30: KanjigAAARRRGGHH!!!

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We had Toby use the Glamour mask to disguise himself as Vendel as we waited for him.
He ran out of Trollmarket and handed Blinky the staff.
I sighed as we waited.
"Dealing business with these vile agents... I dearly hope we are doing the right thing." Blinky stated.
"We're getting Jim back by saving Arrrgh. Whatever these changelings want with Vendel's staff, we will put an end to it if it's bad. With Arrrgh and Jim." I assured.
Three cars then pulled up and I stood in front of everyone, opening my wings as a warning.
Otto then walked out, walking towards us.
"Not another step, wiener schnitzel!" Toby stated, causing him to stop when he was still pretty far back.
I rolled my eyes, looking a Toby.
"Now, throw us the antidote, and we'll throw you the staff!" Toby ordered.
I sighed when Otto pulled out a piece of paper.
"Blinky, the staff." I said, olding out my hand.
Hesitantly, he handed it to me.
I walked over to him and held out the staff, my grip like a vipers.
"The antidote." I said.
He put his hand towards me and I took hold of the paper.
"On three, we both let go. If there's any funny business... those cars will be the first to go." I threatened.
He nodded.
"One, two, three." We counted.
We both let go and I walked back to the others as he got back in the car.
I handed the list to Blinky.
"It's the ingredients. And don't start with the, this isn't what we agreed on. With this we'll be able to cure anyone at any given time if they have contact with creepers sun." I stated, making him nod.
"We did the right thing, right?" Claire asked.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Blinky stated.
"Now, we must concern ourselves with some shopping." Blinky said, looking at the list.
He hummed as he read.
"Where might we find the tears of one untouched by love's first kiss?" Blinky asked, causing him and Claire to look at me a nd Toby.
I stepped away from Toby, pointing to him.
"Very well." Blinky stated.
"I've been kissed. Many times." Toby defended.
"Your nana doesn't count." Claire stated, emitting an 'oh' from Toby.

We were almost done with all the ingredients.
Arrrgh would be back soon, and then... Jim will return.
Draal guarded the bridge as we did this.
I glanced at him, catching his eye before we both looked away.
"I think that's almost all of it." Toby stated.
Toby then started punching himself, groaning a few times.
"Want me to punch you instead?" I asked in a kind tone.
Toby's eyes widened and Blinky then stomped on his foot.
"Am I really that scary?" I joked.
"Indeed. May I remind you of when we first met?" Blinky asked.
I scoffed, a smile on my face as Toby wiped the tears and put it in the mixture.
"And lastly a fragment of heartstone." Blinky stated as we became serious again.
Blue mist exploded into the air, surrounding Arrrgh as we stepped back.
It all then moved back into the cauldron.
I frowned when Arrrgh was still stone.
"I don't get it. What happened?"
"Nothing. It... It didn't work." Toby stated.
"I.... I thought for certain..." Blinky trailed off.
Toby shout the word 'No' and that's what made me mad.
"I'll be back." I growled, turning on my heel.
"Where are you going?" Claire and Blinky asked.
"If those changelings think they can get away with tricking us, they have another thing coming." I growled, hearing Toby's cries.
Suddenly Arrrgh started changing back, Toby crying as he stood close.
A sigh of relief escaped me as we moved closer to Arrrgh.
He started glowing purple, making me stop with a frown.
"Arrrgh?" I asked.
I opened my wings, moving Toby quickly as Arrrgh lost control.
"You are making to much-"
Draal was then hit, grunting.
"Arrrgh, calm yourself!" Blinky explained as I stood infront of everyone protectively.
Claire then rushed pass me, yelling his name.
He trampled through us and I took the air.
I dove towards him, landing in front of him.
"Arrrgh, you're safe. We're your friends, remember?" I called out, dodging him.
"He's disoriented! Quiet him before he alerts all of Trollmarket!" Blinky ordered.
Arrrgh then cornered Toby and I waited for any signs of danger, moving closer just in case.
