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'ello! How you doing?

Prologue: Leaving

I remember it like it was yesterday. Well, it was, but in a dream. I've never had dreams like this. This is very strange for me.

I'm Natasha Rose. I'm 17, and live in Texas. I have 3 younger brothers and 0 sisters. I have a cat, whom name is Robecca. We don't if the cat is a girl or a guy, so we mixed Robert and Becca together.

I'm dating the famous Austin Mahone. Yeah, I know shocker right? Not really. It's hard me, to be honest. I'm never mentioned in Austin's interviews. He said he doesn't want me to get hate and get mobbed by fans, so that's one reason and the only reason. I hang out with Alex, Robert, Zach, Benji, and of course, Sarah.

They don't want to mention me. And I honor them for that, they all have Austin's back. Well, we all have his back.

When I first meet Austin was when my dad, Dave, was called. He/we are a family friend to the Mahone's. Me and Austin have been friends since kindergarten, but never really hung out. We just talked about our lives, said 'Good-bye' then continued our little lives.

Austin didn't really notice me 'til the third or fourth grade. When Alex and Robert started talking and hanging out with me. That's when me and Austin actually talked. We became good friends after that. Always inviting each other to our parties, vacations, walks to the park, getting our hair cut, going to the hospital, going to the dentist, etc. We would do things together. We would talk to eachother 24/7. We couldn't be apart one second; well, besides going to sleep and getting changed after a shower. We would always tell eachother what we had for lunch, breakfast, and dinner. It wasn't strange for us, it was normal to be honest. Alex and Robert thought we would make a cute couple when we were older, but me and Austin would always disagree with them. We loved eachother as brother and sister way. I always let Austin copy off of me when he didn't do his homework. Or when he would let me have his lunch when I didn't have mine. It was nice of him to do that for me. We had our own secret little handshake and our own 'Co-words.' Girls would hate me in middle school because Austin only paid attention to me, and only me. It was like I was his world. His life. Like my heartbeat, was his heartbeat. It was strange for me.

Then one day in tenth grade, me and him kind of hit it hard. It was an honest mistake. We both admit that it was an honest mistake. When we told Alex and Robert they couldn't stop laughing, they knew that that this day would come. Me and Austin were pretty scared about me being pregnant. But I told him that I'm not.

Five or so months after our 'Live While We're Young' moment, I wasn't feeling well for a couple of days. Then the days turned into weeks.

I told Austin about my stomach hurting, and he would keep saying I'm carrying his child, I would always doubt him. I would always get sick and throw up about ten or so times a year.

My mom thought the same as Austin. Later, Austin's mom also had her thoughts. Then Alex had his. So did Robert. Then both of our fathers had their mad thoughts as well. I was the only one who didn't think I was pregnant. They all know that I would always get sick during the school year.

My mom and Robert couldn't take it anymore, and took me to get my blood test taken. I would always kick or through a punch at them to let me go, yelling that I wasn't pregnant. My mom would say 'You are too. You know what I'm cooking from three miles away Natasha.' Robert just wanted me to go to the doctors to know if he was going to be an uncle, which was stupid back then.

"Ms. Natasha Rose, the results are right here." A nurse smiled at me, handing me a folder.

I looked at my mom and Robert; who was on the phone with Austin, who was desperate to know the results. I shook my head at Robert.

"Ah man. The nurse is getting pissed at me right now. So I'll tell you later." Robert chuckled into his iPhone 4S.

I don't want anybody but the three of us knowing the results. Plus, the doctors and nurses. I didn't want to open the folder. I was scared as heck. I was shaking like crazy. I was breathing not in a pattern.

"Mom, you read it. I can't do it." I handed my mom the orange folder, with the resluts. I didn't even want to be in this position. Not one bit. I didn't even want to be here in this hospital. I was missing school. Oh wait, it's Saturday. No school today. Yay!

My mom looked at with a 'Are you sure' glare. I nodded in her direction. Gulping every frear and swear down my throat. My heart beatting every possible answer that could be in the orange folder. My hair for each fear that I've been having for the last couple of weeks/days. I closed my eyes. I felt like time around me forze. Felt like I was alone in the middle of nowhere. But I wasn't I was in a hospital to know if I'm going to be mother or not.

"Natasha. You're-re-re-re-" My mom stumbled the words.

I started shaking my head. This couldn't happen. Not this way.

"Pregnant." Robert sighed, finishing the sentence for my mom.

My phnoe rang. I took it out of my pockets with my shaking hands.


"Hello?" I asked, trying to sound normal.

"So? What are the results?" Austin asked. He sounded eager. He sounded like a man who'se life is on the line.

"I'm not pregnant. It was nothing. I guess it was something I ate. Well, I have to go. Robert is being an ass right now. Well, bye babe." I rambled, quickly hanging up.

My mom and Robert gave me a look.

What? It was for the best. Austin is going to be famous anyways. When my stomack is going to grow, he's going to be across America, doing tours, and all the things famous YouTube stars do. It was for the best. If I told Austin I'm pregnant, he's going to refuse being a famous YouTube star, and I didn't want to do that to him. I wanted him to live his dreams. Not to stay back and take care me and his child. I didn't do this for me. I did this for Austin. It's the best for him.

Austin doesn't have to know he has a child. He doesn't have to know. Maybe when the child is in kindergarten, I'll tell him. But not right now. I'll be destroying a dreamers dream.

I didn't want to do that.

I'm going to do this on my own.

I'm going to raise Austin's child by myself. I can act like a mother and father.

I can do both.

But may the Lord bless his soul.




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Edited: 07/03; tell me if there's more mistakes, thank you!

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