59: Our Final Act

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We made our way back to Arcadia, deciding to land in the street.
Ice chunks were everywhere, making me frown.
Douxie hopped and as did I, not wanting to reveal my wings at the moment.
Douxie tucked the Genesis Seals underhis arm, seeming oblivious to the ice as he started walking towards Hex Tech.
Only then did he realize the ice and a bit of fire burning.
"No." He whispered.
"No, no, no. No, no, no! NO!" His voice rose in volume as he repeated the same word.
We ran towards Hex Teck, opening the door.
Ice was everywhere inside.
"Claire! Steve! Nari!" He yelled out as I opened my wings, flying around the small area.
"What happened here?" He asked.
I spotted Krel.
He was trapped in ice groaning.
I landed.
"Krel! No." He said as I summoned fire to my hand, lowering the flames so it would melt the ice, but wouldn't burn him.
"Step aside." Douxie said, making me nod.
He blasted the ice, shattering it and making Krel fall.
"Couldn't stop them." He said weakly as we propped him up against the wall.
"Took Nari. Oh, wait!" He said, seeming to have gathered his strength back when he caught the noise that I heard.
He stood up and walked over to the head.
"He can show you." He stated, picking it up.
"How are you, buckaroo?" The head asked before connecting to the TV and showing us what happened.
It showed the Arcane order, the last thing being Toby... well Toby being Toby.
Bellroc then stombed on it, cutting off the video.
"That's all, fo-" He cut himself off short-circuiting before shutting off.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Douxie exclaimed.
He then cleared the rubble off the desk, setting down the book.
He started looking through it.
"No! Oh, please tell me there's something in here to help." He pleaded as Krel sat on the shelf, Archie stood on the desk near Douxie and I stared out the window, thinking.
"You don't need the book to tell you the answe, Doux. Merlin was clear. If the order has Nari, we can't let them get the Seals, or it's Arcane Armageddon." Archie stated, stepping on the page.
Douxie sighed.
"But I can't just leave our friends to die." Douxie stated as I frowned.
"It's not easy being a leader." Krel stated.
"The Order will never stop coming after the Seals." Archie stated.
"We'll spend the rest of our lives running." Douxie stated.
"Save our friends or save the world?" Krel asked.
"You have to make a decision." Krel stated as Douxie walked over to me.
"We're out of time!" He exclaimed.
Douxie them pulled out a piece from the Heart of Avalon from his pocket.
"Or maybe... time is all we have." He stated, making me smirk.
We started putting together the plan.

Douxie then sent his message to the Arcane order as Krel worked with his task.
"Your designs were complicated, but I'm 98.442 percent sure that this will work." Krel stated as Doux walked up to him.
"I like those odds." I stated before he put the crystal into the device.
It buzzed at firat before Krel laughed.
"Akiridion teck and magic are so compatible! Who would have thought?" He asked.
"No turning back now." Archie stated.
"Wasn't planning on it." Douxie stated, picking up the device.
"Arch, pass me those salad bowls, then head out." Douxie ordered.
"Krel, prep the airship." He added, making Krel grunt as he threw his arm over his shoulders.
"And Skylar, watch us from above incase anything goes wrong." He said, making me nod.
"I'll always follow you, Doux, but this could be a huge mistake." Archie stated.
"A wizard does not make mistakes, he makes unexpected possibilities." Doux quoted.
We then put the plan into action, Doux going inside the Cafe as I hid ontop of the roof, waiting for the Arcane order.
I heard the guitar first before Douxie walked out.
We got onto the ship and headed towards there flying castle.
We made our way inside as Archie was already freeing everyone.
Douxie started playing his guitar-staff, making Jim stop and cover his ears so he couldn't hurt anyone else.
He then hit Jim, knocking him out cold.
"Is everybody all right?" He asked.
"Douxie!" Toby exclaimed as I walked forward, doubling checking Jim to make sure he wasn't faking it.
"I'd hug ya, but I can't move my arms." He added as he shivered.
"Where is the Arcane order?" Claire asked as I helped Arrrgh up.
