[Part 2] |Wizards| 50: Spellbound

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{I decided against the 3-Below in this as not a lot happens with the trollhunters, but it will be mentioned. Also there may have/be some times where I wrote Merling instead of Merlin because of writing most things ending with an 'ling', I do apologize if it is confusing.}

Before we start, let me catch you up on what you missed.
After the whole Eternal Night fiasco, I had graduated early so I could focus on protecting Arcadia.
I still lived with mom.
And I helped take care of the house, making dinner and such so then I could stay with Draal.
Only a couple months have passed since then.
I have been training to use more then one power at a time, without using them all.
Mom was still a doctor, and now everyone knew about trolls and everything, so they usually left us to deal with whatever we had to deal with.
I kept my Armor as I hadn't grown taller, but I did have to make some adjustments to it, but nothing that interfered with the design of it.
Draal... well, he was still stone, but we moved him into the garage so mom wouldn't have to deal with it while painting as she had grown that habit.
I've had no word from Jim.
I figured he was too busy... or he lost his phone.
Well, that's pretty much it...
Enjoy I guess.


Toby, Arrrgh, Steve and I were walking around the town.
I was in my Armor, like every night we went on patroll.
Steve was going on about the alien we had to fight a while back, and how he lost his girlfriend and creepslaying partner.
It wasn't easy listening to him, but my mind processed every word anyway.
A cat then jumped down infront of us, making Steve scream and Toby gasp.
"Cat! Yum." Arrrgh said as I rolled my eyes at him.
Toby then walked up to it.
"Ooh, hey, little guy!" He stated as I glanced around for anything.
"You lost?" He then asked, making the cat look up.
I furrowed my brows.
"A cat wearing glasses. That's new." I stated, shrugging it off.
"Beware. You, you are in grave danger." The cat spoke.
"Whoa! A cat wearing glasses!" Steve stated.
"The cat just talked and your focused on it's eye wear?" Toby asked.
"I've seen aliens, creeps, and trolls, Domzalski. So, yeah, I'd like to know why the talking cat's wearing glasses." Steve replied.
I sighed at them.
"Bad eyesight." The cat stated.
"Not cat. Familiar." Arrrgh stated.
"Familiar?" Steve asked, chuckling.
"No way." He stated.
"I'd remember if I met a cat with glasses." Steve stated.
I face palmed.
"Not that kind of familiar." I stated.
"Wizard assistant." Arrrgh said.
"Assistant? That's very offensive." The cat stated before adding, "I am a wizard associate, thank you very much."
He then hopped down.
"Now, come with me or the worst will come to pass." The cat said, walking in two legs.
We followed it as I sighed, adjusting my bag.
"Hey, are you threatening me, pussy cat?" Steve asked.
"No, I'm warning you." The cat replied.
"Steve, don't provoke the wizard associate." I stated, rolling my eyes.
"Put simply, the world as you know it is about to end." The cat stated, turning to us.
He then turned back forward before turning back to us to meow sarcastically.
He then took off as the three stood there, me following after him.
Toby was stuck on saying what once again as Steve yelled.
"Ugh! Not again!" He stated before screaming into the night air.
"Come on you three." I ordered as I opened my wings, flying after the cat.

We were walking now, my wings hidden.
The others had caught up a few moments ago.
"Sorry, this is a lot to process! Pet's can talk? The world is ending? Again?" Toby went on.
"Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same." He stated.
"Oh, it's you." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Good to see you again, Skylar." He stated.
"Let's just get down to business." I said.
"Wait hold up. I thought you worked at the cafe or were, like, a model or something." Steve stated.
Douxie chuckled.
"There's a lot about me you don't know." He replied, chuckling as he messed with his bracelet.
A blue glow emitted from in and I raised a brow.
A blue orb formed in his hand and he pressed it to the door, unlocking it.
I rolled my eyes at the light show.
"Come on then. The answers to all your questions are within." He stated, opeing the door for us.
We walked in, seeing flying books, a green around them.
