baby brother is all grown up." I said in a joking manner as I stood up.
"Oh please, I was born five minutes after you." He stated.
Soon everyone forget my almost death for the time being as we joked with eachother, enjoying our victory.

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