Arrrgh seemed to hesitated before banging both fists on the door once, breathing heavily.
I sighed when the purple went away, landing delicately.
"Wingman." I heard Arrrgh say.
I sighed, smiling with relief.
We all made our way up to him.
"Welcome back." I said, smiling softly.
Blinky then walked up.
"I had but assumed I would never see you again, old friend." Blinky stated.
Arrrgh then pulled him into a hug.
"How did I...?" He began asking, but he looked around.
"Where's Jim?" He asked.
My wings dropped as I looked to the ground.
I cleared my throat, suppressing my tears.
"He... uh, he..." I started, but I couldn't finish it.
"He, uh, went to the Darklands so that no one else would get hurt." Claire stated.
Arrrgh turned to her, humming.
"Must get Jim." Arrrgh stated.
"Oh, yes, so you do know how to save him." Blinky stated, filling me with hope.
"The amulet proclaimed that you are the key to the hunter." Blinky explained, gesturing to the amulet.
"So, tell us, what must we do?" Blinky asked as he, Arrrgh, Claire, and Toby walked down the stairs.
I went to follow him, but Draal stopped me.
"About what I said..." He started, making me turn to him.
"It's fine, Draal. But I can't focus on that right now. When we get Jim back, then we can talk. I'll have figured everything out by then, can you wait until then?" I asked, my voice soft.
I then looked over to the others before looking at him.
"We got Arrrgh back, let's enjoy it." I stated.
He nodded, snorting.
I smiled.
We then both made our way up to the others.
Arrrgh was moving towards the Soothscryer before going in.
Arrrgh then reappeared almost immediately.
"Arrrgh, what did you see?" Toby asked.
"Did you meet the spooky troll ghosts?" He asked, making me roll my eyes at him.
Arrgh then opened his eyes, them glowing a beautiful blue.
"He did convene with us, but I am not Aarghamont." Kanjigar's voice spoke.
"Kanjigar the Courageous." Blinky spoke.
"Okay, possession. That's a thing now." I stated, more than uncomfortable.
"Wait what?" Toby asked.
"At ease Blinkous." Kanjigar spoke, seeing Blinky had bowed.
He then added, "Yes, it is I."
"It is you... Father." Draal stated, walking up to him.
"Well met." Kanjigar stated, putting a hand on Draal's shoulder.
Draal pulled him into a hug.
"My son." Kanjigar finished, hugging him back.
I refused the urge to awe in that moment.
"But how? What happened to Arrrgh?" Draal asked, pulling away.
"Your friend is here with me." Kanjigar replied.
"Arrrgh walked the line between life and death, so he alone could become a vessel for me to aid you." He explained.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey there, troll-tergeist! Give me my wingman back!" Toby ordered, making me face-palm.
"At ease, Tobias Domzalski. I will only stay until my work is done." Kanjigar stated.
"But excues me, Lord sir Kanjig---Arrrgh... What exactly are you here to do?" Claire asked awkwardly.
"I thought you knew." Kanjigar stated, making me nod.
"Skylar, you know everything, tell us." Blinky stated.
"I don't know everything. We just need a Trollhunter to activate the bridge, Jim's still alive therefore the amulet can't move on to someone else, but he can't activate the bridge from where we is and since Arrrgh was on the borderline of life and death, he makes the perfect vessel in order for Kanjigar to open the bridge for us so then we can get Jim. I assume you have a plan?" I asked, turning back to face Kanjigar.
They all blinked at me.
"And the plan?" I asked.
Just then the gates started to open.
"I knew it! Detain them!" Vendel ordered.
"Find the staff!" He added.
"How fun." I muttered, opening my wings.
Draal and Kanjigar shared a nod before he rolled towards the trolls behind us.
Kanjigar then summoned the sword, and I summoned mine.
"Arrrgh? What dark powers have you meddled with?" Vendel asked.
Kanjigar nodded for me to go help out Draal, making me nod in turn.
I flew over, fighting off one as he took care of the other.
The others then came over to us once both trolls were dealt with, the others being cut off by the forge running.
