17: Blinky's Day Out

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I was in the Heroes forge, waiting for Jim to come back from the Void.
I then heard Draal running towards me.
I glanced over my shoulder, standing as I spread my wings only to fold them again.
He seemed to only want to talk to Jim.
I sighed when he ran pass me as Jim appeared.
Once Draal explained the situation, Jim left quickly.
Jim took off and I walked across the bridge with Draal.
We did not talk to eachother, we didn't so much as look at eachother.
"Did I do something wrong?" I found myself asking aloud.
I refused to meet his gaze as we continued walking.
"No. I have just been... thinking lately." He replied.
"What about?" I asked, tilting my head as I looked at him.
I recieved no answer as he looked away.
I sighed, stopping and stretching out my wings.
"I'll meet you there." I stated before shooting forward, landing next to Jim.
He had Arrrgh behind him, a troll holding a rope to the bag in the air.
Suddenly the troll let the bag drop, it hitting the ground in front of us.
Jim summoned his sword and started untying the bag as Draal walked up to us.
Once the bag opened, a human head popped out.
"Oh. Thank you, Jim." He said, making everyone gasp... well, not so much me, I just stepped forward, helping him out of the bag.
I stared into his eyes, seeing some sort of familiarness.
I stepped back, frowning.
"How did you get past Trollmarket's barrier and how do you know my name?" Jim asked, threatening the man with his sword.
"Master Jim, it's me, Blinky." He insisted.
"No. He lies." Arrrgh stated.
"I believe him." I stated.
"You believe everything." Jim stated, making me scoff.
"Well excuse me. I'll just be on my way if it's such a problem for you." I stated, turning to him.
"I don't have time for this Skylar. I don't have time to deal with you." Jim said, making me freeze.
"No matter what I do. I'm always just going to be a burden to you." I stated.
"Skylar, that's not what I-" Jim started, but my wings engulfed in flames cut him off.
"No. I know what you meant. I'll leave you to deal with this yourself." I stated.
I turned away and shot towards the stairs of Trollmarket.
I landed and walked out, hiding my wings.
I grabbed my phone, turning it off completely before walking off into the woods.
My small area came into veiw and I sighed.
I felt a pressure in my chest, tightening, causing me to close my eyes.
Suddenly, I heard a scream echoing around me.
I had only realized it was me when I was breathing heavily.
When I opened my eyes, waves of ice spread out around me, curling towards me.
They were about half my height.
I shot fire from my hand, melting the ice around me, but it wouldn't melt completely.
In it's place were stones, shining in the sun.
I frowned as I walked up to one, picking up a smaller one next to it.
When I picked it up, a man with a white beard appeared, but disappeared just as quickly when I dropped the stone.
Suddenly they all disappeared, leaving imprints of where they were in the grass.
After a few minutes, I sighed, deciding to fly back to the canal.
I landed just as it was being opened.
Jim walked out with the human whom claimed to be Blinky.
Jim spotted me, making me roll my eyes.
He chuckled awkwardly.
"Turns out, he is Blinky." Jim stated.
"Uh-huh." was my only reply as I waited for Blinky to step into the sunlight.
Hesitantly, he took a step, Jim pulling him into the sunlight.
He ran out from under the bridge, enjoying the sunshine.
"It's so... bright." Blinky stated, looking down and rubbing his eyes as he stumbled back.
"Yeah, well, don't stare at it." Jim advised.
"Master Jim, I want to see more." Blinky stated as I veiled my wings once again.
The two of them ran off as I looked back to Arrrgh.
"I'll be back later, okay?" I asked, smiling softly.
"Okay." He stated with a smile, making me nod before taking off after the two.
I wasn't talking much, spacing out as I followed the two.