"I have them preoccupied." Douxie stated.
"It's rather time consuming." I put in.
"What's the Queen of the Apocalypse doing here?" He then asked.
"What I should've done long ago, deal with my brother." She stated.
Her eyes then widened when she saw me.
"I thought you were dead." She stated.
"That's what we were counting on." I said with a shrug.
She nodded before walking off.
"Get your injured to safety." She said before floating into the air.
"Nari! She's not here with you?" Douxie asked, putting his hands on Claire's shoulders.
"They locked her up somewhere." Claire replied before asking, "Douxie, did you get the Seals?"
"Uh..." He started, looking over at me.
"We'll explain later. Let's go." I said.
"Grab Jim." Claire ordered, turning to the others as Douxie and I started walking.
"Got him." Arrrgh stated, picking him up with ease.
We walked outside and Douxie whistled.
Krel floated out of the clouds, scraping the ship against the flying castle.
"Not exactly stealthy." I said, wincing at the scraping of metal as everyone else covered their ears.
"Sorry, sorry! I'm still getting the hang of it." Krel apologized.
Once the scratching of metal stopped, everyone uncovered their ears.
"Alright, everyone on board. Krel will take you down to Arcadia. I have to get Nari, see my plan through to the end." Douxie stated.
"Doux." I called as he started walking away.
He turned to me, determination in his eyes.
"Goodluck." I stated.
He nodded and I got onto the ship with everyone else.
Jim starting to wake up.
He got up and the ship was spinning in circles.
We all stood around Krel.
My wings were open as he stared at us.
He then roared.
"No, no, no! Go back to sleep, Big Jim!" Steve said, lifting his axe.
Jim grabbed it, lifting Steve into the air.
He then flung Steve off the side, but he grabbed hold.
"Steve!" Claire shouted with worry.
"No!" She and I shouted as Jim through the axe at Krel.
We started spining, everyone screaming as smoke surrounded us.
My wings acted on their own, taking me into the air.
I dove after everyone and I threw my hands forward, manipulating the air to make the landing easier, but I never had to lift something this heavy.
Claire then opened a portal, them going through, making me sigh as I lowered to the ground, them appearing out of another portal.
They then landed roughly and I flew down to them as the ship scraped across the forest floor.
Arrrgh and Jim were fighting Morgana and Arthur not too far away from us.
Jim broke free from Arrrgh, throughing him into Blinky.
He then took out Steve as I dodged his fist.
After what had happened last time... I didn't want it to happen again.
"Come on, Jimbo. It's Toby, your best friend." Toby stated, but that only made him roar.
Toby fell over.
"Oh, no. Oh, no!" Toby went on.
Claire then made a portal under him before I could help or Jim could hurt him.
"Jim Lake Jr. I know you can hear me. I know you're still in there." Claire stated.
I decided to stay back, only jump in to help.
If anyone could bring Jim back from this... It was her.
Her eyes glowed purple as she tried to make him remember, break Arthurs hold on him.
They yellow turned purple before back again.
"Get out of my head!" He shouted.
Claire opened a portal and jumped through before appearing behind him.
This went on like this and I checked on everyone to make sure they were okay while Claire took care of Jim.
Every now and then I would search for Douxie's presence, making sure he was still alive.
Nari and Archie soon met up with us and I checked on them as well.
Claire had hit Jim with a strong blast of her power, making him hit a tree.
There was so much going on at the same time.
Claire was then picked up by her throat.
"Claire!" Blinky and I shouted.
Jim wasn't killing her...
I didn't make a move as I watched him, the yellow becoming purple once more.
Suddenly the last remaining tower of Camelot fell from the sky, crushing Arthur as a blast of dust surrounded us, his hold over Jim breaking as Jim protected her from the blast.
My wings surrounded me as I kneeled to the ground, shielding myself from it.
When it was over, I opened my wings.
I saw Jim's eyes as he stood.
He then started turning to stone and I rushed over.
"Jim!" I shouted, running in front of him and stopping next to Claire.
Jim turned to stone completely and I fell to my knees as Claire touched his face.
