36: Mistrial and Error

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"The Trollhunter is on trial for choosing to go into the Darklands, allowing the release of Gunmar the Black. James Lake, Jr. has admitted responsibility for his actions. What say you of the charges?" Queen Usurna went on.
"We'll fight all charges!" Blinky stated.
"Once convicted, the Trollhunter will be sentenced to exile in the deep." Usurna stated.
I zoned out... vision growing black before I zoned back in.
"Troll Law states that the accused may only be represented by his own tribe." Vendel stated.
"But these Children don't know the slightest about Troll Law." Blinky tried.
I did... I read about it... But I couldn't do that now.
I zoned back out.
When I zoned back in, Claire was pulling me into Blinky's study area.
"Come on, you need to focus." Claire stated.
"I don't trust Usurna." I stated, shrugging.
"Okay, you are going to just follow us." Claire stated, dragging me with her and Blinky.
No matter how much I tried to focus, my mind kept going to Draal and how he was being controlled.
I shook my head, hearing Claire shout.
"Okay, so we got bad cop and insane cop." I mumbled seeing Blinky pull out one of the explosive rocks they told me about.
It exploded anyone, but luckily Blinky dropped it, causing it to roll away, unluckily it exploded in the center of Trollmarket.
"I think I should stop zoning out if this is the lengths you go to." I said, Claire dragging me with her as Blinky led us to this Krax fellow.
I sighed.
"I'm checking on Jim." I stated, pulling away and walking to my new destination.
I stopped when he was talking, leaning in.
Everything stopped when the Tribunal left to make their decision.
I walked out, holding back tears once again.
I zoned out as I sat, Toby and Arrrgh joining me.
Arrrgh picked me up and put me on his shoulder as he walked with the others.
I didn't know where we were going, or if I was really moving.
I didn't know.
Arrrgh set me down and I heard Vendel's voice.
I looked around, frowing.
A small hope filled me as Vendel agreed to do all he could to help us.

A few moments later, we all stood infront of the Tribunal.
My arms were crossed as I glared at Usurna, wondering where Vendel was.
"The Tribunal will come to order." She stated.
I sighed, looking around, waiting for Vendel.
"He said no such thing to me." Usurna stated, making me raise a brow.
"You're lying." I muttered.
"Well, we'd certainly expect the accused to say as much, wouldn't we?" Usurna asked.
I growled lowly, I knew where this was heading.
"The Tribunal finds the Trollhunter..." She stopped, ignoring Toby.
"Guilty!" She shouted, making me unfold my wings slightly as Blinky placed a hand on my shoulder, making me fold them again.
"He is hereby sentenced to exile in the Deep, to face death at the hands of his greatest fear." Usurna stated.
I jumped onto Arrrgh and grabbed onto the cage, grabbing his hand.
"Jim, you can survive this. I can't loose you too." I whispered, grabbing his hand.
He nodded.
"I'll do my best." He replied in a whisper as one of the Krubera pulled me away.
"Jim!" I shouted, tears falling from my eyes.
"Skylar, you need to take care of mom." He said.
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
I was set down and I stood at the edge with Claire.
Jim nodded once at me before the cage lowered quickly.
I fell to my knees as I stared into the darkness, watching the blue glow of his armor disappear.
The chain then started coming back up.
"He's gonna make it, he's gonna make it." Toby repeated.
The chain stopped, no cage and no Jim attatched.
Tears fell softly, but I didn't feel anything.
"He's still alive." I whispered to myself as tears kept falling.

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