We ended up at home, Draal already there.
Blinky was grabbing different foods from the fridge and cupboards as I leaned against the wall, watching the four as NotEnrique was there too.
I froze when Draal told Jim about Strickler kissing Mom.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked, enraged as I pushed myself off the wall.
They turned to me, seeming to just notice I was there.
I gritted my teeth in anger.
I turned on my heel and started moving towards the door.
"Skylar, where are you going?" Jim asked.
"Just for a walk. I'll be back soon." I replied calmly, sending a chill down his spine as his skin turned white.
He knew I meant trouble.
"Skylar, I don't think-" He was cut off as I opened the door, shooting into the sky within a second.
I landed, walking into the school as I hid my wings.
I threw the office door open, seeing Strickler sitting at his desk.
I threw my hand out, throwing him out of the seat and against the wall.
I walked up to him, a sword forming in my hand.
"I know what you did." I growled, feeling another presence in the room.
I ignored it for now, keeping eye contact with Strickler.
"You kill me, you kill your mother." He reminded.
A smirk fell to my face, confusing him.
I turned quickly, blocking an attack and kicking the troll back.
"For now, that is the case. How long will it last, Strickler? How long until that ring is gone from your possession? Everything is temporary Strickler, and soon enough. You're existance will no longer be." I stated.
"Is that a threat?" He asked, making me chuckle darkly.
"It's a promise." I replied.
I threw the sword into the air, letting it disappear as I walked out of the room.
I made sure to brighten the hallways, ensuring my safety.
I walked out of the school before flying back home.
I landed in the backyard, hiding my wings as I walked in.
Draal headed to the basement as NotEnrique got stuffed into the fridge.
Blinky then walked down the stairs as Mom walked in.
Mom suddenly started attacking and I rushed forward.
"Mom, it's alright." I stated, standing in front of Blinky.
Jim then walked over.
"Mom, he's with us." Jim explained, helping Blinky up.
"He's... Oh! Wait, wait, what? I'm sorry, who are you?" Mom asked, confused.
"He's, uh.." Jim started.
"I'm. uh.." Blinky started.
"He's our guidance counselor. Mr. Blinky." I stated.
"Since when do guidance conselors make house calls?" Mom asked.
"I'm new." Blinky stated.
"Principal Strickler just brought him in." Jim stated.
Blinky then cleared his throat.
"Do you mind if we speak alone?" Blinky asked, gesturing to the kitchen.
She nodded and they both started walking.
"When I was first introduced to you children, I never met anyone like them. They were scared, vulnerable, filled with questions." Blinky explained.
"They were acting out." He added, causing Jim to do a thumbs up.
"Having a father walk out on one's life is a traumatic experience enough, but at his tender age..." Blinky trailed off, noticing Jim to signal for him to stop.
Mom turned to us as I looked away.
"If you two needed to talk to someone..." Mom started.
I bit the inside of my cheek.
"Well. you're always kind of working." Jim explained.
"That's what this is all about?" Mom asked.
"The trouble the both of you've been getting into and the late nights and the strange behavior?" Mom asked, a sad smile on her face as she grabbed Jim by the shoulders, making me realize she was talking to him more than she was me.
After all, that behavior was nothing new for me.
"The letter..." Jim stated.
"I wasn't sure how to tell you, and I had to tell someone, and Mr. Blinky's helped me through a lot of stuff." Jim explained.
"Mr. Blinky?" She asked.
"Bulgarian. It's pronounced 'Blink-heh'." Blinky jumped in.
Mom engulfed Jim in a hug, making my gut twist.
Their voices drowned out as I leaned against the wall, staring at nothing in particular.
I then saw Toby and Claire walking in.
Everyone started walking out and I turned to follow.
"Skylar." I heard mom call, making me freeze.
"Yes?" I asked, keeping my tone cool.
"Please help your brother through this." She pleaded, making me nod.
"Of course Mom." I replied before walking out.

We ended up at a cliff, the sun setting.
I sat at the edge, watching it move slowly.
I stiffened, feeling the presence.
I stood up, turning behind me as I saw him put totems in the dumpster.
Our eyes met, he seemed to freeze for just a moment, but he turned and walked into the trees.
"I'll be back." I stated, causing them to nod as they stared at the sun.
I started walking, following him on silent feet.
He stopped, turning to face me.
I took this time to study him as I revealed my wings, just in case.
"I don't believe I ever got your name." I stated, keeping my distance.
"And I will never learn yours." He stated, turning to walk away.
I flew above him, landing in front of him.
I hummed when he stopped.
"You'd be right. I won't tell you my name. I'm surprised Strickler hasn't told you." I stated.
He then started putting yellow stones in a circle.
I watched as I waited for his name.
"Your friends will be in danger, yet you are here without warning them." He stated.
"Indeed I am. They've made it clear they don't need my help." I replied.
He stood up to his full height, staring down to me.
"Angor Rot. Correct?" I asked, making him scowl.
I hummed, smiling softly.
"Thought so." I stated.
I then turned and started walking off, back to my brother.
I heard Claire's scream as Angor Rot stopped behind a bush.
I leaned against a tree, watching, waiting for them to ask for my help.
Three soon appeared, making me glance at Angor Rot.
I rolled my eyes at them as I watched.
Jim then spotted me.
"Skylar, c'mon help us out!" He ordered.
I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off the tree.
I took off towards them, folding my wings to form a bullet as I spiraled towards one.
I flew throw it, the glass cutting my wings.
I grabbed the totem and broke it.
"One down." I stated.
I stretched out my arms, shaking the glass from my wings as I healed them.
"Try not to be so reckless." Blinky advised.
"Whatever." I replied, jumping onto the arm of another and running up to it's shoulder.
I jumped over it's head, slicing my hand as I landed on the other shoulder.
Jim had disappeared and so did Angor Rot.
I was then thrown to the ground.
I healed my wounds again, noticing some of my feathers on the ground.
The others were handling the two just fine from what I could tell.
I looked over my shoulder, knowing Jim had went after the mysterious troll.
I ran forward, hiding my wings.
I dodged trees as I kept running, soon seeing Jim.
He was frozen in place by the looks of it and Angor Rot was doing something to his face.
I sprouted my wings, taking to the air.
He turned, a black matter forming behind him.
It disappeared before I could grab him.

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