Chapter 14: Skype or Kik?

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Things not to do while being pregnant: play basketball, drink, drink alcohol, drum, break-dance, sneeze, do back-flips, run, or jump rope! xD


Chapter 14: Skype or Kik?


            I’ve been in the hospital for 18 hours, but I didn’t really care to be honest, the baby wouldn’t let me sleep.

            “Natasha, go to sleep! You have final exams tomorrow, honey,” my dad rolled his eyes at me, sitting on the chair next to my bed.

            “Shut up, I can’t sleep! I mean, so many things have been on my mind, and…” I said, frowning a little.

            “I know, I know. Austin is in my mind right now, making me stay up.” My dad kissed my forehead.

            “I mean, he has a girlfriend! How do I not know this? We’re in the eighth grade, and been friends since like elementary school, and he can’t tell me he has a girlfriend?! He wouldn’t like it if I dated Robert and didn’t tell him, now would he? And to think he’s dating my best friend, Chelsea and that he liked her since the beginning of the year is crazy! I mean, I like Robert a little, but I don’t go out with him! It’s super awkward, dad! I mean, at lunch, they’re all laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle, kiss on the cheek, kiss kiss! It’s so weird! I’ve had a crush on him for what, three to four years now and he doesn’t notice that, but he notices that Chelsea liked him for the past five months! That’s why I’m staying up! You know what, I’m going to flunk the test, so I can repeat eighth grade and date the upcoming eighth grade to see if I find the next guy I’ll like so I don’t have to see Austin! It’s just that Austin is mostly my everything-” I stopped, since I saw my dad’s face who was trying to hold back a laugh.

            “Looks like I don’t have to ask you what’s wrong, apparently,” he laughed, his face turning red.

            “I can’t believe I just told you that I like Austin.” I covered my face with my pillow, mentally cursing myself for rambling about Austin.

            “Don’t worry,” my dad said, pulling the pillow from my head. “I think it’s cute.” He shrugged, a smirk appearing on his face, his eyes in amusement.

            “I will kill you, dad!” I shouted at him, as he left my room, laughing on his way, turning the lights off and closing my door.


            That was the night I stayed up the longest and woke up really early; went to sleep at two-thirty in the morning, woke up at six-fifty for my early bird class; I literally had the worse day.

Direct Message to: @AustinMahone


Direct Message from: @AustinMahone

Heyy; how are you? and why you up so early?


Direct Message to: @AustinMahone

I’m doing good and the nurses keep checking on me, which made me wake up…/:


Direct Message from: @AustinMahone’s hard to DM you..where else can we talk? Text?

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