"We have little time. This will take us to Bone's Alley." Kanjigar explained.
"But, father-"
"Follow me, son. We are together at last." Kanjigar stated.
We followed after him as I let my swords disappear.
We made our way to Blinky's study.
"Claire Nunez, I require a portal to Killahead Bridge. Quickly." Kanjigar stated.
"Killahead." Claire stated, opening a portal.
Kanjigar then through the items he gathered through.
"Quick, everyone though!" Kanjigar ordered.
Claire grunted, and something shot past us, causing the portal to close as we looked back.
Kanjigar walked forward, taking the troll out quickly.
"We'll take the gyre!" Kanjigar exclaimed, making me smirk.
We made it to the gyre and we got in.
I smirked starting it up.
"Even now you enjoy this thing?" Toby asked, making me nod.
"Can I drive?" I asked.
"No!" Everyone shouted, making me roll my eyes as Kanjigar took the wheel.
I threw my hands in the air as we took off down the tunnel.
"But Killahead's in the woods. There's no gyre station there." Blinkous stated as I enjoyed the thrill, excitement coursing through me at the thought of seeing Jim.
"We don't need one." Kanjigar replied.
We then stopped for a second before we shot into the air.
We burst through the ground, shooting into the sky before landing roughly.
I got out first, smirking
"Now that is how you travel!" I exclaimed, once we landed.
I then turned to the bridge, my smile dropping.
Everything dropped as if it was just be and the bridge.
"-lar! Skylar!" I heard my name being called, snapping me back.
"Yeah, what?" I asked, looking around at everyone.
They all had strange items.
Kanjigar was looking at me, expecting something.
"I um... I zoned out for a second. What did I miss?" I asked.
"You need to stay out here with Draal. Make sure no one gets out." He repeated, making me nod.
"Anything to get Jim out of there." I replied.
"Now then, you all have your orders." Kanjigar stated.
"Wait! This is all happening so fast. We don't even know our way around the Darklands." Claire stated.
"But your gnome, who survived it, does." Kanjigar stated, making me nod as we turned to face Chompsky.
"He will be a guide... and more." Kanjigar stated.
"Jim's time is short. I sense Gunmar readying to destroy him." Kanjigar stated.
I growled at the name.
I stood next to Draal, waiting for the moment as everyone else readied themselves.
I sighed softly as Kanjigar touched the amulet, the bridge putting itself together.
Flashbacks came to me as the bridge stood complete.
"What is the plan, Kanjigar? I have naught but a flare and more questions than answers." Blinky stated.
"I cannot reveal more, for to know your future is to risk dooming it." Kanjigar replied before adding, "Trust in yourselves and me, and all will be clear soon enough."
"Um..." Blinky trailed off.
"Don't worry! With super Trollhunter Kanjig-Arrrgh by our side, two for one, boom! We can't lose!" Toby stated.
"I'm afraid I will not be joining you into the Darklands." Kanjigar stated, making the two gasp.
"After I open the bridge, I must use the last of my power here to keep it open." Kanjigar explained.
"Wait, you're leaving?" Claire asked.
"You will need Arrrgh, not I. He will make his own way." He replied.
"Oh, dear. Is that another one of your riddles?" Blinky asked.
"One revolution of the amulet's arm is all the time I can grant you before the bridge closes. Best of luck, Trollhunters!" Kanjigar stated.
He put the amulet in and the portal opened.
I took a breath.
"Remember what you must do, my son." Kanjigar stated before disappearing.
"Worry not! We'll get through this as we always do, together." Blinky stated.
"Draal, Skylar, We'll be back soon. Keep the door open, will ya?" Claire asked, making me smirk.
"Just as long as you bring back my brother." I replied, making her nod.
"For Jim!" They shouted, running through the Bridge.
"Bring back our Trollhunter, my friends." I heard Draal whisper.
"They will... I know they will." I stated.
The air became awkward between us as we waited in silence.
"Want to talk?" I asked, breaking the silence.

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