Everything was floating into a chest as Toby freaked out a bout it.
"Ooh, what's that?" Toby asked, grabbing something.
"Put that down!" A familiar voice ordered, making us look up to see Merlin.
"Thank the ether you're here. We haven't a moment to waste." He added.
"Whoa! Crusty, creepy dude." Steve stated, making me face palm as Toby laughed nervously.
"May Deya deliver me away from this blonde oaf." I muttered.
"Though, I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux." Merlin stated.
"I tried. I couldn't find the changelings or the aliens." Douxie stated before adding, "I'm pretty sure most left the planet."
"Merlin, its me! Toby Domzalski! You know, War Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club President." Toby exclaimed, making me sigh.
"No one could forget you, chatty." Merlin replied.
"And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!" Steve stated, making me cross my arms as I put one hand to my forhead.
"I have no idea who you are." Merlin stated, walking pass him as the chest hit against Steve's head.
"But we're desperate. Thankfully, we have Skylar and the Brute." He stated, making me roll my eyes.
"If you're that desperate then this must be worse than Morgana." I stated.
"It is worse than Morgana." He stated, making me sigh.
"It's never easy with you, is it?" I asked, sighing.
Arrrgh then sniffed the cat.
"Yum!" He stated before getting clawed.
"I'm not anybody's lunch. Got it?" The furball asked.
"Wait, where's Jimbo and Claire? I thought they were with you." Toby asked, making me nod.
"Answers forthcoming." Was the reply Merlin gave.
"Make preparations. We've a journey ahead. And don't-"
"But, Master-"
"-'But, Master' me." Merlin stated.
"But... Are you sure you want to count on these children? They're clearly not ready for this." Douxie stated, making Toby and I scoff.
"Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a 50-foot extreaterrestrial." Steve said.
"And, may I remind you of the Eternal Night fiasco?" I asked as Steve screamed because of a moving suit of armor.
I sighed, turning to him.
"Honestly, Steve. You're hopeless. Goblins, Trolls, and Aliens, but a moving suit of armor scares you?" I said in disbelief as I grabbed the head from him and put it back on the guy.
"Hopeless." I stated, rolling my eyes.
Douxie and Merlin then walked away, still talking, Douxie complaining about us coming along.
"Silence." Merlin ordered, which I did.
He then turned to us, Steve and Toby still talking.
"I mean silence, all of you. Can you not hear that?" He asked.
Chimes were clinking and there was a small rumble.
I felt a foriegn presence, making me frown.
I summoned my swords, opening my wings slightly as Toby unleashed his war hammer.
There was a creaking of a door before the lights went out.
"Something wicked this way comes." Merlin whispered.
I let small balls of light light up some of the room as I looked around, staying at the ready.
Something then charged at the window, bouncing off it.
"What is that thing?" I asked, walking towards the window to see more of them.
"Shadow mephits?" Merlin than asked, seeming confused.
"Shadow mephits." I stated, raising a brow at the name.
He then turned to Douxie.
"Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?" He asked.
"No, no. I mean... I don't think so?" He said in a questioning manner as he chuckled.
"Yes, we did." The cat stated.
"He found us. The barrier won't hold for long." Merlin stated as I adjusted my bag once again.
"We must make egress! Tobias, take my things!" Merlin ordered.
The shadow mephits then started coming through.
"All of you, to the roof!" Merlin ordered.
"If you insist." I stated, opening my wings.
"Don't set fire to the place." I stated as I took to the air, the others following me as Douxie and Merlin distracted them.
I sighed, landing as I let my wings engulf in fire when were were surrounding by these weird creatures.
They avoided me which made me shoot fire at them.
It worked in keeping them away, as they seemed vulnerable to it.
Merlin and Douxie then came up and I raised a brow.
"Did you really set fire to the bookstore?" I asked in disbelief when Douxie brushed up against me.
"They're vulnerable to fire." He said.
"In a bookstore." I reminded, shooting fire at one and kicking it off the roof.
Merlin then smashed the bottle and the ship inside grew.