I tucked my knees into my chest, my wings wrapping around me once again as I cried.
I could hear Claire crying as well.
I then heard stone crumbling and I opened my wings, seeing Jim.
"Claire." He said weakly.
She gasped as I sighed with relief, wiping my tears away as Claire ran to Jim, giving him a hug.
I stood and walked over, Claire pulling away.
I trapped Jim into a hug myself.
We then pulled away as the Arcane Order's flying castle came apart.
Douxie was falling.
Nari was running towards him but I opened my wings, flying towards him.
Nari stopped, thankful that I was there.
I caught him, spinning in the air for a moment from the sudden weight.
I then got the right postition, flying towards Nari.
I landed, gently setting Douxie down.
He was out cold.
A headache started to form in my head again.
Memories that I didn't remember making came to my mind.
The headache went away as I understood what I was... who I was.
Everyone had surrounded Douxie and he was waking up.
I sighed in relief as everyone gasped.
"Douxie. You brave, foolish boy." Archie stated, nuzzling into him.
He groaned as he sat up.
"But everything hurts." He stated as Steve helped him sit up.
"I can't believe that you're okay." Claire stated.
"Barely! Seems you're the one with nine lives." Archie joked.
"And don't you ever do that again." He added quickly and quite seriously.
Steve then helped him stand up as we did the same.
"Happy you're alive, Teach." Claire stated.
"Yeah!" Steve stated.
Claire then helped keep Douxie upright, making him groan.
"Easy, I just came back from beyond the grave." He stated.
"Oh, suck it up. You're not the only one." I stated jokingly.
"Hey, wait. Where's Jim?" He asked after giving me a half smile from the pain he was in.
The others then moved aside, showing Jim was back to normal.
"Mordrax's miracles." He said as Claire ran up to him once again.
"It seems I missed a lot." He added.
"Same, but glad to be back." Jim stated.
"What about Arthur?" Douxie asked.
I shrugged.
"Squished." Arrrgh stated.
"Flatter than a pancake." I added, making my eyes widen.
I would really like some pancakes.
"Indeed." Blinky agreed.
"And I'm afraid with their demise, Excalibur..." he trailed off, making everyone turn to face the sword in stone.
"Is right over here!" Toby exclaimed.
Toby ran over, immediately tryning to pull it out with no such luck.
He then gave up.
"Okay, I just had to try." He said in defeat.
"What of you, Master Jim?" Blinky asked.
"What?" Jim asked.
"Jim, Blinky's right. With Arthur gone, someone needs to wield Excalibur." Douxie stated.
"Who better than the Trollhunter?" Claire asked, walking over to the sword.
Jim walked up to it.
He stepped onto the rock, hesitantly putting his hands around the hilt.
He then pulled once.
He pulled again, trying harder.
No such luck.
He sighed, stepping away.
"But without the amulet, am I still the Trollhunter?" Jim asked.
"This means nothing, Jim." Doux stated, now standing on his own.
"If I've learned anything, it's that we don't draw strength from magic artifacts like amulets and swords. Our strength is something far less enchanted, but no less special." He stated, pulling all four of us together as he walked behind us.
"Our friends." He stated, putting his arm around Jim and I.
"We are the protectors of this world. That's why I made the gamble I did. Because the only way to stop the Arcane order and save this world is to do it together." Douxie stated as we gathered around together.
"Are you sure our Douxie came back from the dead?" Claire asked as Archie hopped onto his shoulder.
"This one is super sappy." She added.
"Cheeky." He stated.
Arrrgh, Nari, and Toby started laughing as I smiled.
He then looked to the sky.
"It's time Nari and I got a move on, before the order catches up." Doux stated.
"You're leaving? Already?" Claire asked.
"Yeah, you just finished a whole speech about saving the world together." Steve added.
He hopped into the ship with Archie.
"Where are you going?" Jim asked.
"I promised Merlin I'd keep Nari safe, which means taking her far away from here. Don't worry, I'll be seeing you champions of Arcadia soon enough." Douxie replied.
We then flew off and we turned to eachother.

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