"Ship just got real!" Steve stated.
I sighed at the pun, as I had to respect it even if it came from him.
"Everyone on!" Arrrgh ordered, putting Toby and Steve on his back.
I sighed, opening my wings and landing inside.
"It's no gyre, but I believe it'll be just as fun." I stated, folding my wings.
Douxie and I took care of the Shadow mephits as Arrrgh jumped, grabbing the side before climbing in as Merlin took control of the ship.
We then took off, the bookstore burning up in blue flames.
"I still can't believe you did the one thing I advised you not to." I stated, rolling my eyes.
"Vulnerable!" Douxie exclaimed in defense.
"Bookstore!" I repeated from earlier.
He sighed in defeat.
I then dodged whatever was flying at me from the weird looking knight on the ground.
I then stood back up as Merlin put us into gear.
We flew through the clouds, making me sigh as I put my hand out, letting the clouds part at my finger tips.
"Awesome sauce!" Toby exclaimed before looking at me.
"Is this how you feel when you fly?" He asked.
"Almost." I replied, smiling back at him.
We slowed to a gentle pace.
"This is so cool!" Toby stated.
"What the heck is that?" Steve asked, pointing at something in the sky.
"Welcome, young squires, to Camelot." Merlin replied, walking up to the two boys.
"Camelot? As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?" Toby asked.
"Excuse me, I have a question. How is this castle flying right now?" Steve asked.
"Obviously it's because of that." I stated, pointing to the big green stone.
"The Heart of Avalon." Merlin stated as we flew next to it, slowly passing it.
"Its magic keeps Camelot aloft, powered by time itself." Merlin stated before making us go a bit faster, going up.
"Sir Galahad, how look the skies?" Merlin asked as we made way to our landing.
"All quiet, my old friend!" Was the knight's reply.
"Keep your eyes on the horizon." Merlin ordered
We cirlced once around the post before heading down.
"I say, coming in a little hot, don't you think?" Steve asked.
"Not hot enough!" I replied, leaning against the sighed.
"Rubbish!" Merlin stated almost at the same time.
We then landed, flying into a green beam.
I jumped out, my wings slowing my fall before disappearing.
I looked around, admiring the place.
"Whoa!" Toby exlaimed.
"It's been 900 years since I was last here. Hasn't changed a bit." Douxie said, looking around.
"Except for the flying part." He added, making steve chuckle.
"Nine hundred years? Yeah, right. You're like, what, 19?" Steve asked, making me sigh.
"Give or take a few centuries." The cat stated, blowing fire into the air and sprouting wings.
Mut be a dragon then.
"So, how many things can your cat turn into?" Steve asked.
"That depends. How many things are there?" Douxie asked in turn.
"Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what's the grave danger you keep talking about?" Toby asked, putting us back on track.
"Ah, there you are.' Merlin stated as I spotted Claire and Blinky.
"Claire!" Toby exclaimed.
"Toby!" She exclaimed, running up to us.
"Aarghaumont!" Blinky exclaimed, running towards us as well.
"Blinky!" Arrrgh exclaimed as everyone hugged.
When they pulled away, Blinky and Claire turned to me.
"Lady Skylar." Blinky said pulling me into a hug.
I pulled away, turning to Claire.
We gave eachother a hug.
"Whoa, hey, Steve's here, too! How 'bout- how 'bout some love for Steve?" Steve asked, making me roll my eyes.
"Oh. Hi, Steve." Claire said with no enthusiasm.
"What happened to you guys?" Toby asked as I complimented on her new hair style.
"Wait, where's Jim?" Toby added, as I looked around for him.
Claire sighed.
They then led us to a crystal that Jim was inside of.
"Jim?" I asked, kneeling down next to it.
"What happened out there? Why is he in this?" I asked, looking to them for answers.
"We were ambushed. Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green... who struck down Master Jim." Blinky stated, making me clench my fists when I remembered the knight outside the bookstore.
"Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?" I heard Douxie ask.
"One and the same." Merlin replied.
"That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress... for now." Merlin explained.
"If I had my shadow staff, I could've saved him." Claire stated, as I placed my hand gently on the crystal.
Who is this Green Knight? How do I get my hands on him?" Toby asked in anger as I calmed my breathing.
"I do not know." Merlin stated before explaining, "The Green Knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone."
"Morgana." I said at the same time as him, though it was just a guess on my part.
"Oh, I hate that lady." Toby stated before stopping, "But wait, I thought we kicked her bewitch butt to the Shadow Realm."
"Which he appeared not to know, but he bore the emblem of Camelot." Merlin replied.
"Come with me, quickly. I fear the answer lies in the past." Merlin stated as we followed after him.
"A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone." Merlin stated.
"You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic." Merlin stated before going on, "Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed. King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword..." Merlin said, trailing off from a moment as he showed us what he was talking about through a... timeline? I guess you could call it.
"Including myself..." He said trailing off before Merling pulled up a image of Morgana.
"Oh, and Morgana le Fay." Douxie added.
"She was the finest student I ever taught... until she tried to kill me. But thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon, the Trollhunter amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge." Merlin explained.
"Around that time, somewhere, someone made the Night amulet, which you have now." He stated, making me frown.
"So not even you know who created it?" I asked, making him shake his head.
He then moved on.
"This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magicks, but I have no memory of him nor what connection he could have to Morgana." Merlin stated, making me frown.
"Well, he must be from here then, if he bares the emblem of Camelot. Why would he bare it otherwise?" I asked.
"That is a question which answer I do not know." Merlin stated.
"We know not what he is nor why he pursues us. Though, his presence is a dire omen of things to come." Merlin added.
Just then a bell started ringing, catching everyones attention.
Something hit us, making everyone fall as my wings caught me, keeping me on feet.
"What's happening?" Claire asked.
"Have you never been under attack before?" Merlin asked in response.
I sighed heavily at that.
"Course." I stated, folding my wings.
"To the battlements!" He then ordered, running off.
I sighed, taking off after him.
I stopped in my tracks, seeing a giant ship, far bigger than that of the aliens.
"Everyone, get to safety, now!" Merlin ordered, shouting.
"We must flee!" I heard Merlin yell over everything else after a moment.
The ship then crashed into us, a bridge off ice, reaching towards us, but it wasn't normal ice.
We started fighting the shadow mephits that crawled towards us.
I shot fire at them as the others hit them off.
We made it through, making our way up to Douxie.
"These people are relentless." I stated, melting the ice back some.
We stood around him as a protective circle.
We ripped a space in time and I sighed as I looked around.
We pushed it together, guiding us towards the time rift.
We were then shot at, making us tip.
I flew as the others slid.
"Hang on." I ordered, flying down, in order to help them, but plans changed when Jim fell, going through the time rift.
"Jim!" Claire and I shouted.
"What do we do man?" Steve asked.
"Trust me!" Douxie shouted.
I sighed, flying in after them as they let go.
Steve fell after us as I was diving.
Wind hit me hard as I dove straight down.
We made it just before the rift closed.
Douxie slowed their fall as I flew near them, slowing myself more and more as the ground grew closer.
I landed, putting my wings away with a sigh as I looked at everyone.
Jim's stasis started cracking after it landed on steve.
"Douxie, where is the flying castle?" Claire asked.
"Oh, fuzz buckets." Douxie stated, making me sigh.
I took in a sharp breath of air as I stayed calm.
"Well, it would appear we've had ourselves a temporal accident." Douxie replied with, making me sigh.
"Which means?" Claire asked.
A sword was then pressed to Douxie's neck as one was held in front of me, making me sigh.
"Douxie... I'm going to kill you." I muttered as souldiers circled around us, making me move closer to the others.
"It means... we are lost in time." Douxie stated, answering Claire's question.
"What manner of sorcery is this?" The man on the horse asked.
"Oh-oh my." I heard Steve stated.
Steve then screamed, making me wince slightly.

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